
  • 网络nfl;Packer;Aaron Rodgers
  1. 我猜包装工队会赢6分好吧到时候看看你猜得对不对

    I 'll put Packers win by six . Well , We 'll see if you are right .

  2. 那么嗯…真的是毫无理由我其实是希望安德森包装工队进超级碗决赛的

    So , uh ... No , I mean really no reason because I wanted the packers to be in the Super Bowl .

  3. 绿湾包装工队赢得超级碗冠军后,NFL手里就积压了大量宣传匹兹堡钢人队得冠军的T恤。

    After the Green Bay Packers won the Super Bowl , the NFL was stuck with thousands of T-shirts heralding the Pittsburgh Steelers as champs .

  4. 我才不管社么好不好看我只想让包装工赢下超级碗Magan

    I don 't care about pretty , I wanted the Packers to win the Super Bowl , Magan .

  5. 他们输了绿湾包装工队本来能赢得超级碗的

    They lost.The Packers were supposed to win the Super Bowl ,

  6. 乐果乳剂包装工苯的危害

    The hazard of benzene to the packers of Rogor emulsion

  7. 布雷特。法弗将于周一如愿重返绿湾包装工队。

    Brett Farve will return to the Green Bay Packers'roster effective Monday afternoon .

  8. 超级碗冠军、巨人队、钢人队、圣徒队、绿湾包装工队,又到巨人队。

    Super bowl winnersGiants , Steelers , Saints , Packers , Giants again .

  9. 底特律雄狮和绿湾包装工队之间的传统比赛至今仍然保留着。

    The traditional game between the Detroit Lions and the Green Bay Packers continues .

  10. 美国橄榄球联盟最新消息,西雅图海鹰以14比12击败格林湾包装工队。

    The NFL is holding the Seattle Seahawks '14-12 win over the Green Bay Packers .

  11. 再加上包装工队赢得了超级碗我这一周过的很滋润

    Well between the Packer 's wining Super Bowl and this I 'm having a good week

  12. 他奋斗多年,先后当过包装工、代理商和会计。

    For years , he struggled in turn as a wrapper , an agent and an accountant .

  13. 这可能扭转了包装工队的胜利,但已无法改变比赛结果。

    It would have clinched a Packers victory , but it cannot be reviewed by instant replay .

  14. 然后我会放去年的超级碗比赛录像包装工队对阵钢人队

    And then I 'll put in my DVD of my last year Super Bowl , Packers VS Steelers .

  15. 布雷特法瑞已重返绿湾包装工队,但是还不清楚他将担任什么角色。

    Brett Favre has returned to the Green Bay Packers , but it 's unclear what his role will be .

  16. 我非常我现在充满自信因为我预言绿湾包装工队会赢得超级碗结果他们赢了

    I 'm so , I have the confidence now because I predicted the Green Bay Packers would win the Super Bowl and they won

  17. 4月1日,4支球队争夺全美橄榄球联赛决赛权,杰克逊维尔美洲豹队和绿湾包装工队获得胜利。

    Four teams competed for places in the National Football League Conference finals , and the Jacksonville Jaguars and Green Bay Packers were the ones celebrating on April 1 .

  18. 方法对22名氰戊菊酯包装工和15名无毒物接触史和无心血管疾病史的工人进行横断面调查,分析其心血管功能的改变。

    Method Twenty two fenvalerate packers and 15 non exposure workers , who had not been exposed to other toxicants and no the recording of heart disease , were investigated with cross section methods .

  19. 周日,绿湾包装工队将在威斯康星州绿湾主场迎战旧金山49人队,这可能成为美国国家橄榄球大联盟比赛有史以来温度最低的一场,届时最高温度为零下一度,晚上最低温度为零下22度并伴有强风。

    The Packers and 49ers game in Green Bay , Wisconsin Sunday could be the NFL 's chilliest ever with a high of minus one and a night time low of minus twenty-two with gusty winds .

  20. 客户包括出版商、刷厂以及商人,还包括包装、工以及建筑行业&主要集中在欧洲、美和亚洲。

    Customers include publishers , printing houses , and merchants , as well as the packaging , joinery , and construction industries – and are mainly concentrated in Europe , North America , and Asia .

  21. 展品范围:包装机械、工产品、金及建材产品、子电器及日用消费品、织服装、品等。

    Exhibition range : Packaging machinery , chemical products , hardware and building materials , electron , electrical appliance , daily use consumer goods , textile and dress etc.