
  • 网络PACKAGE;Parcels
  1. 湖南邮政包件业务营销激励机制研究

    The Research on Motivation System for HUNAN POST Postal Parcels Services Marketing

  2. 典型的食用与农用植物基因资源(PGRFA)输送一般指少量的作为与卡车或船只载运相对的活体资源大小包件。

    The movement of PGRFA typically involves small quantities of living materials-packets and packages as opposed to truck or ship loads .

  3. 《案例》:东莞邮政包件市场&研究市场动态,调整营销策略

    Dongguan Postal Parcel Market & Researching Market Trends , Adjusting Marketing Strategies

  4. 为商品名称,包件数量及种类栏。

    Description of goods ; number and king of packages .

  5. 德国包件处理中心的建设

    Postal Package Handling Center Construction in Germany

  6. 销售的被召回玩具是12件或18件各种颜色的统一形状的包件。

    The recalled toy is sold in packs of12 / 18 identically-shaped pieces of various colours .

  7. 如有部分包件变质,应当另行抽样检验。

    If some of the packaged drug has gone bad , the sampling and inspection shall be re-conducted .

  8. 邮政包件是邮政行业的传统业务,也是国家要求邮政业必须提供的普遍服务。

    Postal parcel business is a traditional business , which is also the general service supported by National Post that was demanded by our country .

  9. 最近在维多利亚阿尔伯特博物馆(VictoriaandAlbertMuseum)的一次谈话中,西格丽德表示,手袋博物馆当时仅有的凯莉包是件赝品。

    During a recent talk at the Victoria and Albert Museum , Sigrid said the Handbag Museum 's then-only Kelly was a fake .

  10. 包角件成形工艺的改进及模具设计

    Improvement in Angle - Wrapping Components Forming Process and Design of the Die

  11. 通过对包角件工艺的正确分析,改进了原工艺方案,采用半厚对称成形工艺,简化了模具结构,有利于成形。

    A correct analysis was made on angle_wrapping parts forming technology . The previous processing scheme has been improved by adopting half_thickness symmetric forming technology , which simplified the die structure and is good for forming .

  12. 要了解NumericalPython软件包的第一件事情是,NumericalPython不会让您去做标准Python不能完成的任何工作。

    The first thing to know about the Numerical Python package is that it doesn 't let you do anything you cannot already do with standard Python .

  13. 他匆忙包了几件衣服,我们就出去了。

    He threw a few clothes together and we set off .

  14. 没有人需要一个新包或者一件漂亮的新裙子。

    No one needs a new bag , or a fancy dress ;

  15. 心里有感激却没有去表达它就好像包了一件礼物却没有送出去一样。

    Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it .

  16. 杜桑费了大劲才得到许可,包了几件换洗衣服、裙袍和梳妆用具。

    It was with difficulty that Toussaint had obtained permission to pack up a little linen and clothes and a few toilet articles .

  17. 中国红十字会表示正向灾区运送200顶帐篷、1000个家庭包以及2000件夹克,还从兰州和北京都派出了队伍,协助开展救援工作。

    The Chinese Red Cross said it was shipping 200 tents , 1,000 sets of household items and 2,000 jackets to the area and sending teams from both Lanzhou and Beijing to help with relief work .

  18. M5锆合金主要应用于核反应堆堆芯的燃料包壳和结构件。

    M5 zirconium alloy is mainly applied in the nuclear reactor core as the fuel cladding tubes and structure materials .

  19. 我包的每一件礼物。

    Every single present I wrap .

  20. 这个包可能是通用件,也可能是由组织内部的另一个小组开发的。

    The package might be off-the-shelf or might be developed by a different group within your organization .

  21. 哈利扯开纸包,看见一件厚厚的鲜绿色的手编毛衣,还有一大盒自制的乳脂软糖。

    Harry had torn open the parcel to find a thick , hand-knitted sweater in emerald green and a large box of homemade fudge .

  22. 这包里有一瓶香水,一包香烟和几件衣服。

    There are a bottle of perfume , a pack of cigarette and some clothes in the bag .