
  • 网络australian english;Australia English;English Australia
  1. 另外,澳大利亚英语和英国英语有点不同。

    Also , Australian English is a little different from British English .

  2. 19世纪澳大利亚英语词典研究

    Research on the Australian English Dictionaries of the 19th Century

  3. GoodonYou来自澳大利亚英语

    ' Good on You ' Comes from Australia

  4. 其他改进包括:增强了iPhone4的新能;键盘、计算器及许多图标的字形可以选择使用粗体;日历可以选择按月显示事件;Siri针对中文普通话、英式英语、澳大利亚英语和日语版本,推出了全新的更为自然的男声和女声。

    Other improvements include making iOS 7 faster for iPhone 4 users , a new bold font option for the keyboard , a month-at-a-glance view in the calendar and new voices for Siri in British and Australian English , Mandarin and Japanese .

  5. 从澳大利亚英语读音看英语语言的变异

    Variations of the English Language Judging from the Australian Accent

  6. 澳大利亚英语起源于城镇语言。

    Australian English originated from the language used in towns .

  7. 你必须了解一些澳大利亚英语的习语。

    You must also know some important " Strine " English terminology .

  8. (澳大利亚英语不同于英国英语和美国英语。)

    M : Australian English is different from Britain and American English .

  9. 浅论澳大利亚英语之形成和发展

    Simple on the Origin and Development of Australian English

  10. 发言的美国,英国,澳大利亚英语的口音或你的查询。

    Speak your queries in American , British , or Australian English accents .

  11. 论澳大利亚英语词汇的演变与特点

    On the Development and Features of Australian English Vocabulary

  12. 解析澳大利亚英语的特点及文化特质

    On Language Features and Cultural Factors of Australian English

  13. 澳大利亚英语词汇的语用修辞特征

    Pragmatic Rhetorical Features of the Australian English Lexicon

  14. 澳大利亚英语&英语的地域变体之一

    Australian English & A Regional Variety of English

  15. 澳大利亚英语词汇中折射出的澳大利亚历史

    Australian History as Reflected in Australian Vocabulary

  16. 浅析澳大利亚英语中的夸张和比喻

    The Exaggeration and Metaphor of Australian English

  17. 浅论澳大利亚英语的变体

    Language Varieties Derived from Australian English

  18. 在语法与用法上,澳大利亚英语同标准英式英语则没有明显差异;

    There are very few obvious grammatical and usage differences between Australian English and British English .

  19. 澳大利亚英语的特点

    The Features of Australian English

  20. 澳大利亚英语的词汇特色

    Lexicon Features of Australian English

  21. 澳大利亚英语的地域特征

    Regional features of Australian English

  22. 澳大利亚英语的语言特点

    Linguistic Features of Australian English

  23. 澳大利亚英语的特色

    Features of Australian English

  24. 在语言上,澳大利亚英语的发音与公认发音的区别显著,在某些方面更接近伦敦方言的发音;

    In some respects , the pronunciation of Australian English resembles that of London area of England more than RP.

  25. 本文主要论述澳大利亚英语词汇的特点及其所折射出来的澳大利亚历史。

    This paper mainly discusses the above characteristics of Australian English vocabulary and the Australian history as reflected in it .

  26. 但是即使你已经适应了澳大利亚英语的语调,你也许依然无法明白澳大利亚当地人的话。

    Even if your ears are attuned to the Australian accent , you may still have difficulty understanding the locals .

  27. 语言官方语言是英语,口语和书面语都与澳大利亚英语截然不同。

    Languages English is the official language , and is spoken and written in a distinct variety known as Australian English .

  28. 澳大利亚英语是澳大利亚的官方语言,是南半球最重要的英语变体。

    The official language of Australia is English , and it is the most important English variety in the South Hemisphere .

  29. 不再提供单独的美国英语、英国英语、澳大利亚英语和加拿大英语版的下载。

    We no longer offer separate downloads for United States english , United Kingdom english , Australian english , and Canadian english .

  30. 澳大利亚英语是一种英语变体,起源于英国英语,因此两者之间存在许多共同点。

    Australian English is a variety of English originating from British English , which accounts for the many similarities between the two varieties .