
  • 网络Canadian English;En-CA
  1. 请注意,tag变量表示en-CA,它在本例中把加拿大英语设置为首选项。

    Note that the tag variable indicates en-CA , which , in this instance , puts a preference on Canadian English .

  2. 严格说来,加拿大英语和美国英语并不完全一样。

    Canadian English is not just the same as American English .

  3. 这个eh是加拿大英语口音中很重要的一部分。

    This eh is a big part of the Canadian-English accent .

  4. 加拿大英语是英语的一个地域变体,具有鲜明的特征。

    Canadian English is a regional variant with distinctive characteristics .

  5. 二十世纪七八十年代加拿大英语诗歌的主要特点

    On Some Characteristics of English Canadian Poetry During the 1970s and 1980s

  6. 加拿大英语的独特性:拼写和用词

    The Unique Characteristics of Canadian English : Spelling and Vocabulary

  7. 加拿大英语诗歌:从启门时代到联邦诗人

    English - Canadian Poetry : From Its Inception to the Confederation Poets

  8. 如今的加拿大英语是否正在经历那些变化?

    How does Canadian English change across the nation ?

  9. 加拿大英语在我的耳朵听来是音乐,不像美国英语。

    Canadian English is music to my ears , not like American English .

  10. 三是多极化,加拿大英语、印度英语继英国英语、美国英语之后逐渐登上舞台;

    The third is multi-polarization , Canadian English and Indian English are just examples .

  11. 加拿大英语的形成大致通过三种途径:继承、创新与借用。

    Canadian English is formed by three ways : inheritance , innovation and borrowing .

  12. 加拿大英语语音的形成及其特征

    The formation and characteristics of the Canadian English

  13. 校内英语水平测试效度实证研究加拿大英语水平等级测试标准探讨

    Empirical Validation of a University-Based English Proficiency Test A Study on Canadian Language Benchmarks

  14. 加拿大英语词汇的形成方式及其创新性海陵方言的词汇特点及其历史形成原因

    On the Characteristic of Hailing Dialect Vocabulary and the Reason of its Forming and Development

  15. 论加拿大英语的形成与发展趋势

    On the formation of Canadian English

  16. 加拿大英语水平等级测试标准探讨

    A Study on Canadian Language Benchmarks

  17. 试论加拿大英语的特点

    On the Characteristics of Canadian English

  18. 加拿大英语特征探究

    On Characteristics of Canadian English

  19. 很多人区别不了美国英语口音与加拿大英语口音。

    A lot of people can 't tell difference between an American accent and a Canadian accent .

  20. 加拿大英语的语音受到英国英语和美国英语的双重影响。

    The pronunciation of Canadian English is under the double influence of British English and American English .

  21. 加拿大英语除了具有鲜明的创新性特点以外,其保守性特点也很突出。

    Beside the characteristics of innovation of Canadian English , their characteristic of conservatism is also obvious .

  22. 研究者想把在加拿大英语区的省份的处方药广告与在魁北克的广告做一个对比。

    The researchers wanted to compare prescription rates for advertised drugs in English-speaking Canadian provinces to those in Quebec .

  23. 加拿大英语经过上百年的发展已经成为一种独具特色的英语变体。

    After hundreds of years ' development , Canadian English has become a true national language and has its national identity .

  24. 不再提供单独的美国英语、英国英语、澳大利亚英语和加拿大英语版的下载。

    We no longer offer separate downloads for United States english , United Kingdom english , Australian english , and Canadian english .

  25. 因此在今天的加拿大英语中却仍可寻到昔日英国英语的痕迹。这在语音、词汇和语法方面均有体现。

    Therefore there are many language relics in today 's Canadian English which can be seen in phonology , vocabulary and grammar .

  26. 文章最后明确指出:中国英语只是受母语(汉语)干扰的一种英语变异体,它不能等同与加拿大英语之类的国别变体。

    The author suggests finally that China English is actually a kind of Interference Variety though it can 't equal some English Varieties .

  27. 通过对加拿大英语保守性特点及其成因的分析,有助于英语的学习与传播。

    Through the analysis of the conservatism of Canadian English and its causes , it will be helpful to study and spread the language .

  28. 加拿大英语保守性特点的成因主要有语言接触因素、社会因素和移民源的心理因素。

    The causes of the Canadian English conservatism can be analyzed as the following : language contact , social factor and the psychological factor of the immigrants .

  29. 加拿大英语老是很像美国英语,印第安人和因纽特人的说话对加拿大英语的影响跟法语对其影响同样小。

    Canadian English has always remained very like American English , and the influence of the Indian and Inuit languages was no greater than the influence of French .

  30. 加拿大英语诗歌在一定程度上是由加拿大独特的历史背景在不同方面对诗人的人文思想和想象力视角结构的影响中形成的。

    English-Canadian poetry has been shaped by a unique set of historical conditions and social developments in Canada that have affected the structure of its imaginative visions and humanistic ideology .