
  • 网络Packing standard;STANDARD PACKAGING;packaging standard
  1. 军用包装标准中质量保证要求现状的研讨

    Research on Status of Quality Guarantee Requirement in Military Packing Standard

  2. 物流公司应制定包装标准,培训快递员按规定进行包装,以减少浪费,避免过度包装。

    Logistics companies must draw up packaging standards and train couriers to wrap packages accordingly to reduce waste and avoid over-packaging .

  3. 包装标准包装为20粒糖衣九。医院用包装为100500及1000粒糖衣丸。

    Packs Standard packs of20 dregees Hospital packs of100,500 and1000 dregees .

  4. 包装标准化及运输条件分组

    Sub-group on Standardization of Packaging and on Conditions of Transport

  5. 发货前,包装标准应经业主同意。

    Standard of packing shall be agreed with the employer prior to delivery .

  6. 简论飞机型号研制中的包装标准化工作

    An introduction to packing standardization in developing new aircraft

  7. 包装标准与法规课程教学内容与教学方法的研究

    Research on the Packaging Standards and the Teaching Content of the Rule Curriculum

  8. 国内外药品包装标准简介

    Brief Introduction of Internal and External Medicinal Packaging standards

  9. 水产品航空运输包装标准

    Package standard of air transport for the aquatic products

  10. 军品包装标准化

    Some consideration on developing packaging standardization of materiel

  11. 加强我军军品包装标准化工作的对策与建议

    Countermeasures for Construction of Military Packaging Standardization

  12. 关于扩大我国食品塑料软包装标准中残留溶剂检测范围的探讨

    Discussion of enlarging the scope of residual solvents detected in plastic flexible packaging materials for food

  13. 现代物流标准化与包装标准化

    Logistics Standardization and Packaging Standardization

  14. 并介绍了德国使用的出口包装标准及木箱强度校核方法。

    At the same time the standard of export packaging and checking calculation in Germany are introduced .

  15. 是否有因顾客订单、工序卡或包装标准要求的受控的专门包装说明?

    Are there controlled special packaging instructions as required by customer 's purchase order , process sheets or packaging standards ?

  16. 由于售后配件种类多、体积差异大、包装标准化低等特性,配件的存储空间需求巨大,配送中心建筑规模也较大,投资也较高。

    Because many kinds of the service parts , different size , and low standardized packaging , so it will have a huge demand for storage space , large scale and big investment .

  17. 针对包装标准与法规课程的性质与特点,研究了课程的教学内容,从6个方面对包装标准与法规课程的教学方法进行了尝试性实践,并提出了自己的见解和主张。

    Depending up the principles and features of packaging standards and the rule curriculum , the author researched the teaching contents of rule curriculum and practiced the teaching method through 6 different ways . Some suggestions and ideas of the author have been given .

  18. Web服务标准和支持Web服务的企业级的软件平台不断成熟,各大企业纷纷将自己的业务功能和组件包装成标准的Web服务发布出去。

    Web services standards and enterprise-class software platform which support Web services continue to mature , major companies have published their business functions and components packaged into a standard Web service .

  19. JFaceAPI包装了标准(并非不重要的)部件,例如表和树,并实现了结构化内容提供者和标签提供者。

    The JFace API wraps the standard ( non-trivial ) widget , such as table and tree , and implements the structured content providers and label providers .

  20. 我国食品包装卫生标准现状分析

    Analysis of Chinese hygiene standard system on food packaging

  21. 我方包装是标准化的,已为外国客户认可。

    Our packing is standardized in a manner which is approved by foreign clients .

  22. 注:表中所列为最小包装的标准数量。

    Note : the quantity shown in the table is the standard quantity of minimum package .

  23. 该损失是由于包装不合标准所致,所以应由贵公司负责这一损失。

    The loss was due to the use of substandard bags for which you should be responsible .

  24. 以国标GB1.7为指导编制变流器包装企业标准

    Working out the Enterprise Standard for " Inverter Packaging " under the Guidance of National Standard-GB 1 . 7

  25. 该系列现在已包装的标准收藏成一个单一套装,充满了丰富的演员不寻常甚至是慷慨的组织。

    The series has now been packaged by the Criterion Collection into a single box set , filled with a wealth of extras unusual even for that generous organization .

  26. 企业应当按照国家包装物标准对产品进行合理包装,尽量缩小包装物的体积,减少包装废物的产生。

    Enterprises shall pack the product rationally ; reduce the size of the parcel and the production of the packaging waste , in accordance with the national standard of packaging .

  27. 真空包装机技术标准与检测方法的研究

    Study on Standard and Inspection Method of Vacuum Packaging Machine

  28. 如何使聚烯烃膜满足工业包装抗静电标准?

    How to make polyolefin films meet antistatic standards for industrial packaging ?

  29. 美军包装试验方法标准的特点及对我国军用包装试验的适用性

    Characteristics of ASTM and Application of military Packaging Test in Our Country

  30. 包装:出口标准包装,与装箱单相符。

    Packing : export standard packing and packing list must evidence the same .