
  • 网络labor rights;Workers Rights
  1. 对劳权进行权利论、伦理学的研究,已经形成了较为自足自洽的理论体系。

    To research on labor rights in the perspective of the theory of rights and of ethics has formed a self-contained and self-consistent theoretical system .

  2. 集体谈判权是集体劳权的核心权利,团结权是集体谈判权的前提,争议权则是实现集体谈判权的辅助性权利。

    Right of collective bargaining is the core right among the collective labor rights . Right of association is the advanced condition for right of collective bargaining and right to dispute is the assisted condition for right of collective bargaining .

  3. 劳权本位:劳动法律体系构建的基点和核心&兼论劳动法律体系的几个基本理论问题

    Labour Rights : the Starting Point and Centre for Building the Labour Law System

  4. 我国的劳权保障突出体现在就业权、报酬权、安全卫生权的保障。

    Our country 's labourer rights insurance is mainly consisted of employing rights , reward rights , security and sanitation rights .

  5. 国家干预理论、现代政府职能理论及劳权理论为政府介入劳资关系奠定了深厚的理论基础。

    The theory of state intervention , modern government function theory and the theory of government intervention among labor relations laid a solid theoretical foundation .

  6. 劳权是劳动者合法权益的法律提炼,具有经济、社会、法律多位一体的复合特征。

    Labourer rights is the law abstract of labourers ' legal rights and interest , it has the compounded chracteristics of economic 、 social and law essentials .

  7. 现代企业制度不仅包括产权制度与经营权制度,而且也包括劳权制度。

    The modern firm system involves not only the system of property right and the system of operational right , but also the system of the right to work .

  8. 团结权、集体谈判权、集体行动权被称为劳动基本权、集体劳权。

    Unity right , collective negotiation and collective action right are called " Labor Three Rights ", also " Labor Fundamental Rights " or " Collective Labor Rights " .

  9. 集体谈判权作为集体劳权通常是由劳动者集体享有,并由工会作为劳动者的代表来行使的权利。

    As one of the collective labor rights , right of collective bargaining is owned collectively by labor and used by the labor union which is the representative of the labor .

  10. 国有企业改制中产权先行、劳权虚置的改革逻辑引发了劳动关系中的结构性问题。

    The reform logic that the reform of the property right of the state owned enterprises is more important than the reform of labor right , has aroused many labor relations problems in state owned enterprises .

  11. 企业的管理必须处理好股权与劳权关系问题,并要大力培育职工的职业精神和创建新时代的企业文化。

    The enterprise'management must handle nicely problems on the shares'potency and money relation with the labourer'right . And enterprise want hardly to cultivate grow the spirit of profession and to create grow the culture of new times enterprise .

  12. 激烈的国际贸易竞争,要求中国在企业承担劳权责任方面,采取有效措施,以保护中国社会生态链上劳工权益这一环。

    The keen competition in international trade urges Chinese enterprises to take effective measures to protect the workers ' rights , for the workers , as a whole group , are a significant link in the social ecological chain of our society .

  13. 作为集体劳权的核心权利,集体谈判权已经被西方大部分市场经济国家的法律所承认,集体谈判也成为了现代工业社会调整劳动关系一项重要机制。

    As the core of collective rights , collective bargaining has been recognized by the laws of most of the western market economy of western countries , which has become an important mechanism for the adjustment of labor relations in a modern industrial society .