
  • 网络beijing institute of graphic communication;Beijing Institute of Graphic & Communication;Beijing Institute Of Graphic Comminication
  1. 《北京印刷学院学报》1993年~2005年载文分析

    Analysis of Papers Published in Journal of Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication from 1993 to 2005

  2. 24岁的她从北京印刷学院毕业后,便决意要入行做设计。

    The 24-year-old graduate from Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication decided to do design work from the very beginning .

  3. 2003年,与北京印刷学院金银河教授合著、化学工业出版社出版《柔性版印刷技术》一书;

    In2003 , he wrote a book named Flexo Printing Technology ( Printed by Chemical Industry Publishing House ) in collaboration with Professor Jin Yinhe from Beijing Printing Institute .

  4. 印刷工程实训中心是北京印刷学院实践教学特色之一,随着学院学科建设和专业建设的深化,加强印刷工程实训中心建设至关重要。

    The printing engineering practical teaching center ( PEPTC ) has been one of teaching features of BIGC for many years , so it 's very important to reinforce and improve the establishment of PEPTC .

  5. 在分析首届曼罗兰印刷专业奖学金评选标准、评选过程和评选结果的基础上,对北京印刷学院不同层次印刷专业学生培养中应该把握的关键问题进行了深入思考。

    Based on the analysis of the standard , process and result of the first MAN Roland printing scholarship , we think deeply about some key elements which should be considered on the different level printing education .