
  • 网络Regional bank
  1. 自上世纪五十年代以来,汇丰集团通过持续不断的并购活动由一家区域性银行逐渐发展成为国际知名的银行及金融服务集团。

    Since 1850s , HSBC gradually developed to an international well-known bank financial service group from a regional bank through continuous merger and acquisition ( M A ) .

  2. 1980s以来,银行国际化迅速向全球蔓延,大批跨国银行涌现,全球性银行、区域性银行和众多的跨国金融机构组成一个全球性的金融网络。

    Since 1980s , Internationalization of bank has become an increasingly global trend and a lot of multinational banks are emerging . All these global and regional banks , transnational financial institutions have composed a world-wide banking networks .

  3. 萨帕特罗(Zapatero)政府终于已经开始强迫银行系统进行整合,迫使区域性银行合并。

    The Zapatero government has finally begun to force consolidation of the banking system , forcing troubled regional cajas to merge .

  4. 亚洲开发银行(ADB)在一笔关键的菲律宾水务融资交易中输给了中国。这家区域性银行本想借此笔交易,展示一种灵活的新型借贷安排。

    The Asian Development Bank has lost to China a key water financing deal in the Philippines that the regional lender had hoped would be a showcase for a new flexible lending facility .

  5. 进而文章指出,发展区域性银行是缓解中小企业融资困境的最佳方式。

    Then we come to the conclusion that developing regional banks is the best way to ease the financing problems of SMEs .

  6. 他表示,有可能选择一家全球或区域性银行,但收购基金不太可能符合其标准。

    This could be a global or a regional player , but buy-out firms would be unlikely to match the profile , he said .

  7. 以往我国大多数的学者仅对全国范围内商业银行的效率进行实证分析,较少对区域性银行业的效率进行实证分析。

    Most of the scholars of the past only analysis the operating efficiency of Nationwide commercial banks , but they are less of the analysis of regional banks .

  8. 昨日,一批美国区域性银行接受了美国财政部超过300亿美元的最新注资,此举可能推动美国银行业的整合。

    American regional banks accepted more than $ 30bn of fresh capital from the US Treasury yesterday in a move that is likely to spur a consolidation of the US banking sector .

  9. 技术的高昂成本以及它有望带来的高回报使得这一平衡正越发坚定地倾向大型银行,而对小型区域性银行或社区银行不利。

    The high cost of technology and the gains it promises are now tipping the balance more firmly in the direction of the very big ones and against small regional or community banks .

  10. 私人股本高管辩称,在监管者急于为受到危机冲击的区域性银行寻找买家之际,上述规定将阻碍私人股本投资于正在破产的银行。

    Private equity executives argue that the rules would deter private equity from investing in failing lenders just as regulators are scrambling to find buyers for regional banks that have been hit by the crisis .

  11. 对于美国各银行而言,商业地产市场普遍疲弱是一个至关重要的问题,尤其是对于那些在危机爆发前的信贷繁荣期,大量增加对当地开发商的风险敞口的区域性银行。

    The widespread weakness in commercial real estate is a crucial issue for US banks , especially regional lenders that ramped up their exposure to local developers in the easy credit boom that preceded the crisis .

  12. 改革开放以来,我国的银行业发展迅速,商业银行的数量和网点也在不断地增加,区域性银行不断成立。

    Since the reform and open to the outside world , the bank industry of our country has developed rapidly . The amount of commercial banks and their net-spots are also increasing , and the regional banks are established continuously .

  13. 第三,世界银行(worldbank)和区域性发展银行,连同各出口信贷机构,必须扩大贸易融资的信用额度。

    Third , the world bank and regional development banks , with export credit agencies , must offer expanded lines for trade financing .

  14. 30年代的教训导致了关贸总协定(generalagreementontariffsandtrade)的诞生,该组织逐渐发展为世界贸易组织(wto)、国际货币基金组织(imf)、以及后来的各种区域性发展银行。

    The lessons of the 1930s led to the general agreement on Tariffs and trade , which evolved into the World Trade Organisation , the International Monetary Fund , the world bank and later the regional development banks .

  15. 区域性商业银行的营业空间设计研究

    Research on the Design of Operating Room of Regional Commercial Bank

  16. 区域性商业银行的企业社会责任研究

    The Research of Regional Commercial Bank 's Corporate Social Responsibility

  17. 借助世界银行集团和区域性开发银行的力量,上述状况将得以改善。

    The World Bank Group and the regional development banks can assist .

  18. 中小企业信贷融资困境与区域性民营银行的构建

    The Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Credit Financing Plight and Construction of Regional Private Bank

  19. 一些新的区域性高效银行已崭露头角。

    Some new regional powerhouses are already emerging .

  20. 湖南城市商业银行通过合并重组,将组建为新的区域性商业银行&潇湘银行。

    By the reorganization , Hunan city-commercial banks will be integrated a new regional commercial bank-Xiaoxiang Bank .

  21. 区域性中小银行包括城市商业银行、农村商业银行、农村合作银行和村镇银行。

    Regional Small and Medium Banks include Urban commercial Banks , Rural Commercial Banks , Rural Cooperative Banks and Town Bank .

  22. 截至2008年底,我国已有5308家区域性中小银行,有力支撑了经济增长。

    As of the end of 2008 , China has 5308 small and medium regional banks which effectively support the economic growth .

  23. 本文的区域性商业银行是指以一定的行政区域为经营范围的金融机构。

    Regional commercial bank ( RCB ) is the specific financial institutions which business scope within a certain administrative areas in this article .

  24. 第四章考察了我国区域性商业银行资本管理制度的变迁与现状。

    In part four , we review the variance and actuality of the capital management mechanism of the regional commercial banks in China .

  25. 改革开放以来,通过深化金融体制改革,依托于地方经济的区域性中小银行获得较大发展。

    Since reform and opening-up , by deepening the financial system reform , the regional small and medium banks are making rapid progress .

  26. 我们新的“全球贸易流动性规划”将整合世行的10亿美元投资与各国政府及区域性开发银行的资金。

    Our new Global Trade Liquidity Program will combine our own $ 1 billion investment with financing from governments and Regional Development Banks .

  27. 非区域性分支银行机构的现实监管功能定位&再谈基层中央银行的监管目标

    The Function Orientation of the Practical Supervision of Non-Regional Bank Branches & Another Discussion of the Supervisory Objectives of the Central Banks at the Grass Roots Level

  28. 银行表示,在接下来的几个月中,区域性商业银行很有可能触及监管部门规定的行业贷款上限,这将迫使借贷者重回资本市场。

    Bankers say that in the next few months , regional commercial banks are likely to hit sector lending limits imposed by regulators , which will force borrowers to return to the capital markets .

  29. 本文建议由中央政府组建一家综合经营型的区域性政策银行主导整个区域的金融创新是解决这一问题的有效手段。

    This paper suggests that the central government set up a general operated regional policy-based bank to lead the financial innovation of the whole region , which is an effective means to solve this problem .

  30. 近年来,由于外部市场竞争的加剧和内部自身先天不足,特别是市场定位摇摆不定等因素的影响,区域性商业银行的发展面临着巨大的压力。

    In recent years , the survival and development of RCB are faced with enormous pressure because of the external market competition intensifies and the internal self-congenitally deficient , especially the swing of market positioning .