
  1. 低速永磁力矩电动机发热的仿真分析与实验测试

    Thermal Simulation Analysis and Test of Low Speed Permanent Magnet Torque Motor

  2. 无刷直流力矩电动机系统传函的精确描述

    A Full Description of Transfer Function of Brushless DC Torque Motor System

  3. 采用Park变换建立了无刷直流力矩电动机系统的动态数学模型;

    The system 's dynamic model is founded on the basis of Park 's transformation .

  4. 圆光栅编码器、力矩电动机和微型计算机等组成。该机采用汉字菜单提示,操作简便,自动化程度较高,并具有良好的检测精度,测试结果由CRT屏幕显示或绘图仪输出。

    With the chinese menu , it is easy to operate its degree of automaticity and testing precision is also highter . The testing results are displayed by CRT screen or by the plotter .

  5. 永磁式直流力矩电动机稳速系统设计

    Design of Speed Control System of Permanent Magnet DC Torque Motor

  6. 永磁无刷力矩电动机峰值转矩能力的研究

    Study on Peak Torque Capability of Permanent Magnet Brushless Torque Motor

  7. 基于力矩电动机的双摆动铣头设计

    Design of double swing cutter head based on direct drive motors

  8. 稀土永磁直流力矩电动机磁结构的优化设计

    Design optimization of magnetic structures for rare earth PM DC torque motors

  9. 有限转角力矩电动机设计及工艺技术研究

    Research on Processing Technics of Limited Running Angle Torque Motor

  10. 力矩电动机驱动双摆头的结构设计

    Structure Design of Multiple Axes Rotary Spindle Head Drived by Torque Motors

  11. 基于模糊控制的小功率直流力矩电动机伺服系统

    Small power direct current torque motor servo system based on fuzzy control

  12. 直流力矩电动机在气球吊篮方位控制系统中的应用

    Application of Direct Current Torque Motor on the Azimuth Control System of Nacelle

  13. 微型交流力矩电动机设计问题浅析

    Analysis in Design for AC Torque Micro - motor

  14. 双余度有限转角力矩电动机控制技术

    Controlling of Dual - redundancy Limited Angle Torque Motor

  15. 交流力矩电动机转矩控制器的设计

    The Design of an AC Torque Motor Moment Controller

  16. 力矩电动机在塔机回转机构上的应用与控制

    Application of electric torque motor in slewing unit of tower crane and its control

  17. 力矩电动机转子的电磁结构与电磁计算

    Electromagnetic Structure and Calculation for Torque Motor Rotor

  18. 有限转角力矩电动机角位移特性的测量方法

    The Methodology Research to Measure Angular Displacement Torque Constant of Limited-Angle Brushless Torque Motor

  19. 电缆卷筒用力矩电动机与卷筒的设计

    The calculation of torque motor capacity and the design of reel body for cable reel

  20. 交流[直流]发电机直流力矩电动机高灵敏度测速机机组

    DC torque motor high sensitivity tachogenerator

  21. GB/T7345-1994控制微电机基本技术要求双余度有限转角力矩电动机控制技术

    General requirements for electrical micro machine for automatic control system Controlling of Dual-redundancy Limited Angle Torque Motor

  22. 讨论了无刷直流力矩电动机系统参数对整个控制系统的影响。

    The effect on the control system caused by the parameters of the BLDC torque motor is discussed .

  23. 针对小功率直流力矩电动机的定位控制问题,提出了一种新的模糊控制策略。

    According to the problem of position of DC torque motor , an new fuzzy control way was put forward .

  24. 本文介绍无刷直流力矩电动机系统结构与运行原理;

    The structure and operating principles of the brushless DC ( BLDC ) torque motor system are introduced in this paper .

  25. 力矩电动机直接驱动双摆头是实现五轴联动数控机床高速化的新形式。

    Multiple axes rotary spindle head driven directly by torque motor is an ideal solution to realize high-speed of5-axis CNC machine tool .

  26. 文中首先介绍了光电跟踪伺服控制系统的硬件结构,和直流力矩电动机调速的方法。

    It introduces the hardware structures of the photoelectric control system and the method of the speed control in direct current torque motor firstly .

  27. 设计了以永磁式直流力矩电动机为执行元件的张力控制系统,它能够实时检测和调整缠绕过程中纤维的张力。

    The tension control system using permanent-magnet DC torque motor as executive component is design . It can inspect and adjust tension at real-time during winding .

  28. 提出了力矩电动机直接驱动五轴联动数控铣床双摆头这一新型驱动技术的研究内容和研究思路。

    Bring forward researchful content and clue of direct drive multiple axes rotary spindle head for CNC milling machine by torque motor that is a new type driving technique .

  29. 为了得到合理的气隙磁通分布,本文提出一种优化直流力矩电动机的稀土永磁结构的机辅设计方法。

    In order to obtain the reasonable air gap flux distribution , a computer-aided design approach of optimizing the rare earth magnet structures for dc torque motors is presented in this paper .

  30. 然而,为了充分利用昂贵的稀土永磁体,在直流力矩电动机的传统磁结构中,直接用稀土永磁体取代铝镍钴磁钢是不适宜的。

    However , to take full advantage of the expensive rare earth magnets , simply replacing the alnico magnets by rare earth ones in traditional magnetic structures of dc torque motors is not adequate .