
  • 网络LIS
  1. 中国的公费和劳保医疗制度为保障人民健康,做出了巨大贡献。

    Our public health service and labor insurance have contributed much to ensuring peoples fitness .

  2. 我国计划经济时期的医疗保障制度主要集中在公费医疗体系的建立、规范和完善等方面,包括建国初期阶段、调整巩固阶段即规范公费、劳保医疗制度阶段。

    During planed-economy stage , the main construction of medical security system in China was concentrated on establishing , regulating and complementing the public-expenditure medical system .

  3. 然而我国以前实行公费医疗和劳保医疗制度,还有部分学者认为基本医疗保险是一种国家福利制度,认识上的误区必然导致实践中的偏差。

    However , our previous implementation of public health services and the labor protection Medicare system , as well as some scholars believe that the basic medical insurance is a national welfare system , erroneous understanding will inevitably lead to bias in practice .

  4. 研究背景与选题意义伴随着我国社会保障体系改革,实行多年的劳保公费医疗保障制度的取消;

    Background Accompany with reform of our country social security system reform , the setting up of the Medical Insurance System for Staff and Workers of Cities ;