
láo dònɡ mó fàn
  • model worker
劳动模范 [láo dòng mó fàn]
  • [model worker;labor hero; model in labor] 中国授予在生产建设中工作成绩卓著者的一种称号

  1. 当年,他是一位著名的劳动模范。

    He was a famous model worker in his day .

  2. 陆同志表现突出,是一个劳动模范。

    Comrade Lu stands forth as a model worker .

  3. 劳动模范是民族的精英、人民的楷模,是共和国的功臣。

    Model workers are elites of the Chinese nation , role models for the people and heroes of the republic .

  4. 这位劳动模范是经纪公司西莫尔皮尔斯(SeymourPierce)的零售业分析师理查德?

    The Stakhanovite in question was the retail analyst Richard Ratner from the brokerage firm Seymour Pierce , who died a couple of weeks ago after suffering a heart attack at work .

  5. 他们被授予劳动模范的光荣称号。

    They were honoured with the title of model workers .

  6. 表彰和奖励劳动模范和先进工作者。

    Command and reward model workers and advanced workers .

  7. 当选为劳动模范是很大的荣誉。

    It is a great honour to be elected as a model worker .

  8. 白芳礼1974年退休前是天津市劳动模范。

    Bai Fangli retired in1974.He was a model worker in Tianjing before then .

  9. 站在他旁的是一位劳动模范。

    To stand like a dummy , Standing by him was a model worker .

  10. 我们收听了那位劳动模范的广播讲话。

    We listened in to that model worker .

  11. 为客户服务是我最大的快乐&全国劳动模范李向党与他的事业

    To Serve the Clients Is My Greatest Pleasure

  12. 劳动模范:在道德与权力之间&从社会学的视角看一种道德教育制度

    Model Workers : Morality or Power , A Sociological Study of A Moral Education System

  13. 他是一位劳动模范。

    He 's a model worker .

  14. 文章研究当代国有企业工人劳动模范的自我认同状况。

    The Paper studies the self – identity of the model workers in contemporary state-owned enterprises .

  15. 老工人和劳动模范在这个工厂深受尊敬。

    The veteran workers and model workers are held in high / great esteem in this factory .

  16. 这次各界代表和劳动模范也成为被邀请的对象。

    New guests to this year 's show also include representatives from different sectors and model workers .

  17. 还荣获全国劳动模范和辽宁省功勋教师等荣誉称号。

    He has been entitled to honors such as the national model worker and the provincial teacher of exploits .

  18. 他干活时心灵手巧,所以被授予劳动模范的光荣称号。(结果)

    He is clever and quick at work , for which he is honoured with the title of model worker .

  19. 怎么能把努力钻研业务和白扯到一起呢!我们应该以那些劳动模范为榜样,认真钻研业务,提高工作水平。

    We should follow the good example of those model workers , endeavour to gain professional proficiency , and increase work capability .

  20. 评选出全国教育系统劳动模范592人,其中女性150人,占总数的25.3%。

    Of the 592 model workers in the national education system , women accounted for 150 , or 25.3 percent of the total .

  21. 该司的劳动模范的单独部门已经过时,必须代之以课程结构就像一个复杂的自适应网络或网络。

    The division-of-labor model of separate departments is obsolete and must be replaced with a curriculum structured like a web or complex adaptive network .

  22. 建国初期,农业领域同样出现了大量劳动模范,他们以合作运动带头人为主,克己奉公、艰苦创业。

    The early days , the agricultural field also appeared a large number of labor models who were mostly cooperative movement leaders , selfless and hard work .

  23. 出席和列席人员中包括了许多为人民所公认的战斗英雄、劳动模范和模范工作者。

    The members attending this session and those invited to sit in include many publicly acclaimed combat heroes and model workers in industry , agriculture and other fields .

  24. 由于中国工人阶级整体的衰落,劳动模范作为工人阶级中的优秀分子,也存在向上流动的困难与心理上深深的失落感。

    Because of the decline of the whole Chinese working class , model workers as the elites have the difficulty in flowing up and have the deep depression .

  25. 许多罪犯回归社会后已成为企业的骨干、工程师,有的还当上了先进工作者、劳动模范。

    Many prisoners have returned to society and become key members or engineers in their enterprises , and some of them have become model workers or labor heroes .

  26. 化学家林励吾,系中国科学院院士,为全国劳动模范。其研究成果11次获得国家、省部级成果奖。

    Lin liwu , an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a national model worker , has won11 prizes of the national , provincial and ministerial levels .

  27. 在中国,劳动模范最早出现于土地革命时期中央苏区的公营企业中,他们是生产中的典型,利于先进生产经验的推广。

    In China , labor models first appeared in the Public enterprises of the Central Soviet Area in the Agrarian Revolution . They were typical of production , conducive to the promotion of advanced production experience .

  28. 由于政治、经济、文化等价值观体系的重新确立,使诸如女英雄、女劳动模范等新女性形象成为新中国初期舆论媒体宣传的热门话题。

    Since the re-establishment of political , economic , and cultural value system , a new female image , such as heroine , female model workers become a hot topic of the beginning of new China .

  29. 一些罪犯在刑满释放回归社会后,成为企业的生产骨干、工程师、厂长、经理,有些还当上了先进生产者、劳动模范。

    Some who have returned to society after serving their sentence have become key production personnel , engineers , factory directors and managers . a few have even become " advanced producers " or " model workers " .

  30. 劳动模范是一个极具中国社会主义特色的概念,从字义看,劳动体现了社会主义尊重劳动,热爱劳动的价值取向;模范则体现了中华民族历来崇尚典范的传统。

    Labor model is a very concept with Chinese socialist characteristics . From the meaning of the words ," labor " embodied the value orientation of Socialist countries which respect and love for labor ;" Model " embodied the tradition that the Chinese nation has always been advocating apotheosis .