
  • Box;packing box;packaging box
  1. 制造商将价格标在包装盒上。

    The manufacturer marked the price on the packing box .

  2. 高档包装盒用高固含量胶粘剂的研制与应用

    Preparation and application of high-solid content adhesive using for slap-up packing box

  3. 请检查包装盒侧面的成分清单。

    Check the list of ingredients on the side of the package .

  4. 它是包装盒标明的成分之一。

    It is listed among the ingredients on the package .

  5. 你订购的货物由邮政人员送达时,要先检查一下包装盒再签收。

    When the postal clerk delivers your order , check the carton before signing for it .

  6. 此前,苹果公司允许香港和澳门的用户在购买手机14天内凭借包装盒和原始小票免费退换未损坏的手机产品。

    Apple had previously4 allowed customers in Hong Kong and Macao to return the undamaged products for free , with the original receipt and packaging , within 14 days of the pick-up date .

  7. 基于WEB的包装盒形设计技术的实现

    Implement of Design Technique on Packaging Carton Based on WEB

  8. CD包装盒叠层式热流道模具设计

    Design of Double-level Hot Runner Stack Injection Mold for CD Case

  9. 介绍了电缆包装盒CAD系统的设计方法及功能的实现。

    The CAD system and their functions of the cable - pack drum were introduced .

  10. PVC包装盒热成型模设计

    Design of the Thermoforming Mould for the PVC Packing Boxes

  11. 关于这些硬/软件兼容性的信息通常可以在产品包装盒上的Requirements(要求)部分找到。

    This hardware / software compatibility information is usually found in the Requirements section on the back of the box of each product .

  12. 打开包装盒,它呈现出一个大体上整洁清爽的Android系统。

    Out of the box , it presents a mostly clean version of Android .

  13. 本公司的PVC装饰片,适用于家具、包装盒、装饰产品等。

    Our company supplies of PVC decorative pieces , suitable for furniture , packing boxes , decorative products , etc.

  14. 在得知BuffaloGamesInc.拼图玩具的包装盒印刷是在加拿大完成的之后,他便将这些产品赶出了自家卖场。

    He banished puzzles made by Buffalo Games Inc. after learning that the printing on the boxes was done in Canada .

  15. 这是我第一次打开黑莓最新智能手机Passport的包装盒时的自言自语。

    That 's the phrase I uttered to myself when I first unboxed BlackBerry 's latest smartphone , the Passport .

  16. 用途:适用于PVC、PET胶片成型的各种瓜子筒,子弹内裤,文具,玩具,糖果,一般商品的圆筒包装盒

    Application : PVC , PET film tube forming a variety of seeds , bullets underwear , stationery , toys , confectionery , general merchandise cylinder box

  17. 提出基于Web的远程包装盒形设计的思想,给出了实现的架构,以及使用Java和XML技术绘制和描述盒形的实现方法。

    An idea was presented on a long-distance packaging carton design at based on WEB . The frame and implementation technique to draw and describe carton with Java and XML technique were presented .

  18. 可生产各类礼品包装盒、彩盒、彩卡、书刊画册、金银卡、不干胶、及各种海棉及EVA等包装产品。

    It can produce various gift packaging boxes , color-boxes , color-cards , books & album of paintings , various sponge , EVA etc.

  19. 人们扫描该产品包装盒上的QR码后,程序将自动播放据说是华盛顿州的黎明景象。

    When scanned , these took cereal-munchers to a video of dawn in , say , Washington state .

  20. 公司还掏钱对印刷机房的35名员工进行培训,教会他们掌握先进的技术手段,如可令墨水在包装盒上即印即干的UV打印等。

    He also invests in education for his pressroom of 35 employees , offering classes in advanced specialties like UV printing , where the ink dries instantly on a box .

  21. Nest恒温器的外包装盒非常精美,安装起来也很容易。它的售价为249美元,将由百思买(BestBuy)等电子产品零售店直接出售给消费者。

    The device , which will be sold directly to consumers at electronic stores like Best Buy ( BBY ) for $ 249 , comes in an elegant box and is easy to install .

  22. 基于此,凯乐格在其在美国出售的CrunchyNut麦片的包装盒上加上了二维码,或称QR码(QR即快速反应“QuickResponse”之意)。

    The cornflake-maker put 2D codes , better known as QR ( for quick response ) codes , on its Crunchy Nut boxes in America .

  23. Walkers薯片的空袋子占品牌垃圾的4.1%,麦当劳的包装盒占了3.4%。

    Empty packets of Walkers Crisps made up for 4.1 per cent of litter whilst 3.4 per cent was McDonald 's packaging .

  24. EIAV基因转移载体包装盒表达质粒的构建

    Construction of packaging protein expression cassette of gene transfer vector derived from equine infectious anemia virus

  25. 基于WTK的灌装线主机运动建模德国:饮料包装盒创意设计精美实用

    WTK Based Kinematical Modeling for Main Machines of Beverage Packaging Production Line Beverage Packaging in Germany

  26. 包装盒有:瓦楞纸包装盒,白卡纸盒,精装盒,礼品包装盒,牛皮纸盒,展示盒,PVC透明包装盒,彩色纸箱,普通手袋,特种纸手袋等。

    Box are : corrugated boxes , white card boxes , hardcover box , gift box , paper box , display box , PVC transparent box , carton , ordinary handbag , handbags and other specialty paper .

  27. 产品使用在精美商标、书刊以及食品、香烟、手机、PDA等高档包装盒上更为客户的产品添加一份光彩。

    Our products are used in top-grade packing case of deluxe brand marks , magazines and books , food , tobacco , mobile phone , PDA and thus add luster to products of our customers .

  28. 它不只可以用来喝:Dial公司推出了用椰汁做保湿剂的香皂和浴液——其包装盒上醒目地点出这一成分。

    And it 's not just for drinking : Dial has released a soap and a body wash that use coconut water as a hydrating agent - and as a powerful image on the package .

  29. 分析了PVC包装盒热成型的工艺特点,介绍了热成型模具的结构、气道的设计特点、冷却水道的结构和密封方式。

    The technological characteristics of the thermoforming process for the PVC packing boxes are analyzed . The structure of the thermoforming mould , design characteristic of the gas channel , structure of the cooling water channel and sealing method are introduced .

  30. R03的包装盒是一个非常酷的黑色纸盒,衬托着一个滑出式的泡沫内核。

    The R03 comes in a handsome black cardboard box with a slide-out foam insert .