
  1. 重点做好高校毕业生、农民工、就业困难人员就业和退伍转业军人就业安置工作。

    Emphasis will be given to helping college graduates , rural migrant workers , people experiencing employment difficulty , and demobilized military personnel find jobs .

  2. 加强农村转移劳动力就业服务和职业培训,对城镇就业困难人员进行就业援助。

    We improved employment services and vocational skills training for rural migrant workers , and provided employment assistance to urban residents having difficulties in finding jobs .

  3. 就业援助制度是国家建立的促进就业困难人员就业的援助制度,是适用于其中处于劳动年龄阶段,具有劳动能力,又有就业愿望,而失去就业资源禀赋的就业困难群体。

    National employment assistance system is set up to promote employment of the difficult groups , and is applicable to these employment groups : Being in working-age phase , with the ability to work , and employment aspirations , but loss of employment resource endowment .

  4. 2008年汶川大地震给四川、陕西、甘肃等省就业工作带来巨大冲击,因此,因灾出现的就业困难人员也要纳入就业援助的范围。

    Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 bring great impacts on employment to Sichuan , Shaanxi , Gansu and other provinces .

  5. 革新中的抚旧:晚清政府安置旧式文人之举措要健全再就业援助制度,政府出资开发的公益性岗位要优先安置就业困难人员。

    We need to develop a fully functioning reemployment assistance mechanism , giving people with difficulties in finding jobs on their own hiring preference in non-profit undertakings funded by the government .