
  • 网络Packaging Management;Packing Management
  1. 论一般企业的包装管理

    On the Practice of Packaging Management in Common Enterprises

  2. 为此企业应加强包装管理,通过改进产品包装提高经济效益。

    Enterprises should strengthen packaging management , increase economic efficiency by improving product packaging .

  3. 越洋液体货物包装管理系统的数据库实现

    FLUID THERAPY Database Implementation of Trans Ocean Distribution MIS

  4. 加强危险品运输包装管理提高物流运输安全

    Strengthen Management for Packing of Dangerous Goods in Transportation , for Improving Safety in Logistics

  5. 精益包装管理探析

    Analysis of the management of lean package

  6. 一般企业的包装管理,是企业管理的重要组成部分,企业包装管理工作的好坏,对保证产品质量、降低包装成本和促进产品销售都有很大的影响。

    The management of packaging in common enterprises contributes the most important part to the management of enterprises .

  7. 再介绍国外成熟的食品包装管理体系,力图从国外的先进经验中找到对我国食品包装安全管理机制的一些改进方向。

    Then the paper introduces the mature foreign food packaging management system , trying to find some improvements in the direction of safety management mechanism of food packaging learn from foreign experience .

  8. 为满足消费者用药的安全性和方便性的需要,通过非处方药包装管理分析,说明了搞好非处方药产品的内外包装的必要性;

    Secondly , Taking view of the safety and convenience of the drug for consumers , it discusses the necessity of the high-qualified drug packing in the way of analyzing the OTC packing Management .

  9. 探讨如何加强企业包装管理工作,提出企业包装工作实现专业化生产后将大大提高包装质量并将为企业创造显著的经济效益。

    The author discusses how to improve the management work in the packing of a business , presents that the packing guality will be greatly improved and the economic effort of the business will be obtained when the specialized production is made in the packing work in the business .

  10. 但是一定要注意,二者的中介框架实现、API、包装和管理模型是不同的。

    It is important to note , though , that the mediation framework implementations , APIs , packaging , and administration model for each are different .

  11. 鉴于作业成本法(ABC法)在成本管理领域中的日益普及,重点探讨ABC法在包装成本管理中的运用。

    Since the activity based costing is prevalence increasingly in management field , it importantly discusses that applying ABC-method in package cost managing .

  12. HACCP体系应用于聚烯烃类食品软包装的管理,进行了危害分析;

    Application of HACCP system on polyalkenes soft packaging for food was introduced including Harm Analysis , and Critical Control Point analysis .

  13. 审美价值在包装经济管理中的地位与作用

    The Place and Role of Aesthetic Values in Packing Economic Management

  14. 包装企业管理体系的建立与创新

    Construction & Innovation of the Managing System for Packaging Enterprises

  15. 中国包装行业管理工作10年

    Ten years ' history of China 's packaging trade management

  16. 世界片式元器件的包装及管理技术

    The Package and Management of Chip Components and Devices

  17. 我国《包装废弃物管理法》框架初探

    Briefly Probing into the Frame of 《 Management of Package Wastes 》 in China

  18. 市场经济与包装行业管理

    Market Economy and Management of Packaging Industry

  19. 中国稻田农药包装废弃物管理现状与对策建议打捞失败而报废废弃的

    Current Situation of Rice Field Pesticide Package Wastes Administration and It 's Countermeasure Suggestion in Our Country

  20. 本文通过实例介绍了纸盒加工企业包装设计管理中的问题以及针对问题的对策。

    Base on the real sample , I analyzed the problems and solutions of International Company Inner Management .

  21. 该系统能够为企业提供标准化、系统化的冷轧薄钢板材整体包装方式管理,提高企业的工作效率。

    The system can provide standardized systematic cold rolling sheet whole transport packaging management and improve business efficiency .

  22. 提出目前我国包装废物管理的重点应是塑料类包装废物。

    It was also proved that the key of the packaging waste management was the plastic packaging waste .

  23. 我国的食品包装安全管理还没有形成比较完善的管理机制,这对于食品包装安全的管理极为不利。

    But safety management of food packaging in China has not formed a complete management system , which for the food packaging safety management is extremely unfavorable .

  24. 在这一点上,我国同样需要通过提高食品生产企业的质量和技术的手段,利用可追溯性系统工具,做好食品包装和管理工作,做到有效监管。

    At this point , our country also needs to improve food production to enterprise through quality and technical means , the use of " traceability " system tools , good food packaging and management , so that it can be effective supervision .

  25. 医药用PTP铝箔包装与GMP管理

    PTP and GMP in Medicine

  26. 包装产品质量管理发展趋势及对策分析

    Analysis on the Quality Management Tendency and Countermeasure of Packing Products

  27. 包装设备的管理与维修技术研究及应用

    Research and Application about Management and Maintenance Technology of Packing Devices

  28. 长期储存的密封包装弹药防潮管理研究

    The study of dampproof management about sealing packaging of ammunition in stock

  29. 浅谈瓶装啤酒包装质量的管理与控制

    Talk about the Management and Control of Packing Quality of Bottled Beer

  30. 基于数码技术的商品防伪包装及其计算机管理信息系统

    The Numeral Technique Based on Defending the Commodity Packing From Fabricated and MIS