
  • protection of laborers' rights
  1. 竞业禁止与劳动者权益保护

    Prohibition of Business Strife and the Protection to the Laborers ' Rights

  2. 全球化时代企业劳动者权益保护面临的挑战和对策

    Challenge and Countermeasure on Rights Protection of Enterprise Labourer in the Globalization

  3. 和谐劳动关系与民营企业发展&加强劳动者权益保护、构建和谐劳动关系

    Harmonious Labor Relations and the Development of Private Enterprises

  4. 和谐社会视野下劳动者权益保护问题探析

    A Discussion on Protection of Laborers ' Rights and Interests under the View of Harmonious Society

  5. 论劳动合同法对劳动者权益保护的新发展

    The New Development of Labor Contract Law on Protecting the Lawful Rights and Interests of Laborers

  6. 劳动法应该是调整上述关系的综合性的法律而不是劳动者权益保护法。

    Labor law is not labourer rights law but the law which should regulate integrated relations .

  7. 我们鼓励大家与政府分享自己的想法,让劳动者权益保护工作在你的祖国顺利开展。

    We encourage you to share your own ideas with your government to make worker rights work in your country .

  8. 劳动关系之中应该包括劳动合同关系、企业内部行政管理关系以及劳动者权益保护关系。

    It includes labor contract relation , interior administration relation of corporations , and labourer 's rights protect relation in the labor relation .

  9. 对试用期内劳动者权益保护的新思考&兼评《劳动合同法》关于试用期的规定

    Protection of Workers ' Rights and Interests of the Probation Period & Comment on " Labor Contract Law " on the Trial Period

  10. 近4成白领不能带薪休假的事实,反映出中国对劳动者权益保护力度的薄弱。

    The fact that nearly 40 percent of white-collar workers do not take their annual leave reflects the poor protection of labor rights in the country .

  11. 劳动者权益保护在一定程度上来讲是一个永恒的议题,自从劳资关系产生以来就一直存在。

    The protection of laborers ' rights and interests , to some extent , is a permanent topic and has existed since industrial relations came into being .

  12. 本部分首先分析了目前我国关于劳动力市场灵活化与劳动者权益保护关系的争论。

    In this section , current controversy of the relationship between labor market flexibility and the protection of laborers ' rights and interests in our country is analyzed .

  13. 在西方文献中,劳动者权益保护方式分为两种不同的方式,即就业保护立法保护和社会保护。

    In the western literature , the pattern of the protection of laborers ' rights and interests is divided into employment protection , legislation protection and social protection .

  14. 因此,任何劳动者权益保护的制度设计都应以保障劳动者就业权的实现为前提。

    Therefore , the system and design of the protection of laborers ' any right and interest should first guarantee the realization of laborers ' right to full employment .

  15. 随着在国际贸易中保护劳工权利主张的提出和实施,劳动者权益保护的问题日益受到我国政府的重视。

    With putting forward and implementation of advocacy of laborers ' right in international trade , how to protect laborers ' rights and interests has attained more attention of our government day by day .

  16. 在灵活化时代,劳动者权益保护首要的是要保护劳动者就业权的实现,或者能够有利于实现劳动者的充分就业。

    In the age of flexibility , the protection of laborers ' rights and interests should give priority to realizing the protection of laborers ' right to employment , or being able to promote laborers ' full employment .

  17. 因此,由于法律的缺失等一系列原因,我国派遣劳动者权益保护存在差别待遇、雇主责任落实难度大等诸多问题。

    Therefore , because of the absence of law and a series of reasons , in terms of the protection of labors ' interests , there are many problems such as discrimination , the difficulty-enlargement of employers ' responsibilities settlement .

  18. 其次,对国外先进的制度经验进行分析,从中找到我国现行制度中对劳动者权益保护还存欠缺的地方,明确先进制度经验对我们改进的启示。

    Secondly , analyze the abroad advanced legislation experience to find out the lack of our current system in the protection of rights and interest of laborers , make clear the enlightenments that we can get from the abroad advanced legislation experience .

  19. 由于法律的缺失等一系列原因,我国派遣劳动者权益保护方面存在诸多问题。因此,理论界与实务界对其合理性一直存在广泛的争议。

    Because of the gap in the legislation and other related issues , there are lots of problems in the protection of employees ' rights and interests in China . Therefore , the arguments over the rationality of labor dispatching are comprehensive both in theory and practice fields .

  20. 在完善我国劳动者权益保护的法律思考方面,本文做了较为新颖的阐述和论证,希望能在这部分有所创新。

    Do a more comprehensive and systematic analysis on the protection of labor rights in social transformation period of our country . On the aspect of the legal thinking for improving labor protection , the paper to do a elaborate and demonstrate innovatively , hoping this part of the innovation .

  21. 企业破产与劳动者权益的保护

    Enterprise 's Bankruptcy and the Protection of the Employee 's Rights

  22. 转型期劳动者权益法律保护研究

    The Research on Law Protection of Laborers During Socio-economic Transformation Period

  23. 首先以劳动者的权益保护为视角,阐述了冲突的起源、基础、焦点、具体权利表现及利益平衡的模式选择。

    It expatiates the origin , basic , focus , right representation of conflict and mode selection of interest balance , from the protection of labor rights .

  24. 主张解雇自由的国家强调对用人单位自主用工权,而主张解雇限制的国家则强调对劳动者权益的保护,进而对用人单位的解雇权的限制。

    Countries that advocate freedom to dismissal emphasize the independent of employment right to employers . On the contrary , countries that assert dismissal protection stress the protection of laborer .

  25. 随着社会经济发展和社会保障制度的完善,破产企业劳动者权益的保护出现了社会化趋势。

    With the social and economic development and the improvement of the social security system , the protection of the rights of the employees in the bankrupt enterprises become gradually socialized .

  26. 目前,劳动者合法权益保护在我国已经占有非常重要的作用,不仅农民工需要受到保护,外资企业的员工也需要受到劳动法及其相关法律的保护。

    Currently , the workers ' legitimate rights and interests protection in China has occupied a very important role , not only migrant workers need to be protected , the employees need to be foreign labor laws and related laws .

  27. 2008年1月1日劳动合同法的施行,在凸显劳动者合法权益保护的情势下,加强了对竞业禁止的合理规制,但是在实际操作过程中仍不免遭遇纠纷以及争议。

    With the publication of the Labor Contract Law in January 1 , 2008 , it has strengthened the reasonable regulations of Prohibition of business strife . But it is still inevitably encounter dispute and controversy in the actual operation process .

  28. 加大劳动者合法权益的保护力度;

    Strengthening the protection of labourers ' legitimate rights and interests ;

  29. 中国廉价劳动者群体的权益保护

    The Protection of Chinese Low-Priced Laborer Community 's Interests and Right

  30. 行政机关对劳动者合法权益的保护主要是通过劳动监察来实现的。

    Administrative agency protects labor 's lawful right and benefit mainly by means of labor supervision .