
  • 网络Consumer Packaged Goods;Packaged Consumer Goods
  1. 宝洁的主题是包装消费品。

    Procter & Gamble is around a consumer packaged goods theme .

  2. 历史经验表明,当你陷入这种经济形势时,包装消费品公司确实会散发更多的优惠券。

    Historically , when you get into this type of an economy , consumer packaged goods companies do put out more coupons , he said .

  3. 研究负责人大卫-巴克内尔教授说,运输塑料包装的消费品使用的车辆更少,因为塑料很轻。

    Professor David Bucknall , who led the research , said that transportation of consumer goods in plastic packaging means fewer vehicles because plastic is lightweight .

  4. 对两种有包装的消费品牙膏和盘子清洁剂进行的实证分析表明,从商店销售数据估计的品牌资产是可靠的,并将此与其他测量品牌资产的方式结合起来。

    The empirical results from analysis of two consumer packaged goods categories , toothpaste and dish detergents , reveal that brand equity estimates from store sales data are reliable and correlate well with other measures of brand equity .

  5. 推出小包装产品是消费品公司从囊中羞涩的消费者获得更高利润的一个可靠方法。

    Smaller packages are a tried-and-true formula by consumer-goods companies to generate higher profits from cash-strapped consumers .

  6. 铝是一种质量轻、耐腐蚀的金属,导电性好,应用范围很广,主要用于建筑、包装、电力、消费品和运输等行业。

    Aluminum , a light metal with erosion resisting and electrical conductivity , is widely used , especially in construction , packing , electric power , consumption products and transportation .