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  1. 我们应该抛掉改造世界的空想计划。

    We should throw the ideal plan for reforming the world .

  2. 认识世界和改造世界的关系是辩证的。

    The relation of knowing and reconstructing the world is dialectic .

  3. 人类依靠思维能力,去认识世界、改造世界。

    Mankind depends on thinking ability to recognize and transform the world .

  4. 他有一种要改造世界的空想。

    He has some abstract notion of wanting to change the world .

  5. 改造世界观需要进行艰苦的斗争。

    To remould one 's world outlook involves arduous struggle .

  6. 而非凡之人会按照自己的意愿去改造世界。

    The others will move the worid to attain to their objective .

  7. 主观能动性又称自觉能动性、意识的能动性,是指认识世界和改造世界中有目的、有计划、积极主动的有意识的活动能力。

    The subjective initiative is also known as the conscious dynamic initiative .

  8. 我们愿意看到你们有资格以意识改造世界。

    We would like to see you become qualified to form worlds consciously .

  9. 经济学的目标和任务是解释世界和改造世界。

    The target and mission of economics is to explain and change world .

  10. 人作为实践主体具有改造世界的自觉能动性;

    As practice subject , human being has conscious dynamic role hi transforming world ;

  11. 我能提升自己和改造世界。

    I can improve myself and the world .

  12. 由于文化是人类认识世界、改造世界和适应环境的产物。

    Culture is the production of human understand , transform and adapt to the world .

  13. 难道人不能改造世界吗?

    Can 't man change the world ?

  14. 知识是人们在改造世界的实践中积累的认识和经验的总和。

    Knowledge is the sum of cognition and experience in the practice of changing the world .

  15. 论用价值目标判断改造世界的理论与实践

    Goal of Value as a Means of Judging the Theory and Practice of Transforming the World

  16. 科学技术是人类认识世界和改造世界的积极成果。

    Science and technology come from the process of man 's knowing and reforming the world .

  17. 人在改造世界的同时,也使自己改造自然的能力逐渐提升。

    People change the world , but also to their ability to transform nature gradually enhanced .

  18. 矛盾分析法是人们认识和改造世界的基本方法。

    The method of contradiction analysis is the basic way to understand and chang the world .

  19. 情境是指人们在从事认识世界和改造世界的活动中置身于其中的环境。

    Situation is the specified environment in which people stay to know and transform the world .

  20. 它相信它能以知识改造世界,以科学指导人生,

    it believes that it can correct the world by knowledge , guiding life by science ,

  21. 价值一般是人认识世界、改造世界的基本的哲学概念,是与人的本性、人的生存方式密切相关的哲学概念,是对人的存在的最高的、最抽象的反思与概括的哲学概念。

    Value generalization , a basic philosophy concept , is closely related to human natural and existence .

  22. 人类总是在不断的改造世界,即实践中求得生存和发展的。

    Human being is always reforming the world , i.e. seeking development in the course of practice .

  23. 尽管我们宣称自己致力于改造世界,但有时却难以改变自己。

    While we proclaim our commitment to changing the world , we sometimes have trouble changing ourselves .

  24. 我们从内心发出的共同认识和个人从辽阔的建设和改造世界。

    We shared from our heart and from vast personal knowledge of the construction and remodeling world .

  25. 创新作为人们改造世界的创造性活动,它促进了人的自由全面发展;

    Innovation as a creative activity of human transforming the world prompts human freedom and all-around development ;

  26. 利用必然改造世界是其独创性理解与第三层含义。

    Making use of the inevitability to reform the world is its original comprehension and its third-level meaning .

  27. 同时就思想政治工作基本规律中关于认识世界和改造世界的动因给予了论证;

    Besides , it proves reasons for understanding and remoulding the world in fundamental laws of ideological work .

  28. 机器人控制系统的设计,是一个典型的认识世界和改造世界的过程。

    The design of control system of robots is a typical course of understanding and reforming the world .

  29. 文明是人类改造世界的物质成果和精神成果的总和,是人类社会进步的标志。

    Civilization is the sum of both material and spiritual products and symbolizes the advance of human beings .

  30. 因此,人类不但能适应环境,还能熟悉和改造世界。

    Accordingly , the mankind not only can acclimatization , still can be known and transform the world .