
  • 网络Beijing International Studies University;bisu;Beijing Second Foreign Language Institute
  1. 带有激情的大声朗读,已经成为北京第二外国语学院学生们学习英语的一个普遍的现象。

    The one conspicuous phenomenon which characterizes Beijing International Studies University is that the students here all hold a passion for reading aloud .

  2. 王烁(音译),北京第二外国语学院毕业年份:2013年工作单位:国家广播电影电视总局工作:职员月薪:3000元

    Wang Shuo , Beijing International Studies University Graduation Year : 2013 Employer : State Administration of Radio , Film and Television Job : clerk Monthly salary : 3,000 yuan

  3. 谈数学中的辩证法北京第二外国语学院法语系简介


  4. 学习成绩的评比标准将与北京第二外国语学院的奖学金评比要求保持一致。

    The criteria for academic education will be in line with the requirements set for BISU scholarship .

  5. 今天我正打算把它和别的一些书一起赠送给北京第二外国语学院图书馆,忽然看到了下面这一段故事。

    I was ready to give it as a gift for my school in Beijing when I chanced upon the following story .

  6. 学费包括在北京第二外国语学院学习期间的学习费用、保险费、体检费用等。

    Tuition includes to be in Beijing charge of the study charge during Institute of the2nd foreign language learns , insurance premium , check-up .

  7. 年愈不惑的庞玉良是河南省驻马店市上蔡县人,毕业于北京第二外国语学院。

    The more perplexed is the Longyuliang Zhumadian City , Shangcai County , Henan Province , graduated from the Beijing Second Institute of Foreign Languages .

  8. 这位就读于北京第二外国语学院翻译专业的22岁女生冲到了校门口,那里有几百个包裹在等人来签收。

    The 22-year-old translation and interpretation major at Beijing International Studies University rushed to the school gate , where hundreds of parcels lay waiting to be collected by their owners .

  9. 顺便说一下,刘晶考上了北京第二外国语学院,很棒的大学,真为她感到高兴!

    By the way , Liu has got the qualification to enter The Second Foreign Language University of Beijing , which is a pretty good university . I 'm really glad about this !

  10. 第四章旅游专业大学生就业供给分析。通过对北京第二外国语学院旅游专业毕业生的问卷调查,深入剖析毕业生的自我认知、旅游专业认知、择业标准、职业期望和就业影响因素。

    Taking Beijing International Studies University as an example , Part 4 does an investigation of self-recognition , tourism major recognition , career anchor , employment expectation and influencing factors of tourism graduates .

  11. 高校视频资源数据库的建设&以北京第二外国语学院图书馆自建校内视频资源数据库为例

    Video resources have become an important part in more and more college library . The Technology Discussion about the Video Resources Database Construction in Universities & Taking the Video Resources Database of the Library of Beijing International Studies University as an Example

  12. 北京第二外国语学院中国闲暇经济研究中心的魏翔教授认为,春假是国内高校在改进学生课程安排方面一次不错的尝试,可以在休闲与课业安排上,为学生提供更多选择。

    Wei Xiang , a professor specializing in holiday economics at Beijing International Studies University , said that the spring break is a good experiment for universities to make study schedules smoother in order to give students more options to arrange their own leisure and study activities .

  13. 中午,石慧子(音译)收到一条短信:“我是圆通快递的。请到校门口领取你的包裹。”这位就读于北京第二外国语学院翻译专业的22岁女生冲到了校门口,那里有几百个包裹在等人来签收。

    At noon , Shi Huizi received a text message : " This is Yuantong Express . Please come to the school gate and pick up your parcel . " The 22-year-old translation and interpretation major at Beijing International Studies University rushed to the school gate , where hundreds of parcels lay waiting to be collected by their owners .