
láo zī xié yì
  • labor agreement
  1. NBA的劳资协议中存在很多限制竞争的规定,但可以凭借劳资豁免规避反垄断法的适用。

    There are a lot of competition restriction stipulations in the labor agreement of NBA , but the application of the antitrust law can be dodged by means of labor exemption .

  2. 他说,当前问题的症结、也是当务之急是与UAW达成能够节约成本的劳资协议;

    ' The crux of the issue right now , the greatest issue right now , is coming to a cost competitive labor agreement with the UAW , 'said Hoselton .

  3. 根据新的劳资协议,球员们可以通过在签约前三年的任意一年里获得MVP来获得特权老将的续约资格。

    Players qualify for the designated veteran-player extension or contract by winning MVP in one of the three seasons prior to signing .

  4. 例如篮球相关收入(BRI)的基本分配预计不会改变,保持在49%~51之间,和目前的劳资协议持平。

    The basic split of basketball related income ( BRI ) is expected to remain unchanged from the 49-51 percent band in the current deal .

  5. 同样,2017年的NBA状元秀在下个赛季将会拿到510万美元的薪水,而如果新的劳资协议生效,其将会增长50%至760万美元,如果未签约同样计入球队工资。

    Similarly , the top overall pick in the 2017 NBA Draft has a rookie-scale salary of $ 5.1 million for next season . If the new CBA raises that by 50 percent as well , the player would take up $ 7.6 million unsigned .

  6. 他们要是想把他们的反应写进下一份劳资协议里也很麻烦。

    And they would have trouble writing a reaction into the next CBA anyway .

  7. 事实上,由于新劳资协议的部分内容,交易规则已经被放宽松了。

    Actually , trade rules were loosened as part of the new collective bargaining agreement .

  8. 新的劳资协议预计会提升新秀合同到期球员的工资所占球队薪水的比例。

    The new CBA is expected to raise the cap hold for players at the end of rookie-scale contracts .

  9. 而在新的劳资协议下,伦纳德到期合同所占的720万美元将会增至870万美元(由之前的薪水的250%变为300%)。

    That $ 7.2 million would jump to $ 8.7 million ( 300 percent of his previous salary instead of 250 percent ) .

  10. 但是他也承认,由于新的劳资协议还未确定,他还无法确定自己的未来。

    But he also acknowledged that since the new collective bargaining agreement has not been determined , he can not determine his own future .

  11. 目前的劳资协议规定,下个赛季的最低工资是56.2493万美元,而其可能涨幅50%,达到84.3740万美元。

    The current CBA dictates next season 's minimum to be $ 562493 , but it could scale up by 50 percent to $ 843740 .

  12. 在新的劳资协议下,要想从自由球员市场中捞到大鱼可就越来越难了,像考辛斯这样的球员更是自由球员市场上的稀有物种。

    Acquiring superstars during free agency will become increasingly difficult in the new CBA , and players like Cousins are rarely available on the trade market .

  13. 整个劳资协议就是在球队范围内和球员工资帽的限制中假设球员们追求得到自己价值的年薪。

    The entire CBA is predicated on players seeking out and getting what they are worth , within the confines of team-wide and individual salary caps .

  14. 在这个建议之前,上议院管理层和劳资协议会做了一个有争议的决定:在一年内试允许议员携带包括平板电脑和智能手机在内的便携式设备进上议院。

    It follows the controversial decision by the Lords administration and works committee to allow handheld devices including tablets and smartphones into the chamber for a one-year trial .

  15. 新的公司战略,其中可能包含着管理,企业劳资协议和劳资关系的改变,这将会产生一个庞大的多种需求的变革。

    New company strategies , which may involve the change in management practices , enterprise agreements and industrial relations , will create a vast variety of needs for change .

  16. 安东尼还表示他现在非常关心新的劳资协议谈判,称这是他考虑自己的未来时考虑的非常重要的一件事。

    Anthony also said he is very concerned about negotiating a new collective bargaining agreement , saying it is considering his future when he considered a very important thing .

  17. 越快达成新劳资协议,对那些需要基于休赛期和未来夏天的工资帽估算作出决定的球队来说就越有利。

    The sooner a new CBA can be hashed out , the better for teams who need to make decisions based on salary-cap projections for the offseason and the summers to come .

  18. 随着公平工作委员会即将就是否将家庭暴力假变成所有劳资协议中的一项权益做出最后决定,澳大利亚活动人士正试图将这种模式输出到海外。

    As a final decision by the Fair Work Commission approaches on whether to make domestic violence leave an entitlement in all industrial agreements , Australian campaigners are seeking to export their model .

  19. 他们也想在新的劳资协议框架里想办法提高自家球队的竞争力,毕竟现在要想等球星们变成自由球员再下手可难多了。

    and are trying to figure out creative ways to build contenders under the new collective bargaining agreement , a world in which it will be harder to poach other teams ' stars in free agency .

  20. 为此,普雷斯蒂和雷霆得到了一份厚礼——也有人会称之为回报——在新劳资协议下他们被准许签下一个特例。

    To that end , Presti and the Thunder were given a gift - some would call it overdue payback - when they were granted an exception under the new terms of the collective bargaining agreement .

  21. 最后,新协议不太可能会包含新的特赦条款,当前的劳资协议下的特赦条款可以使一名球员的工资不计入工资总额(即使球队仍然要支付给球员薪水)。

    Finally , the new agreement is not likely to contain another amnesty clause , a mechanism in the current CBA to erase a single contract from a team 's cap ( although the player still receives their salary ) .

  22. 当我们完成2007劳资协议的时候,我们可以得到40—50亿的储蓄;当我们的供应商特尔斐脱离破产的困境时,我们可以得到50亿美元;当美国产业恢复到平均销售额时,保守来说,我们将得到10—15亿美元。

    When we complete the 2007 labor agreement , we will get $ 4 billion to $ 5 billion in savings , a half billion when our supplier Delphi gets out of bankruptcy , and if the US industry gets back to average sales , that will be $ 1 billion to $ 1.5 billion , conservatively .

  23. NBA球星代表和球员工会成员已经开了一次会议,讨论新的劳资谈判协议。

    Representatives from the NBA and the players ' association have completed a meeting to discuss a new collective bargaining agreement .

  24. 一名美国破产法官在五月份判决,爱国者煤炭可以中止与矿工工会的劳资集体协议。

    A US bankruptcy judge ruled in May that Patriot Coal could abandon collective bargaining agreements with the miners union .

  25. 企业补充养老保险费可由企业完全承担,或由企业和员工双方共同承担,承担比例由劳资双方协议确定。

    Cost of enterprise complement endowment insurance can be assumed completely by the enterprise , or assume jointly by enterprise and employee both sides , assume scale to be decided by agreement of both sides of labour and capital .

  26. 随着工业化发展,工会在瑞典国内的影响力不断扩大,而且在整个经济体系中,高度发达的工会组织在劳资集体协议中发挥着重要的作用。

    Accompanied with the development of industrialization , the Swedish trade unions continued to be growing and developing . In the system of the development of the whole economics , the he highly developed trade union organizations plays an import role in the collective labor agreements .

  27. NBA联盟的仲裁由NBA劳资双方通过协议的方式建立起来的中立裁决制度,它包括冤情仲裁和制度仲裁两种制度。

    NBA Arbitration is the neutral system , which is set up by negotiating way between labor and capital . It includes Grievance Arbitration and System Arbitration .

  28. 如果劳资双方不能达成协议,就会发生罢工。

    If labour and management don 't reach an accommodation there will be a strike .

  29. 劳资双方达成了协议,罢工于是宣告结束。

    The two sides came to terms and the strike was ended .

  30. 即使是在德国,这份协议也显得极不寻常金融危机爆发前,德国劳资双方达成类似协议的情况很常见,但期限都较短。

    The deal is unusual even in a country where similar agreements for shorter periods were common before the financial crisis .