
dònɡ tài mó xínɡ
  • dynamic model
  1. 基于优化BP神经网络的柴油机动态模型辨识

    Dynamic Model Identification of Diesel Engine Based on Optimal BP Neural Network

  2. 用AR(P)动态模型预测高炉煤气发生量

    The prediction of blast furnace gas by ar ( p ) dynamic model

  3. PWM开关信号流图法建立直流开关电源的动态模型

    PWM-Switch Signal Flowgraph Modeling of Switching DC-TO-DC Converters

  4. 组合动态模型与PCA的监督控制器设计

    Design of Supervisory Controller by Incorporating Dynamic Model into PCA

  5. 一种实现机动目标跟踪的STF动态模型PDA算法

    An Algorithm STF-PDA for Maneuvering Target Tracking with Dynamic Model

  6. 基于分形理论的RIFLE线表面磨损动态模型

    Dynamic Model for Wear of Rifle Surface Based on Fractal Theory Dynamic State Trends

  7. 研究了Agent和多Agent系统的建模思想和实现机理,基于多Agent技术建立了物流系统仿真动态模型,解决了物流系统业务集成的问题。

    It studies the modeling thought and implementation mechanism of agent and multi-agent system , and constitutes the dynamic modeling of logistics system simulation , which solves the problem of operation integration .

  8. GMAW短路过渡动态模型的建立

    Dynamic model of GMAW system with short circuiting transfer

  9. 并通过一个具体的开发实例,说明了UML在开发企业招聘系统设计中进行需求分析、建立静态模型和动态模型的应用。

    It illuminates UML application in developing an enterprise enrollment system of demand analysis , establishing stable model and dynamic model by a concrete developing example in detail .

  10. 在此基础上,采用GM(1,1)灰色动态模型预测西川河流域降雨入渗量随水土流失治理度的变化趋势。

    A gray dynamic model is put forward to the infiltration quantity tendency in the Xichuan catchment was predicted by a gray dynamic model , GM ( 1,1 ) .

  11. 针对倒立摆系统动态模型,采用模糊控制方法,设计基于状态反馈的T-S型模糊控制器。

    For the dynamic model of inverted pendulum system , adopted fuzzy control method , the T-S fuzzy controller based on the state feedback was designed .

  12. 从特定活性污泥中筛选优势菌与EM菌复配,通过正交试验,确定复配优势菌的最佳投加量,并经动态模型进一步验证试验结果。

    The ascendant fungi have been filtrated from given activated sludge to compound with EM. Through orthogonal experiment , the best additive quantity can be confirmed . And the dynamic model test validates further the experiment result .

  13. 引入面向对象OMT技术对系统建模,然后从系统的动态模型描述的信息中获得工作流的流程定义,使得建模工作变得十分简单,而且模型能更加准确地反映企业中的复杂业务流程。

    The use of OMT in system modeling can provide a plenty of information applied in workflow model by dynamic model and simplify the modeling work .

  14. 建立了板带轧机液压AGC系统的动态模型,研究了系统参数变化对轧制厚度及系统动态品质的影响。

    This paper presents a new dynamic model for hydraulic AGC system in a strip mill and describes simulation studies on the influences of the variations of some system parameters on the rolled thickness and the dynamic properties of the system .

  15. 针对包含FACTS元件的组合电力系统电压或电流因开关特性而发生突变以及系统拓扑周期改变等特点,提出对SVC调制工作过程建立包括发电机在内的详细动态模型。

    Considering the sudden changes of current or / and voltage in a composite power system due to the switching on and off of FACTS devices in the system , this paper presents a detailed dynamic model of the modulation process of the static var compensator ( SVC ) .

  16. HDPE装置反应系统稳态及动态模型采用POLYMERSPLUS软件及ASPENDYNAMICS,AspenCustomModeler软件进行开发,该模型可用于优化操作和增大装置生产能力,从而提高产品质量和产量。

    The steady and Dynamic process simulation models of HDPE Unit Reactor System are developed by the polymer process simulation software Polymers Plus and the dynamic process simulation software Aspen Dynamics and Aspen Custom Modeler . The models can be applied in improving operation condition and increasing HDPE production rate .

  17. 提出一个基于V-W销售广告反应模型的二维离散广告竞争动态模型。

    This paper presented a two-dimensional discrete dynamic competitive model in advertising based on the classic V-W model , namely the sales-advertising response model .

  18. 介绍了1.2m风洞攻角达30°的动导数试验装置与测量系统以及在1.2m风洞中对标准动态模型(SDM模型)所作的一系列试验结果。

    In this paper , the test mechanism of dynamic stability derivative with angle of attack up to 30 ° and its measuring system are presented together with typical test results of a Standard Dynamic Model ( SDM ) in 1.2m transonic wind tunnel .

  19. 异质种群动态模型:破碎化景观动态模拟的新途径

    Metapopulation dynamic models : A novel approach to fragmented landscape dynamics

  20. 科技与经济相互作用的动态模型

    A dynamic model of the interaction between science technology and economy

  21. 带有人体动态模型的航天工效数据库系统

    A Space Ergonomic Database System With Dynamic Human Body Model

  22. 纺织工业发展的动态模型及预测中的应用

    Textile Industry Developing Dynamic Model and Its Application in Forecasting

  23. 动态模型的一种误差修正形式

    An Error Correction Form of the D an amic Model

  24. 动态模型在土石坝长期渗流稳定性分析中的研究

    Study of seepage stability of earth-rockfill dam based on dynamic statistical model

  25. 煤矿安全目标管理综合目标及其灰色动态模型

    Comprehensive Objective in Mine Safety Objective Management and Its Grey Dynamic Model

  26. 研究航空发动机的非线性动态模型的建立问题。

    Modeling of nonlinearity dynamic respondence of the aero engine was studied .

  27. 储层微观动态模型研究

    Trends dynamic state study on the dynamic micromodel of reservoirs

  28. 区域粮食总产量预测的灰色动态模型群

    Grey dynamic model groups for the forecast of regional total grain yields

  29. 发动机的动态模型及其调速仿真应用

    Dynamic Model of Engine and its Application in Simulation of Speed Regulation

  30. 湿地生态系统碳循环过程及碳动态模型

    Review and Analysis on Carbon Cycling and Carbon Balance Model in Wetlands Ecosystem