
  • 网络arterial valve
  1. 三尖瓣下移、肺动脉瓣狭窄各1例;

    Case with ebstein 's anomaly , Pulmonary arterial valve stenosis respectively ;

  2. 主动脉瓣、肺动脉瓣力学性能比较

    Comparison of Mechanical Properties between Human Aortic Valve and Pulmonary Arterial Valve

  3. 胎儿出生后左心室舒张期房室瓣口血流速度A/E比值明显下降,主动脉瓣口血流峰速明显增快;右心室房室瓣口血流及肺动脉瓣口血流速度无明显变化。

    A / E ratio in mitral were obviously decreased and blood flow velocity of aortic valve were significantly increases in neonate .

  4. 心电图R波至肺动脉瓣关闭之间的时间(ms,即d)。

    The interval between the peak of R wave of ECG and just the closure of pulmonic valve ( ms , named d )⑶ .

  5. 应用PTFE人工单叶肺动脉瓣实施右心室流出道重建术的护理配合

    Nursing cooperation for patients with right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction by applying PTFE artificial pul monary valve

  6. 目的探讨心电图在重度肺动脉瓣狭窄(PS)诊治中的应用价值。

    Objective To evaluate electrocardiogram ( ECG ) in the diagnosis and treatment of severe pulmonary stenosis ( PS ) .

  7. 目的总结我院自体肺动脉瓣移植术(Ross手术)在主动脉瓣病变治疗中的临床经验。

    Objective To summarize the clinical experience of Ross procedure in treatment of aorta valve diseases .

  8. 1982年1月至1990年6月期间,对一组室隔完整型肺动脉瓣闭锁(PA+IVS)病儿作了初期手术,近期对生存中6例来随访者作了临床研究。

    Six of the surviving patients after initial surgery for pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum were studied .

  9. 本方法建立的基础是测量右室等容舒张期,即从肺动脉瓣关闭到三尖瓣开放的间期(PД&T)。

    This method is based upon measuring the isometric diastolic period of the right ventricle , i. e , the interval between the closure of the pulmonary valve and the opening of the tricuspid valve ( P2-T interval ) .

  10. Inoue球囊瓣膜成形术治疗儿童先天性肺动脉瓣狭窄22例

    Percutaneous Balloon Valvuloplasty with Inoue-Balloon in 22 Children with Congenital Pulmonary Valve Stenosis

  11. 方法:7例单纯先天性肺动脉瓣狭窄(PS),根据患儿的年龄和PS的轻重,3例选择单球囊法,4例采用双叶球囊法,进行瓣膜扩张术。

    Methods : From March 1996 to December 1998 , PBPV on seven children with PS using one balloon or dual balloon were performed according to age and degree of PS.

  12. PDA合并肺动脉瓣狭窄者,先行肺动脉瓣狭窄球囊扩张术,最后封堵PDA。79例经皮球囊二尖瓣成形术患者10年远期疗效评价

    PS was dilated by balloon valvuloplasty , and then PDA was occluded in the patient with PS and PDA . Evaluation on long term results of percutaneous mitral balloon valvuloplasty

  13. 目的探讨解剖纠治完全性大血管错位(TGA)伴肺动脉瓣狭窄的手术方法。

    Objective To report two cases of the aortic translocation operation for complete transposition of the great arteries ( TGA ) with pulmonary valve stenosis ( PS ) .

  14. 先行球囊肺动脉瓣成形术(PBPV),其中6例采用肺动脉瓣单球囊,5例采用Inoue二尖瓣球囊扩张;

    Five patients underwent pulmonary valvuloplasty with unifoliate balloon and 6 patients with Inoue balloon initially .

  15. Rastelli手术治疗右室双出口合并右室流出道及肺动脉瓣严重狭窄

    Rastelli procedure for double outlet right ventricle with right outflow tract and pulmonary valve stenosis

  16. 保留肺动脉瓣的改良REV手术治疗复杂型大动脉转位&附3例报道及文献综述

    Surgical Treatment of Complicated Transposition of the Great Arteries by a Modified REV Procedure with Preservation of Native Pulmonary Valve & 3 Cases Report and Literature Review

  17. 目的评价术中经食管超声心动图(IOTEE)在自体肺动脉瓣替换主动脉瓣术(ROSS)术中的监测及引导价值。

    Objective To explore the monitoring and guidance value of intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography ( IOTEE ) in patients undergoing ROSS procedure .

  18. 目的本文报告我院1998年10月-2006年11月应用彩色超声(CDE)导引介入治疗房间隔缺损(ASD)合并肺动脉瓣狭窄(PS)14例的临床体会。

    Objective AIM This study reports our clinical experience of intervention therapy of atrial septal defect ( ASD ) accompanied pulmonary stenosis ( PS ) under Color Doppler Echocardiographic ( CDE ) guidance .

  19. 目的:评价经皮腔内球囊瓣膜成形术(PTBV)对先天性肺动脉瓣狭窄(PS)患者的临床疗效及其安全性。

    Objective : To evaluate the curative effect and safety of percutaneous transluminal balloon valvuloplasty ( PTBV ) of congenital pulmonary valve stenosis ( CPVS ) .

  20. 方法自1998年3月至2002年7月,16例主动脉瓣膜疾病患者(平均年龄14.0±9.9岁)接受Ross手术,即自体肺动脉瓣移植术。

    Methods From March 1998 to July 2002 , 16 patients ( mean age 14.0 ± 9.9 years ) underwent Ross procedure for congenital aortic valve disease . Among them , 13 patients were younger than 16 years .

  21. 结论PBPV治疗肺动脉瓣狭窄,最佳的球瓣比为1.0~1.2,疗效满意且并发症少;

    Conclusion The best ratio of balloon / valve for PBPV was 1.0 ~ 1.2 with satisfying effects and less complications .

  22. 结果:ASD封堵治疗术后三尖瓣口E峰、A峰峰值速度及肺动脉瓣口血流速度、积分和压力阶差显著降低。

    Peak and mean blood velocity and velocity-time integral ( VTI ) of pulmonary valve orifice were measured in parasternal aortic root short axis view . Results : After occlusion , the E velocity and A velocity at tricuspid valve orifice decreased .

  23. 其中外科手术后再通3例,2例伴肺动脉瓣狭窄(PS),1例伴主动脉缩窄(COA),1例伴右位主动脉弓。

    Among them , 3 cases were with residual shunt after surgical ligation , 2 cases with pulmonary stenosis ( PS ), 1 case with coarctation of aorta ( COA ) and 1 case with right aortic arch .

  24. 结论:对于合并室间隔缺损及肺动脉瓣下狭窄的完全大动脉转位患者,应用内隧道及外通道的Rastelli手术矫治复杂心脏畸形可获得满意的临床结果。

    Conclusion : The Rastelli operation plays an important role in the treatment of transposition of the great arteries with VSD and subpulmonary stenosis .

  25. 结果:59例患儿经PBPV治疗全部成功且无明显并发症,仅1例因肺动脉瓣发育不良PBPV后效果差行外科手术治疗。

    Result : 59 cases received PBPV successfully and without any complication . Only 1 case received surgery therapy after PBPV because of valve malfunction .

  26. 利用脉冲多普勒测量肺动脉瓣口血流流速时间积分(PVVTI)。

    The pulmonary valvular velocity time integral ( PVVTI ) was obtained from the pulsed wave Doppler .

  27. 方法:采用PBPV对37例成人先天性肺动脉瓣狭窄患者进行治疗。

    Methods : PBPV for congenital pulmonary valve stenosis in adults was performed in 37 patients between 1988 and 1998 , mean age was 27.1 years .

  28. 例1为先心病紫绀型、法乐氏四联症伴无肺动脉瓣综合征,慢径消融靶点在希氏束上1cm。

    The case 1 had cyanotic congenital heart disease , tetralogy of Fallot with absent pulmonary valve , and his target site for slow pathway ablation was located above His bundle .

  29. 超声心动图除主肺动脉瓣上直径双期变化与MDCT相一致外,左右肺动脉近端内径双期无显著性差异。

    On ECG-gating UCG , in addition to that the diameter change of the main pulmonary artery during the two periods were coincident with MDCT , the two pulmonary artery had no significant difference during the two periods .

  30. 术毕心脏复跳后通过IOTEE即刻评价主动脉瓣位自体肺动脉瓣以及肺动脉瓣位同种瓣的功能及血流动力学情况。

    The pulmonary autograft in the aortic position and the pulmonary homograft were evaluated with morphology and hemodynamics by IOTEE when the patients were off pump .