
niè hé
  • engage;mesh;falling-in;clench the teeth;occlude
啮合 [niè hé]
  • [occlude;clench the teeth] 指人或动物的上下牙齿咬得紧;[齿轮等]如上下牙齿那样咬紧

  • 打谷机的齿轮啮合性很好

啮合[niè hé]
  1. 这一系统与生产关系系统并不总是“啮合”的,二者有“公转”关系,但都在“自转”。

    This one system and system of relations of production always are not " clench the teeth ", both has " revolution " relation , but be in " rotation " .

  2. 用锥度挤轮加工倒锥齿轮,相当于两轴线相互平行的齿轮作无隙啮合,其加工原理与插齿加工相似。

    Crowd wheel process and change awl gear wheel , in other words each other parallel gear wheel act as and have the crack clench the teeth axises with coning , Process with inserting the tooth similarly in its processing principle .

  3. 如果嵌齿不能完好啮合,齿轮就会脱落。

    If the cogs don 't mesh correctly , the gears will keep slipping .

  4. 齿轮互相啮合。

    The teeth of the wheel gear into each other .

  5. 这两个齿轮啮合在一起。

    The two cogwheels are engaged .

  6. 齿轮啮合得很好。

    The cogs gear smoothly .

  7. 摘要根据齿轮啮合原理,建立了轮齿的精确齿形。

    Exact modeling of gear teeth is based on meshing theory .

  8. 用B矩阵法建立谐波齿轮啮合基本方程

    Study on Establishing the Basic Engaging Equation of Harmonic Drive By the B Metrix Method

  9. 外啮合齿轮泵立体CAD系统研究

    Research of the Entity CAD System for External Mesh Gear Pumps

  10. 内啮合弧面凸轮机构及其CAD

    The Inner Engagement Globoidal Cams Mechanism and its CAD

  11. N型单摆线钢球传动啮合副的滑动率研究

    The Research on Sliding Rate of the Engaging Pair of N-type Single Cycloidal Ball Transmission

  12. 实用外啮合圆柱齿轮CAD程序开发

    Development of CAD Program for External Gears

  13. 边界条件和螺旋角对TI蜗杆传动啮合性能的影响

    Effects of Boundary Condition and Helix Angle on Meshing Performance of TI Worm Gearing

  14. 基于ANSYS非线性分析的同步带啮合变形研究

    Research on Engagement Distortion of Timing Belts Based on ANSYS Non - linear Analysis

  15. 基于ADAMS的新型齿形链啮合仿真分析

    Meshing Simulation Analysis of New Silent Chain Based on ADAMS

  16. 用ADAMS软件对3S离合器啮合过程的一些研究

    Research on the engagement process of 3S clutch using ADAMS software

  17. 分析了齿轮的啮合受力情况,介绍了最恶劣加载线的定义。在ANSYS中对齿轮强度进行了计算分析。

    Analysised the force of gear engagement , Introduced the definition of the worst load line , calculated the gear strength in ANSYS .

  18. 研究表明,只需用三轴联动CNC铣齿机就能加工出主动设计得到的啮合性能良好的准双曲面齿轮的齿面。

    The study shows that the excellent tooth surface obtained by the function-oriented design can be manufactured with the three-axis CNC gear cutting machine .

  19. 为了计算瞬时接触线,建立了存在加工误差时一次包络TI蜗杆传动的啮合方程。

    In order to calculate the position of the contact line , the first-meshing equations of TI worm drive with processing errors are established .

  20. 若调制波含有2次谐波,则在啮合频率fm和它的2倍频2fm两侧各形成2个边带。

    If modulating wave has secondary harmonic , there are two sidebands in both sides of meshing frequency f m and its doubling freqency 2f m.

  21. 基于有限元方法的WN齿轮啮合仿真与接触分析

    Simulation of Meshing and Contact Analysis of WN Gears Based on Finite Element Method

  22. QX型直线共轭内啮合齿轮泵研制

    Development of QX Straight Conjugate Internal Gear Pump

  23. 该系统的主要特点是能够自动推导对齿轮刀具进行啮合分析所必需的各种公式,并将这些公式直接转换成FORTRAN语句,加上系统的各种计算模块,生成完整的数值计算程序。

    Its outstanding features are that it can be used for automatically formulating analysis of the gear cutter engagement and automatically producing a FORTRAN program for numerical computation .

  24. 利用MATLAB与VC++混合编程,较好地解决了TCA分析过程中非线性方程的求解与啮合仿真图形的绘制问题,使螺旋锥齿轮TCA数学算法和编程过程大大简化。

    Based on mixed programming of MATLAB and VC + + , the non-line equations with relation TCA is resolved and the graphs of TCA are drawn . The algorithm and program of TCA are simplified .

  25. 用算符分解算法(AOM)研究了扭矩波动和时变啮合刚度对拍击门槛转速的影响。

    A-operator method ( AOM ) is used to study the influence of the torque fluctuation and time-varying meshing stiffness on rattling threshold speed of the gear system .

  26. 分析表明,只有当蜗轮齿面上的啮合界限线为一条或两条且这两条线不重合时,才能在二次包络TI蜗杆传动副的蜗轮齿面上得到二次接触线;

    The results show that only when there is one meshing limit line on the worm tooth flank or two lines which are not coincide with each other can the second contact line be seen on the worm tooth flank of double enveloping TI worm gearing .

  27. 采用弯扭耦合传递矩阵法计算具有挤压油膜阻尼器(SFD)的多转子系统在弧齿锥齿轮啮合作用下的振动特性。

    The vibration characteristic of muti-rotor system with squeeze film damper ( SFD ) and the engagement of spiral bevel gears were computed by using the transfer matrixes method of lateral / torsional coupling .

  28. 然后,利用Visualc++编制一个齿轮模型设计程序,通过此程序可以输出齿轮的初始啮合视图,更重要的是可以输出ANSYS软件所识别的APDL语言命令流,直接输入到ANSYS进行计算分析。

    Second , using Visual C + + to make a designing program of gear model , show the view of gear shape and gears mesh , it is more important that the program can output APDL command stream which ANSYS can receive and finish the analysis to plastic gear .

  29. 利用Pro/E及MSCADAMS建立该离合器的虚拟样机模型,并在MSCADAMS中对离合器动态接合过程进行仿真,分析棘轮棘爪的碰撞特性,以及中间件的啮合特性。

    The virtual prototype of the clutch is built based on Pro / E and the switch process of the SSS clutch is simulated by MSC Adams . The simulation of the impact performance of the pawl and pawl wheel and the engaging performance of the middle part is finished .

  30. 根据模糊可靠性理论,建立了端面啮合摆线钢球行星传动的模糊可靠性优化设计数学模型,应用SUMT优化方法对实例进行模糊可靠性优化设计。

    Based on Fuzzy Reliability theory , the mathematic model of fuzzy reliability optimum design on the end face engagement cycloid steel ball planetary transmission is established . The fuzzy reliability optimum design for the transmission example is solved by SUMT method .