
  • packaging;【化】packing material;wrapping;wrapper
  1. 我们备有各种各样的贺卡和礼品包装材料。

    We stock a wide range of cards and gift wrap .

  2. 你最好多用点包装材料。

    You 'd better use plenty of packing .

  3. 倡议还包括到2025年努力减少对环境的影响、水的消耗以及包装材料的使用。

    Initiatives also include efforts to reduce its environmental impact , water consumption and materials used in packaging by 2025 .

  4. 答:该规定概述了某些木质包装材料的特定的例外情形

    A : The regulation outlines specific exemptions for some WPM .

  5. 所有木包装材料必须无树皮。

    All wood packaging materials must be crating .

  6. 企业可从国家认可的清单中选择绿色包装材料,建立快件包装标准流程。

    Companies can choose green packaging materials from an approved list and establish a standard way to wrap parcels .

  7. 第十三条食品容器、包装材料和食品用工具、设备的生产必须采用符合卫生要求的原材料。

    Article 13 The raw materials for making containers , packagings , utensils and equipment used for food must meet hygiene requirements .

  8. 我国食品复合包装材料DE卫生标准

    Hygienic standard of food compound packaging materia in China

  9. 电源功率对SiOx薄膜包装材料阻隔性影响的研究

    Effects of power supply on barrier properties of SiO_x thin film

  10. 绿色包装材料de发展及其措施

    Green Packaging Materials development & measure

  11. 研究了维生素C钠使用各种不同包装材料在温度、湿度、光线影响下,产品质量随时间变换的规律,为产品的生产、包装、储存和运输提供了有效的技术支持。

    The effects of different packaging materials on Sodium ascorbate under different conditions of temperature , humidity , light and periods of time were studied .

  12. 带结构的EPS防震包装材料动特性研究

    Dynamic Characteristic Research of EPS Shockproof Packaging Material of Belt Structure

  13. 对带结构的EPS防震包装材料进行了理论和试验研究。

    Theoretical and experimental investigation of EPS shockproof packaging material of belt structure is carried on .

  14. 本文就这一问题从不同方面论述了EPS材料在我国包装材料业中的重要地位和作用。

    From different way this thesis discoursed the important place and function of EPS in packaging materials .

  15. 烟用包装材料中挥发性有机物VOCs的定性分析

    A Qualitative Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds ( VOCs ) in Packaging Materials of Cigarettes

  16. 本公司是一家专业生产PVC热缩包装材料及其周边相关配套产品加工于一体的生产企业。

    This is a company specializing in the production of PVC packaging materials and the surrounding thermal related ancillary products processing enterprises in the integration of production .

  17. NIR更适用于对原料药纯度、包装材料等的分析与检测以及生产工艺的监控;

    NIR applies to analyze and detect the purity of bulk drug , packing material , etc. , and monitor production process .

  18. 用瓦楞纸箱、EPS缓冲垫、蜂窝纸板作为工艺陶瓷的包装材料进行了相互的比较分析。

    With the corrugated paper box , EPS slow died , the honeycomb cardboard to carry on the mutual comparative analysis as the craft ceramics'packing material .

  19. 实验还以合成得到的PVDC共聚乳液为涂料,在纸质包装材料的涂布加工方面进行了一定的应用研究。

    In the research , the synthesis PVDC copolymer emulsions were apply to paper .

  20. 研究结果表明:选用合适的保鲜剂,并辅以打孔自发气调法和适宜的包装材料,可使金针菇贮存保鲜7d。

    The results showed that suitable antistaling agent , modified atmosphere packaging and appropriate wrappings can make Flammulina velutipes keep fresh for 7 days .

  21. 采用P&T-GC和HS-GC检测卷烟包装材料中的挥发性有机物

    Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Cigarette Packaging Material by P & T-GC and HS-GC

  22. 叙述了医用乳胶手套、一次性使用医疗器械、卫生材料及药品包装材料等对辐射灭菌的需求,提出了我国医疗用品辐射灭菌的发展对策:60Coγ辐射装置实现规模经济、集约化和国际化;

    This paper describes market demand for radiation sterilization of medical products such as medical latex gloves , disposable medical devices , packing material for medicine , etc.

  23. 本文运用HACCP原理对浓缩苹果清汁生产过程进行了危害分析及关键控制,确定了其关键控制点为:原料果和无菌包装材料的验收、原料果拣选、后巴氏杀菌和无菌灌装。

    The HACCP approach was used to identify the critical control points in the production of concentrated apple juice . The CCPs are : Accepting of apple and sterile packing ; Selection of apple ;

  24. 玉米醇溶蛋白(zein)具有良好的成膜特性,应用在食品、化工、医药和生物降解包装材料方面有着诱人的前景。

    Corn zein has a good ability to form tough , hydrophobic , grease proof coatings Applications of zein in special food , pharmaceutical and biodegradable plastics have a potential prospect .

  25. 用纤维纸作PVDC胶乳涂覆型包装材料的基材,具有与以塑料为基材的涂覆膜相同的包装性能。

    The fiber paper are used as the basic materials of PVDC latex coating packaging materials , with the same packaging property as painting PVDC on other plastics films .

  26. 以龙虾仁为原料,PET/AL/PP复合蒸煮袋作包装材料,对即食龙虾仁制品的制作工艺和制品主要栅栏因子-水分活度(Aw)的调控进行了研究。

    The research on processing technics of fast food lobster and the control of water activity ( Aw ) which is a main hurdle factor were made , with the red swamp crayfish as the material and PET / AT / PP package resistant to high-temperature .

  27. 比较了PVDC涂敷膜、铝箔袋、NY/PE复合袋和NY/PE共挤膜袋4种复合塑料包装材料与真空和充气两种包装方式对新鲜猪肉的保鲜效果。

    The storage effect of package with film smeared PVDC , Aluminum foil film , NY / PE compound film and NY / PE co-extruded film , packaging in way of vacuum and carbondioxide on fresh pork were compared .

  28. 采购:干燥水果,干燥食品,包装材料。

    Buy : Dried fruit , Dried foods , Packing material .

  29. 分析食品包装材料迁移模型中的扩散系数

    Analysis of Diffusion Coefficient for Migration Model in Food Packaging Material

  30. 蔬菜种子贮藏期包装材料对种子活力的影响

    Effect of package materials on vegetable seed vigor in preservation period