
kǒu fú
  • gourmet's luck;the enjoyment of good foods;lifetime;the luck to get sth. nice to eat;luck in having food;the luck to get sth. very nice to eat
口福 [kǒu fú]
  • (1) [the luck to get sth. very nice to eat]∶指一个人能吃到好食物的福气

  • (2) [the enjoyment of good foods]∶饮食的享受

  • 一个讲究口福的人

  • (3) [lifetime]∶指人的寿命

  • 我不迷信世俗折口福的话

口福[kǒu fú]
  1. 想品尝中国南北双重的美味小吃,感受双重的口福和双重的愉悦吗?请来本店。

    Would you like to enjoy double deliciousness , double gourmet 's luck and double pleasantness the northern southern snacks afford ? Please come to our bar .

  2. 我们今天口福可不浅。

    We 've really lucked out today in enjoying superb food .

  3. 可惜我没有吃苏州点心的口福。

    I have never had the good fortune to taste Suzhou cakes .

  4. 她美餐了一顿,大饱了口福。

    She has HAD a hearty meal to refresh the inner woman .

  5. 那看来我们今天可以饱口福了。

    Then today we 'll satisfy our taste buds .

  6. 我们可是大饱了口福啊。

    We 've really satisfied our taste buds .

  7. 杰夫:我们现在应该去一饱口福了。

    Jeff : we 'd better have the luck to eat something delicious now .

  8. 那今天我可真有口福。

    I 'm getting a great feast today .

  9. 市场内有繁华的小吃一条街,特色小吃应有尽有,经济实惠,一饱口福。

    There are bustling market street snacks , special snacks available , affordable , a Sinseong-hoe .

  10. 如果你对黄小鸭还是饶有兴趣的话,这些栩栩如生的鸭甜品会让你一饱眼福和口福。

    If you want something to sink your teeth into , these vivid duckling desserts will do .

  11. 但如果我不得不从头和面做起的话,吃面包的人就没口福了。

    But if I had to do it from scratch , my guests would be in trouble .

  12. 特别是木兰湖中的各种淡水鱼及山珍海味,使您饱览口福。八仙岛可容纳200余人住宿进餐。

    Mulan particularly in the middle of the lake and fish The professionals allowing you to enjoy the gastronomy .

  13. 你一定要品尝她自制的葡萄酒&一饱口福!

    You must try some of her home-made wine it 's quite an experience ! ie it 's very unusual .

  14. 首先是柜台上那个巨大的罐子,里面装满了杰克逊点心店做的甜饼干,让我大饱了口福。

    First , there was a huge jar of Jackson 's cookies on the counter , which I raided with gusto .

  15. 只要他们制服驯鹿,就是可以吃掉一头用来庆祝,借此一饱口福。

    As soon as they secure the reindeer , it 's time to celebrate by eating one , starting with the tongue .

  16. 以西餐结合云南风味菜系的餐厅,让您既可以享受都市的美味,又可以一饱纳西族美食的口福。

    Our restaurant provides Yunnan flavor cuisine linked with Western style to make you taste both metropolitan style and Naxi local flavor .

  17. 所以,我选择去西安游历的目的之二就是为了去大饱一次口福。

    So on and so forth , this makes another reason which urges me to go to Xi ' an for a visit .

  18. 寻思有人星期日驱车来农庄用餐,是否真的因为人多鸡少,终于没有口福。

    wondering whether it was true that the people who drove up for Sunday dinner at the farmhouse were turned away because there wasn 't enough chicken .

  19. 我们加拿大人非常感激这些具有魔力的树,因为它们给秋天的加拿大带来了美景,给春天的加拿大带来口福。

    We Canadians are very grateful to these magic trees , because they color the Canadian landscape in the autumn and sweeten the Canadian palate in the spring .

  20. 健康白糖,既满足了您的口福,又预防了过量吃糖带来的健康问题,是居家必备的健康食品。

    Health refined sugar becomes an indispensable health food for a family because it can not only meet your taste but also prevent health problems from taking excessive sugar .

  21. 本店菜肴讲究色、香、味、形俱全,在您一饱口福之前,先让您一饱眼福。

    Our restaurant lays stress on colour , smell , taste and shape for our dishes on which would feast your eyes with pleasure Before you have a good taste .

  22. 当今重庆火锅遍布长城内外,大江南北、四海之内均可同享重庆火锅之口福。

    Chongqing hot pot all over the Great Wall today , both inside and outside , across and within the four seas can share the tasting of Chongqing hot pot .

  23. 老板那句浓厚的家乡话一出,我激动的打了个趔趄,啊,一定是家乡的刀削面,现在我可要饱饱口福了。

    The boss that sentence strong revenge a , I concussion of dozen staggered , ah , must be hometown of noodles , now I can want full full the luck to eat STH delicious .

  24. 在5-10年前,方便面曾经是中国大陆许多人廉价的营养来源,但是现在消费者有更多收入,可以用于购买更好的食品,零食消费对于现在的中国消费者来说只是满足一时口福或者是补充能量。

    Whereas five or ten years ago , instant noodles were a cheap source of nourishment , consumers now have more income to spend on better foods , and consume snacks mostly for instant satisfaction or energy .

  25. 泰国:足不出户也可尝遍各地美食泰国的美食爱好者们有口福了,他们不久就能通过当地的邮局品尝到全国各地的美食。泰国邮政的一名官员于本周一称,泰国邮政将推出一项全新的“美味”服务。

    Food lovers in Thailand will soon be able to feast on their favourite flavours from around the country at their local post office when Thailand Post launches a new " yummy " service , an official said Monday .

  26. 可是平日里走南闯北奔波在外,难以满足口福,而制作米糕的圆甄携带也不方便,所以让心疼丈夫的妻子很是遗憾。

    But he was always on the go most of the times and didn 't have the luck in having rice cake . Besides , Zengzi , the earthen utensil for steaming rice cake was not portable , which was really something his wife always felt regrettable about .