
bāo fàn
  • board;get or supply meals at a fixed rate
包饭 [bāo fàn]
  • [board] 以固定的价钱在一定时间(如一个月)获得或供应正规食物

  • 在附近的饭馆里包饭

包饭[bāo fàn]
  1. 前往寿司店购买含有蛋白质的包饭。

    Head to the sushi station for a protein-packed prepared meal .

  2. 琼斯太太靠给学生们包饭谋生。

    Mrs Jones makes a living by boarding students .

  3. 夏天,我姑妈为渡假者包饭。

    My aunt boards holiday-makers during the summer .

  4. 有时,玛丽在她的姑妈家包饭。

    Mary boards at her aunt 's sometimes .

  5. 最受欢迎的还是这个服务台,因为人们排起了长龙,微笑的士兵向人们免费发放蛋包饭。

    The most popular attraction , judging by the line , was the serving station for free portions of omelette rice dished out by smiling soldiers .

  6. 你绝不能花费毕生来精通一项技能&倘若成果不过是一口鱼片包饭的话,那就更不能了。

    You must under no account dedicate your entire life to mastering a skill – particularly if the end result is a mere mouthful of rice and fish .

  7. 五谷粥屋大酒店经营五谷杂粮面及各色家常菜,酒店环境优雅,可承接婚庆包席,及各类会议包饭。

    Grain porridge housing large hotel operators of grain and miscellaneous grains colored dishes , elegant hotel environment , I can undertake wedding packages , and various meetings Baofan .

  8. 后来为怕饭团为蛟龙所食,人们想出用楝树叶包饭,外缠彩丝,发展成棕子。

    Later , for fear of fresh rice balls for the dragon , people think of using neem leaves Bao Fan , Chan Choi , silk , to develop into Zongzi .