
dònɡ huà piàn
  • animation; cartoon;animated feature
动画片 [dòng huà piān]
  • [cartoon] 动画影片

  1. 这部动画片达到了风靡一时的地步。

    The cartoon has achieved cult status .

  2. 如今,迪士尼公主越来越多样化,也越来越积极主动,正如《寻龙传说》这部电影中所呈现的那样。这部奇幻冒险动画片里出现的武术场景比《花木兰》要多得多。

    But they 're a more diverse and proactive bunch these days , as demonstrated by Raya and the Last Dragon , a cartoon fantasy adventure with a lot more martial2 arts than there were in Mulan .

  3. 电子词典中有一些动画片。

    The electronic dictionary included some animations .

  4. 如今的孩子是看电视上的动画片和肥皂剧长大的。

    Children today are brought up on a diet of television cartoons and soap operas .

  5. 这是第一部出售给美国电视网的英国动画片。

    This film is the first British animation sold to an American network .

  6. 这部电子词典中有一些动画片。

    This electronic dictionary includes some animations .

  7. 我女儿喜欢动画片。

    My daughter loves cartoons .

  8. 不管是什么,从动画片到英国文学,一切有价值的都可以。

    No matter what it is , from cartoons to British literature anything counts .

  9. 这些不仅仅是动画片,还包括表演摄制影片,喜剧,戏剧以及纪录片

    These are not just animations live-action films , comedies , dramas and documentaries .

  10. 但是,此前也确实出现过儿童模仿动画片而受伤的事件。

    However , there have been some incidents in which children have come to harm while imitating cartoons .

  11. 调查结果显示,家长对动画片中的以下几点最为不满:对暴力犯罪的描写、易模仿的危险行为、暗黑负面内容。

    According to the survey results , there are several main things that parents are unhappy about in cartoons : depictions of violent crime , dangerous behavior that is easily imitated , dark and negative content .

  12. 2017年3月,一名被反锁家中看动画片的5岁女童模仿动画场景,持伞从11楼跳下,造成重伤。

    In March 2017 , a five-year-old girl who was locked at home alone and left to watch cartoons suffered serious injuries after jumping from the 11th floor with an umbrella in imitation of a cartoon scene .

  13. 迪士尼近日公布了几张即将在今年年底上映的动画片《超能陆战队》(BigHero6)的最新海报。

    Disney has released new posters for the upcoming animated feature Big Hero 6 .

  14. 17岁时,他进入了霍尔本的中央艺术学院(CentralSchoolofArt),学习绘画和动画片制作。

    At 17 he went to study painting and animation at the Central School of Art in Holborn .

  15. 最佳动画片《驯龙高手2》(HowtoTrainYourDragon2)

    Animated film : " How to Train Your Dragon 2 "

  16. HelloKitty首部动画片将在全球热播

    First animation of Hello Kitty to be on screen globally

  17. 美瑾奇奥出品的云南首部少数民族题材大型3D动画片《彩云南》在云南电视台少儿频道播出后,又走进央视少儿频道。

    U.S.Jin Qiao first ethnic minority in Yunnan produced large3D animated theme " color Yunnan " children 's television channel broadcast in Yunnan after he entered the CCTV Children 's Channel .

  18. 这十年里,传统迪斯尼动画起死回生,皮克斯也带来了《玩具总动员》(ToyStory)系列的前两部,革新了动画片这种形式。

    It was also the decade in which traditional Disney animation came back from the dead and in which Pixar , with the first two Toy Story movies , reinvented the form magnificently .

  19. 在电视台、影院也能看到他制作的动画片,最近在伦敦IMAX电影院还有他的作品放映。

    His animation work has been shown on TV , cinema , and more recently at London 's IMAX cinema .

  20. 除非你刚从一部被搁置已久的动画片里醒过来,或者忙于其他的事情,否则毫无疑问,你一定听说过了现在上映了最新的Batman电影。

    Unless you 've just come out of a suspended animation or something , you have doubtless heard that the latest Batman movie is out today .

  21. 广播连续剧从1940年一直播到1951年;因贝蒂娃娃(BettyBoop)而出名的马克斯·弗莱舍(MaxFleischer)制作了最初的动画片系列,在1941年到1943年上映。

    A radio series aired from 1940 to 1951 , and Max Fleischer , best known for Betty Boop , produced the original animated series , which ran in movie theaters in 1941-1943 .

  22. “小辣椒”设计成家庭机器人——可能更像动画片《杰森一家》(TheJetsons)里的家庭机器人罗茜(Rosie)的时尚版。

    Pepper is designed to be a family robot -- perhaps more like a sleeker version of Rosie , the household robot on the cartoon " The Jetsons . "

  23. 反观皮克斯生产的电影或亨利·塞利克(HenrySelick)导演的作品,即便是在最好的情况之下,美国儿童电影(这个类别目前已经基本上等同于动画片)也是以一种完全不同、效果也不那么好的方式去接近年轻的观众。

    Even at its high end , in the works of the Pixar studio or the director Henry Selick , the American children 's movie ( a category that these days is pretty much congruent with the animated feature film ) approaches its young viewers in a different and less rewarding way .

  24. “Meh”一词的流行源于美国喜剧动画片《辛普森一家》,片中的巴特和莉莎对爸爸霍莫一日游的提议表示不感兴趣时,就用了这个词。

    The word was popularized by the US comedy animation series " The Simpsons ", where characters Bart and Lisa use it to express indifference when their father Homer suggests a day trip .

  25. 动画片《哆啦A梦》(Doraemon)中的任意门(通过这扇门能把你传送到任何想去的地方),因为我总是四处旅行演出,这真的令人疲倦。

    The Anywhere Door from the Doraemon cartoon [ which transports those who walk through it anywhere they would like to go ] because I always travel a lot to give performances and it 's really tiring .

  26. 结合动画片的情节去作深入的分析。

    Combined with animation to make in-depth analysis of the circumstances .

  27. 从接受美学角度看动画片字幕中隐喻的翻译

    Metaphor Translation in Cartoon Subtitling from the Perspective of Reception Aesthetics

  28. 青少年往往会效仿电影或动画片里的英雄。

    Teenagers tend to emulate the heroes in movies and cartoons .

  29. 动画片给宠物兔带了的是无限的杯具。

    Cartoons have been hard on the world 's pet rabbits .

  30. 美国动画片?好的好的,我喜欢美国公画片!

    American cartoons ? Yes , please ! I love them .