
  • 网络chemical evolution
  1. 科学家们希望通过进一步分析这块陨石能了解其化学演变,并为我们宇宙的化学制出一条时间轴。

    By further analyzing the meteorite , researchers hope to understand its chemical evolution and create a timeline of the chemistry of our universe .

  2. 元古宙寒武纪疑源类的辐射演化、绝灭作用与海洋地球化学演变兼论扬子区元古宙奥陶纪疑源类的演化

    Study on the relationship between radiation and extinction of Proterozoic and Cambrian phytoplanktons ( acritarchs ) and marine geochemical evolution

  3. 草畜系统下盐碱荒地土壤生物化学性状演变过程的研究

    Study on the Evolutional Process of Soil Biochemical Properties of Saline-alkali Wastelands in the Grass-livestock Systems

  4. 黑河流域水体化学特征及其演变规律

    Distribution and Evolution of Water Chemical Characteristics in Heihe River Basin

  5. 蔬菜温室土壤某些化学性质的演变特征

    Soil chemical property changes in vegetable greenhouse fields

  6. 贺兰山西麓典型干旱区绿洲地下水水化学特征与演变规律

    Hydrochemical Characteristics and Evolution Laws of Groundwater in Typical Oasis of Arid Areas on the West of Helan Mountain

  7. 虽然很微妙,但这些颜色的变化告诉我们,月球表面发生的化学变化和演变史。

    Although subtle , these colour variations tell us important things about the chemistry and evolution of the lunar surface .

  8. 基于这些问题,本文应用人工模拟降雨试验方法,研究了坡耕地土壤侵蚀发生发展过程,以及侵蚀过程中土壤物理化学特性的演变规律;

    In this paper , the soil process of sloping farmland and the evolution law of soil phsicochemistry properties in soil erosion process has been studied , using simulated rainfall experiment .

  9. 首先根据动力学系统状态演进过程的非线性状态方程,给出了化学反应状态演变过程的有序化动力学系统模型,同时也给出了动力学系统状态空间上势函数的序参量描述形式。

    According to the non linear state equation describing the state evolution of dynamic systems , an ordered dynamic model for chemical reactions has been set up , and the describing functions of the order parameters in the state space for the potential function of dynamic system are presented .

  10. 论美国化学研究精神的演变

    A study on the transformation of research spirit in USA chemistry

  11. 南海北部海域软泥水化学和成生演变模式

    Chemistry and formation-evolution pattern of ooze water in the north of Nanhai Sea

  12. 山东半岛小海潟湖沉积地球化学特征与环境演变

    The geochemical characteristics of the lagoon sediment of xiaohai , shandong province and the environment change

  13. 介绍当前国外对于土壤污染化学污染物传递和演变过程模型化及模型应用工作的进展情况,并给予评述,最后给出关于进一步研究该问题的讨论。

    The present development on modeling and application about transport and degradation of chemical contaminant in soil systems is introduced , and further works to be done are discussed .

  14. 本文根据耗散结构理论,研究化学物质结构的演变,找到了化学物质的进化规律,并得到了化学物质的层次分类系统。

    Grounded on the theory of dissipation structure , the paper is aimed at studying the development of structure of chemical matter and has discovered the evolution law of chemcaj matter , and established the level classification system .

  15. 论化学命名法和化学符号的历史演变

    A Brief Discussion about the Functions of Chemical Nomenclature and Chemical Symbolism

  16. 水文地质条件变化主要包括地下水动力场和地下水化学场的变化,山东省水文地质条件演化规律的研究,应从人类工程活动影响下地下水循环系统和化学环境的演变来进行。

    Hydrogeological condition evolution includes the changes of groundwater dynamic field and groundwater physicochemical field , the study of Shandong hydrogeological conditions ' evolution should be done under the influence of human engineering activities .

  17. 化学史是化学家征服世界、改造自然、创造发明的奋斗史,记述了化学知识的累积过程,以及化学科学的发展演变规律。

    History of Chemistry is the chemist to conquer the world , transforming nature , the struggle to create and invent history , describes the accumulated knowledge of chemical processes , as well as chemical evolution of the development of science .