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jiā jǐn
  • intensify;step up;urge;speed up;press forward with;hurry up;give a boost to;give even more attention to
加紧 [jiā jǐn]
  • (1) [hurry up;intensify;give a boost to;give even more attention to;press forward with]∶增加进度

  • 加紧工作

  • (2) [urge]∶加快

  • 加紧赶路

加紧[jiā jǐn]
  1. 应加紧清理和废止与WTO规则不适应的相关政策,加大县域行政审批制度改革力度,创造宽松、透明的政策环境。

    We should step up cleaning and avoiding the relevant policies that are inadaptable to WTO rules , strengthen the reform of the county administrative examining and approving system , and create the comfortable and transparent policy environment .

  2. 命令樱花桃花杏花和梨花们加紧排练

    Order cherry blossom peach apricot and pear flower to step up rehearsal

  3. 这家公司正加紧推动设置新仓库的计划。

    The company is pressing ahead with its plans for a new warehouse .

  4. 现在他正加紧努力,我希望他能坚持下去。

    He 's making a big effort now , and I hope it lasts .

  5. 与此同时,他的同事在加紧谋划挤走他。

    His colleagues , meanwhile , were busily scheming to get rid of him .

  6. 英国正加紧努力确保人质的获释。

    Britain is intensifying its efforts to secure the release of the hostages

  7. 很多公司正在加紧准备,希望能挺过这场暴风雨。

    Many firms are battening down the hatches and preparing to ride out the storm .

  8. 由于大型航空公司放弃了乘客较少的路线,一些较小的飞机正在加紧补位。

    As major airlines give up less-traveled routes , smaller planes are picking up the slack .

  9. 我们要加紧努力,设法达成协议。

    We must press ahead with our effort to reach an agreement .

  10. 这个年轻人加紧努力以完成一项工作。

    The young man bears down on a task .

  11. 学生们在为运动会开幕式加紧操演。

    The students are drilling hard for the opening ceremony of the coming sports meet .

  12. 登山队加紧训练。

    The mountaineering party intensified its training .

  13. 喜期已近,得加紧准备。

    Your wedding day is coming soon , so you must speed up your preparations .

  14. 那位政治家说,对于那些期待政府供养的人来说,时间正在流逝,人人都得加紧工作才是!

    The politician said that the sands of time were running out for those who expected the state to support them , everyone must work harder !

  15. 我想可能有一些苛刻的工作日程,或是社会的焦虑在加紧兴起一项未知的运动。

    I guess that there 's probably some demanding work schedule , or social anxiety around stepping up to help for an unknown sport .

  16. 与此同时,我们加紧进行空运。

    In the meantime we pressed on with the airlift .

  17. 例句如果艾米丽想通过考试的话,那么她需要加紧复习了。

    If Emily wants to pass her exams2 , she needs to pull her finger out .

  18. 例句最后期限就在眼前,但项目进度却拖后了,我们得加紧工作。

    With the deadline1 nearly here and the project running behind , we need to go into overdrive .

  19. pressaheadwith推进,加紧我们要加紧努力,设法达成协议。

    We must press ahead with our efforts to reach an agreement .

  20. 加紧干部培训和WTO研究。

    Speeding up cadre training and WTO studies .

  21. 包括通用汽车(generalmotors)和福特汽车(fordmotor)在内的数家汽车制造商已加紧生产,以补充耗尽的库存。

    Several carmakers , including general motors and Ford Motor , have already stepped up production to replenish depleted inventories .

  22. 微软公司(Microsoft)对两家中国电子产品零售商提起前所未有的诉讼,从而加紧了对中国软件盗版的打击。

    Microsoft has stepped up its fight against software piracy in China with unprecedented lawsuits against Chinese electronics retailers .

  23. 在计算机技术日新月异的时代,在分布式系统广泛应用的今天,在人们已经逐步依赖于Internet的时候,各国都在加紧分布式计算机协同工作在工业领域的应用。

    It is today that the technique in computer science changes quickly , the distributed system is widely used , and people have been depended on the Internet .

  24. 当前IETF只定义了SPIRITS体系结构,并加紧研究SPIRITS协议。

    At present IETF only defines SPIRITS ' architecture , and is developing SPIRITS Protocol .

  25. 雅虎董事会在没有物色好CEO继任人的情况下就炒掉了巴茨,然后任命原财务总监蒂姆•莫斯为过渡CEO,同时在这段时间内加紧制订公司下一步的发展战略。

    It fired Bartz without a successor on hand , naming Tim Morse , the chief financial officer , as interim C.E.O.

  26. 佳能现在可以加紧推出利用这种表面传导电子反射体显示技术(SED)的电视了。

    Canon can now press ahead with televisions based on surface-conduction electron-emitter displays , or SED .

  27. 从这个月开始,美联储将就无风险利率加紧开展与市场参与者团体(MarketParticipantsGroup)的磋商。该团体由银行、资产管理公司、交易集团及其他机构组成,旨在应对基准指标改革的问题。

    Starting this month , the Fed will ramp up its risk-free rates discussions with the Market Participants Group , which was formed to address benchmark reforms and is made up of banks , asset managers , trade groups and others .

  28. CUBA应脚踏实地地抓球队的管理,加紧制定运动员招生、学习、训练、比赛等方面统一、具体的规章制度。

    To improve the team administration , CUBA ought to make unitive and specific rules immediately on players ' recruiting , learning , training and tournament .

  29. 汇丰银行(hsbc)和渣打银行(standardchartered)正加紧扩大其越南业务,此前,这两家银行成为首批获准在这个快速增长的经济体注册当地业务的海外银行。

    HSBC and Standard Chartered are gearing up to expand their operations in Vietnam after securing approval to be the first overseas banks to incorporate their local operations in the fast-growing economy .

  30. 中国周二敦促马来西亚加紧搜救马来西亚航空(MalaysiaAirlines)失联航班、并发挥主导性作用,这架客机上周六在从吉隆坡飞往北京的途中失去踪迹,机上载有239名乘客和机组人员。

    China on Tuesday urged Malaysia to speed up and lead the search for a Malaysia Airlines passenger jet that disappeared Saturday while en route to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur .