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  1. 文中除介绍交通大学空泡试验室采用的测速方法及对进速系数J的修正结果外,还提出了导管螺旋桨的测速、筒壁修正及导管和螺旋桨推力之间重新分配的处理方法及部分结果。

    For ducted propeller model tests , the method for water speed measurement , wall effect corrections of advance coefficient and distribution of propeller thrust and duct thrust are discussed as well .

  2. 低进速系数下螺旋桨后无限大平板受力数值计算

    Numerical Computations of the Forces on Infinite Flat Downstream an Propeller at Low Advance Coefficients

  3. 基于PLC的步进电动机升降速控制

    Control of Step Motor Acceleration-deceleration Based on PLC

  4. 其中,介质阻挡放电电压和NH3进料气速的影响最大。

    Among them , the voltage and flow rate of NH3 are the most important factor .

  5. 在本论文实验条件下,影响氨气分解反应的主要因素有介质阻挡放电电压、放电电极间距、放电频率、NH3进料气速、放电区长度和高压电极材质。

    Experimental parameters , such as the gap between electrodes , the voltage and frequency of discharge , flow rate of NH_3 , the length of discharge space and the materials of HV electrode have impact on the reaction .

  6. 步进电机升降速曲线的研究

    The study of speeding up and slowing down curves of stepping motor

  7. 混合式直线步进电机力速特性分析及仿真

    Analysis and Simulation of the Dynamic Thrust-Speed Characteristics for Hybrid Linear Stepping Motor

  8. 一种步进电机恒速渐变转矩归零方法研究

    Reference Finding Method of Step Motor by Using Constant Speed and Gradually Decreased Torque Technology

  9. 文中重点探讨了步进电机升降速曲线的设计方案及其实现方法。

    It mainly discussed the method how to design and fulfill the curve of the speed control .

  10. 提出了圆弧自动过象限原理和步进电机升降速的控制方法。

    The across-the - quadrant principle of circle and the control method of increasing / decreasing speed for step motor are thus proposed .

  11. 在系统的软件实现中,重点叙述了试样精确定位的核心内容:基于单片机的步进电机升降速及精度控制。

    In the software implementation of the system , the acceleration and deceleration and accuracy control of step motor was mainly discussed which was the key content in the precisely locating of the samples .

  12. 针对系统的负载特性,在分析已有步进电机升降速曲线设计方法的基础上,提出了一种设计步进电机升降速曲线的新方法,该方法适用于与角加速度成线性关系的已知负载。

    Based on analyzing the available means for designing speed-up / down curve , a new method is proposed , that is applicable for any known variable load , which is linear with the angular acceleration .

  13. 系统地考察了放电电极材质、放电电极直径、氢气和氧气进料总气速和氧气浓度等参数对H2O2生成的影响。

    Effects of different experimental parameters , such as diameters and material of discharge wire , total rate of H_2-O_2 feed , oxygen concentration on the generation of H_2O_2 have been systematically studied .

  14. 喷墨绘图仪中步进电机的升降速控制

    The Up-and-down Speed Control of Stepping Motor in Jet Graph Plotter

  15. 步进系统中升降速数学模型及脉冲计算

    Mathematical model and pulse calculation of increasing-and-decreasing speed in step motor system

  16. 步进电机最佳升降速控制及仿真

    Optimization of speed rising and falling control of stepping motor and its simulation

  17. 步进电机自动升降速闭环控制的单片机实现

    The Automatic Closed-loop Control of Speed Rising and Dropping for Stepping Motor Realized by One Chip Microprocessor

  18. 根据系统的实时性,设计了步进电机的升降速曲线。

    According to the real-time responsibility of system , the ascending and descending curve of step motor is designed .

  19. 其中针对设计难点,步进电机的升降速控制和整流桥控制中的变频变压控制做了详细的分析。

    According to the difficulties in design , a detailed analysis is also given for the stepper motor speed control and the variable voltage and frequency control in rectifier control .

  20. 对无法精确建模的纵向移动平台系统,用模糊控制原理设计了步进电机的升降速曲线,给出了模糊推理的步骤。

    For the longitudinal mobile platform system which can not be set up accurately , fuzzy control theory has been applied to design the acceleration and deceleration curves of the stepping motor , and the fuzzy inference process is provided .

  21. 8051单片机对步进电机的控制及步进电机升降速曲线的设计

    Controlling of Step Motor With 8051 Microcontroller and Speed-Up and Speed-Down Curve Design

  22. 给进系统控制中,系统具有恒压给进和恒速给进两种工作模式,两种模式下的压力和速度值都可以无级调节,十分利于钻探相关实验研究的开展。

    The feed drive system has two work patterns , constant pressure feed and constant speed feed , both of which are stepless adjusting that is very conducive to the research of drilling experiment .

  23. 介绍了8051系列单片机对步进电机的控制方法,并且提出和对比了几种步进电机升降速曲线的设计方案。

    A method which control the step motor with 8051 microcontroller is introduced , some methods in speed up and speed down curve design are compared .