
  • 网络Meridian circle;DCMT;transit circle
  1. 由于陕西天文台中丹子午环的结构与传统子午环有许多不同之处,所以对这些仪器的误差测定和研究中也必然有它自己的特点。

    For the DCMT which is a kind of new instruments and is different from the traditional meridian circle , the collimation error was discussed in this paper .

  2. 水平子午环光学系统的精确调整

    The Precise Adjustment of Optical System for Horizontal Transit Circle

  3. 低纬子午环配备科学CCD后的课题目标

    The Research Goal with the Low Latitude Meridian Circle Attached the Scientific CCD Detector

  4. 低纬子午环配备CCD探测器(Ⅰ)&观测原理

    A CCD Detector Attached to the Lower Latitude Meridian Circle & ( ⅰ) The Observational Principle

  5. 低纬子午环配备CCD探测器(Ⅲ)&几项球面天文修正

    A CCD Detector Attached to the Lower Latitude Meridian Circle & (ⅲ) Several Correction for the Spherical Astronomy

  6. 低纬子午环用CCD测微器观测时的星径曲率改正

    On the Problem of Curvature Correction in Case of Low Latitude Meridian Circle ( LLMC ) with an Attached CCD

  7. 低纬子午环配备CCD探测器(Ⅱ)&探测器几个常数的测定和有关修正

    A CCD Detector Attached to the Lower Latitude MeridianCircle & (ⅱ) The Determination and Related Correction of A Few Constants of the Detector

  8. 认为观测精度比较好的仪器,例如PZT,子午环,还有很多工作要做,在天体测量学以及地球物理学领域内,空间技术并不能完全取代经典手段。

    In astrometric and geodynamic areas the classical instruments will not be fully replaced by space technology .

  9. 玻璃子午环上的GPIB接口

    The GPIB Interface Adopted in the Glass Meridian Circle

  10. 玻璃子午环(GMC)的度盘测微器

    The Circle Micrometers of Glass Meridian Circle

  11. 本文根据低纬子午环配备CCD的观测原理,综合考虑视场和星像的定位精度两方面的因素,认为选择1024×1024(24μ)的CCD芯片是一种切实可行的方案。

    According to the observing principle of the instrument to be furnished with a CCD and the comprehensive consideration of the two factors for the field and position accuracy , a 1024 × 1024 CCD with one pixel size of 24 μ is thought of as a feasible selection .

  12. 本文针对低纬子午环(LLMC)高度角控制系统的问题提出了一种解决的方案。

    Aimed to solve the problems in the vertical angle control system in the Lower Latitude Meridian Circle ( LLMC ), a plan is presented in this paper .

  13. DCMT主测微器不同于其它类型的子午环测微器,它具有自校准测定仪器参数的功能。

    The micrometer for scanning stars on the DCMT is very from the types of the micrometers used on other meridian circles since it has a capability automatically to determine the instrumentation parameters . The active slits have advantages over fixed slits .

  14. 利用低纬子午环上配备的Reticon探测器的输出信号,采用重心方法和互相关分析方法分析测定了Reticon用于位置监测的精度。

    By using the output signals of the Reticon detectors attached to the Lower Latitude Meridian Circle , two methods , moment method and cross-correlation function method , are used to analyze the precision of positional measurement .

  15. 用低纬子午环绝对测定大气折射改正

    The Absolute Determination the Refraction Correction with A Lower-Latitude Meridian Circle

  16. 中丹水平子午环基框的方位变化测试与分析

    Test and Analysis of the Azimuth Variation for DCMT Base Frame

  17. 低纬子午环测微器的视栅形式(Ⅱ)

    Grating Form of the Micrometer of A Low-Latitude Meridian Circle (ⅱ)

  18. 中丹水平子午环水平轴晃动的测试与分析

    Test and Analysis of the Sway for the DCMT Horizontal Axis

  19. 水平子午环微光探测系统

    A Detector System for Fainter Light on the Meridian Circle

  20. 低纬子午环精密时间系统

    High Accurate Time System of the Low Latitude Meridian Circle

  21. 对中丹水平子午环水平轴的稳定性进行研究。

    In this paper , the stability of the horizontal axis of the DCMT is investigated .

  22. 描述了水平子午环基框的结构及其4点支承的设计原理;

    The construction of the base frame and the principle of four points support are described .

  23. 低纬子午环的镜筒弯曲检测方法

    A Method for Testing and Measuring the Flexure of the Tube of the Low-Latitude Meridian Circle

  24. 低纬子午环绝对测定瞬时方位差方法的改进(Ⅰ)

    The Improvement of Determination of the Instantaneous Azimuth Error of Lower Latitude Meridian Circle ( LLMC )

  25. 低纬子午环不同方向放置误差的测定方法

    A Method for Determining the Errors Caused When the Lower Latitude Meridian Circle is Put in Different Directions

  26. 仪器误差的精确测定和消除对于提高子午环的观测精度有着至关重要的意义。

    Determination and elimination of the instrumental crrors are very important for improvment of the observing precision of the meridian circle .

  27. 大型反射子午环是用来绝对测定恒星赤经和赤纬的仪器。

    A large reflect meridian circle is an instrument for the absolute determination of the declination and right ascension of a star .

  28. 卯酉圈观测测定子午环的绝对参数(Ⅵ)卯酉方向记录时刻的星径曲率改正

    Determining the Absolute Parameters of the Meridian Circle by Observing the Prime Vertical (ⅳ) Curvature Correction of the Recording Times in the Prime Vertical Direction

  29. 研制高精度的子午环,必须考虑水平旋转轴枢轴不规则的影响。

    When a high-precision meridian circle is developed , the effects of the irregularity of the pivot of the horizontal axle should be taken into account .

  30. 中丹合作的水平子午环本身有自校准系统,利用此系统对我们仪器的水平轴误差(即经典仪器的枢轴误差)进行了测定。

    Using the self-calibration system of the DCMT , the error of the horizontal axis ( named axle error for traditional instrument ) has been measured .