
  • 网络Dynamic host configuration protocol;Dynamic Host Configure Protocol;dhcp;Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, DHCP;DHCP DHCP
  1. 动态主机配置协议可以为网络节点分配IP地址,并提供其它配置信息,以实现网络终端设备的即插即用,降低网络管理人员的工作强度和提高网络资源的利用率。

    DHCP assigns IP address for network nodes , and provides other configuration information , in order to realize Plus-and-Play in Internet end equipment , to reduce the working intensity for network administrators , and to improve the efficiency of the network resources .

  2. 动态主机配置协议为网上每个设备自动分配唯一的网络地址,有了这种功能,设置包括网络摄像机在内的任何网络设备就变得简单多了。

    DHCP automatically hands out a unique network address to each device on the network-a feature that makes setting up any network device including a WebCam much easier .

  3. IPv6下动态主机配置协议的研究与设计实现

    Study and Implementation of Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6

  4. 动态主机配置协议(HCP)被设计帮助分配IP位址。

    The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol ( DHCP ) was designed to help ration IP addresses .

  5. 这个事件会引起动态主机配置协议(DynamicHostConfigurationProtocol,DHCP)作业来对这个网卡进行配置,生成一个network-interface-up事件。

    This event would cause the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol ( DHCP ) job to configure it , generating a network-interface-up event .

  6. 动态主机配置协议(DHCP)主要用来给网络上的主机动态提供配置参数。

    Dynamic host configuration protocol ( DHCP ) provides the configuration parameters for network hosts .

  7. 内核网关包括访问控制策略模块和DHCP(动态主机配置协议)服务器这两个部分。

    The kernel-space gateway is composed of the access control module and DHCP ( Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol ) server .

  8. 动态主机配置协议(DHCP协议)很好地解决了网络地址的管理和现有网络地址的紧缺问题。

    Dynamic host configuration protocol ( DHCP protocol ) has successfully solved the management and insufficiency problem of network address .

  9. 它是基于行业标准的因特网协议,包括TCP/IP和动态主机配置协议(DHCP)。

    It is based on industry-standard Internet protocols , including TCP / IP and Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol ( DHCP ) .

  10. 动态主机配置协议(DHCP)是TCP/IP网络中为网络节点传递配置信息的协议。

    DHCP ( Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol ) is used to transfer configuration information for Internet nodes in TCP / IP .

  11. 端站可以被分配永久的IP地址,或者按需要从动态主机配置协议(DHCP)服务器或其他服务中借用。

    End stations may be assigned permanent IP addresses or they may borrow them as needed from a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol ( DHCP ) server or other service .

  12. DHCP(动态主机配置协议)为网络管理带来了极大的方便,但存在诸如DHCP服务冒充等诸多安全问题。

    DHCP makes network management easy and convenient , but DHCP has some security problems such as the problem of rogue DHCP server .

  13. 如果已超出为脱机服务器分配的动态主机配置协议(DHCP)地址上所剩的租用时间,另一个客户端即可获得问题DC的IP地址。

    If the lease time that remains on Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol ( DHCP ) address assigned to offline server is exceeded , another client can obtain the IP address of the problem DC .

  14. 您可以更改这些IP地址,如果您在网络中使用了动态主机配置协议(DHCP),那么当前IP地址的列表很可能是不完整的。

    You can change the IP addresses and , if you use Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol ( DHCP ) on your network , then the list of IP addresses currently in use is probably incomplete .

  15. 这仅与LPAR的最终配置相关;您可以在安装过程使用动态主机配置协议(DHCP)。

    This relates only to the final configuration of the LPAR ; you can use the dynamic host configuration protocol ( DHCP ) during the install process .

  16. 构建一个可靠、安全、高效的动态主机配置协议(DHCP)网络是目前宽带网发展中的关键问题。

    Construction of a reliable , safe and highly effective DHCP ( Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol ) network is a key problem in development of broadband network .

  17. QEMU提供自身的动态主机配置协议(DHCP)和域名系统(DNS)服务器用于客户操作系统本身。

    QEMU provides its own Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol ( DHCP ) and Domain Name System ( DNS ) servers for the benefit of the guest operating system alone .

  18. 论述了动态主机配置协议DHCP的原理和工作过程,从服务器、路由器、交换机三个环节分析了大型校园网中的DHCP应用。

    The paper introduces the theory and process of Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol , and then analyses the application of DHCP in large-scale campus network through server , router and switch .

  19. 在动态主机配置协议运行的网络中,服务器是完全被动的,其动作行为只能由客户端的请求而激发,服务器无法主动控制客户端。

    In the DHCP network , DHCP server is completely passive and its behavior is only stimulated by the customer , the server could not actively control the customer .