
  • 网络subsidiaries;subsidiary bank
  1. 外资银行可以通过在我国设立子银行与国内商业银行在完全平等条件下展开竞争。

    Foreign banks could compete full equally with domestic commercial banks by establishing subsidiary banks in China .

  2. 王华庆强调,中国采取的方法将是:允许外资银行在保护储户和消费者利益的情况下,不中断现有业务,迅速将在华的分支行转变为子银行。

    Mr Wang stressed that Beijing 's approach would be to allow rapid conversion of foreign banks ' local branches to subsidiaries without disrupting their existing business , while protecting the interests of depositors and consumers .

  3. 2007年,JamesColdwell打劫美国子银行在曼彻斯特及新罕布什尔支行中伪装成一棵树。

    In2007 , James Coldwell robbed a branch of Citizens Bank in Manchester , New Hampshire while disguised as a tree .

  4. 该条例向在中国注册的外资银行子银行开放了中国市场。

    The rules open the Chinese market to locally incorporated units of foreign banks .

  5. 目前,我国国有商业银行主要通过建立分行或子银行的方式进入欧盟市场。

    At present , they make presence in EU market mainly by establishing branches or sub - banks there .

  6. 建行目前在英国以子银行形式开展运营,但该行宣布了雄心勃勃的海外扩张计划。

    CCB currently operates in the UK on a subsidiary basis , but the bank has outlined ambitious plans to expand overseas .

  7. 作为跨国银行海外机构最主要的海外分行和子银行形式,由于两者在设立成本、业务范围和监管责任等方面有较大差异,因而决定了两者不同的适用范围。

    Overseas branches and subsidiaries are the two main forms of foreign institution of multinational banks . They command diverse applications on the basis of the difference on the establishment costs , regulatory responsibility and the scope of business .

  8. 若加上其子公司恒生银行(HangSengBank),汇丰仍控制香港三分之一的贷款市场,吸纳存款的份额也大致相同。

    Together with Hang Seng Bank , its subsidiary , it still controls one-third of the local lending market and holds about the same in deposits .

  9. 当这家德国金融服务集团在8月7日公布上半年业绩时,预计会谨慎讨论出售其零售和投资银行子公司德累斯顿银行(DresdnerBank)一事。

    When the German financial services group reports first-half results on the 7 Aug , expect guarded talk on the sale of Dresdner Bank , its retail and investment banking arm .

  10. 金融业混业经营是相对于分业经营而言,是指金融业内各子行业如银行业、证券业、保险业、信托业之间相互融和、兼业经营。

    The mixed operation of financial industry is relative to the operation , refers to the financial industries such as banking , securities , insurance , trust , mutual harmony concurrently industry management .

  11. 当中国工商银行(icbc)成为首家在中东设立子行的中资银行时,此举被鼓吹为海外扩张和推行“国际化战略”的一个重要步骤。

    When the industrial and Commercial Bank of China became the first Chinese bank to open a subsidiary in the Middle East , it was touted as a significant step towards expanding overseas and promoting an " internationalisation strategy " .

  12. 今年6月,阿里巴巴的金融子公司推出在线银行网商银行(MYbank),其高管承诺将利用这家中国电商集团的大量客户数据,将贷款瞄准小企业。

    In June , Alibaba 's financial affiliate company launched MYBank , its internet bank , with executives pledging to use the Chinese ecommerce group 's vast amounts of customer data to target lending to small businesses .

  13. 墨西哥方面,一家石油服务公司因从花旗集团的子公司墨西哥国家银行非法获得4亿美元的贷款而正在接受调查。

    In Mexican , an oil service company is under investigation for obtaining more than 400 million dollars in illegal loans from Citigroup subsidiary , Banamex .

  14. 中国银行还在对其香港子公司的私人银行业务持续投资,努力从内地第一代富有企业家那里获利,这些企业家是投资银行和商业银行业务的关键来源。

    BOC has also been investing in private banking for its Hong Kong subsidiary as part of efforts to profit from the wealthy first-generation mainland entrepreneurs who are a key source of investment and commercial banking business .

  15. 会计信息系统作为MIS最核心的子系统,和企业其它子系统及银行社会审计等部门有着千丝万缕的联系,它的标准化的实现有利于企业信息化的推进。

    AIS is the core of MIS and it has many relations with other system including bank and social auditing .