
kǒu hán piàn
  • buccal tablet
  1. 目的:对喉疾灵口含片进行抗炎、抑菌作用实验研究。

    Objective : To study the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects of Houjiling buccal tablet ( HJLBT ) by experiments .

  2. 经过筛选配方和优化工艺,采用湿颗粒法研制绞股蓝口含片,并对其质量进行评价。

    By optimizing the formula and technique and using moist pellet manufacturing method , a kind of Gynostemma pentaphyllum buccal tablet was prepared .

  3. 目的:建立RP-HPLC测定头孢克肟口含片中头孢克肟含量的方法。

    To establish a method for determination the content of cefixime in cefixime buccal tablets by RP-HPLC .

  4. 低剂量α干扰素口含片的抗病毒实验研究

    Study on low dose α - INF oral Tablet anti-virus experiment

  5. 绿茶口含片安全性毒理学研究

    Toxicological Research of the Edible Safety of Green Tea Buccal Tablets

  6. 雪莲果叶提取物降血糖口含片制备工艺研究

    Technology research of preparing hypolycemic buccal tablet of yacon leaf extract

  7. 旅惠来口含片旅游保健作用的药理学研究

    Pharmacological studies of Lu Hui Lai oral-tablets on touring health care

  8. 螺旋藻口含片增强免疫功能的实验研究

    Experimental study on the immunity-enhancing effect of spiroid alga sucking tablet

  9. 溶菌酶口含片活力测定影响因素

    Study on factors influencing the vitality test for lysozyme lozenge

  10. 目的:研究头孢克肟口含片的处方工艺。

    Objective : To study the formulation and procedure of cefixime buccal tablets .

  11. 动物实验和临床实验表明绿茶口含片具有清咽保健功效。

    Both animal experiment and clinical experiment indicated that GTBT had a throat-clearing function .

  12. 丁丙诺啡口含片对晚期癌痛镇痛效果的临床观察

    Study on analgesic effect of buprenorphine hydrochloride in treatment of pain in late cancer

  13. 茶多酚口含片中总儿茶素的含量测定

    Determination of catechins in tea polyphenols buccal tablets

  14. 方法:采用固体分散体制备头孢克肟口含片,测定其体外溶出度进行评价。

    Method : The solid dispersion method was used , dissolution was determined in vitro .

  15. 目的:建立抗病毒口含片的鉴别方法。

    Objective : To establish the method for identification of anta - virus buccal tablets .

  16. 头孢克肟口含片的制备头孢克肟原药粉末直接压片的研究

    Cefixime Tablets Prepared by Direct Compression

  17. 目的研究清喉口含片的体内、外抑菌作用。

    OBJECTIVE : To study the antibacterial actions of Qinghou buccal tablets in vivo and in vitro .

  18. 葛根花口含片对小鼠急性酒精中毒的预防作用

    Preventive effect of " Flos and Radix of Puerarin Buccal Tablets " on Acute Alcoholism in Mice

  19. 目的:研究丁丙诺啡口含片对晚期癌痛的镇痛作用。

    OBJECTIVE : To study the analgesic effect of Buprenorphine hydrochloride in treatment of pain in cancer patients .

  20. 结论:绿茶口含片急性毒性分级属无毒级、无遗传毒性,试验中最大无损害作用剂量大于5g/kg体重,食用安全性高。

    Conclusion : Green tea buccal tablets has no acute toxicity , no genotoxicity , high in edible safety .

  21. 用过口含片,有呼吸抑制、瞳孔缩小及缺氧症;

    Having used the ″ sublingual tablets ″ and having the syndrome of respiratory depression , pupiles narrow and anoxia ;

  22. 结论:该方法简便可靠,可用于头孢克肟口含片的质量控制。

    Conclusion : The methods is reliable and accurate , it can be used for quality control the cefixime buccal tablets .

  23. 它对人体完全无毒副作用,同时具有抗菌、消炎、抗病毒、抗肿瘤等作用,可被开发成口含片、胶囊、口香糖及口腔喷雾剂等产品形式。

    It was completely no harmful and side-effect to human body , and has the function of antibacterial , anti-inflammatory , anti-viral and anti-tumor .

  24. 按上述配方制成的口含片有山茶蜂花粉特殊的香味、酸甜协调、崩解性好。

    Camellia bee-pollen tablet which was make in accordance with the above-mentioned have special fragrance , balancing on sweet and sour , with a good collapse . 4 .

  25. 临床试验结果表明,金菊利咽口含片的治愈率为29.17%(7例),显效率为54.17%(13例),有效率为8.33%(2例),总有效率为91.67%。

    The results showed that 7 cases were recovery result ( 29.17 % ), obvious effect in 13 cases ( 54.17 % ) . Total effective rate was 91.67 % .

  26. 香口芷含片(咀嚼片)组方采用《中国药典》2010版一部收载的药食同用丁香、黄连、甘草等中药材。

    Chewing Angelica tablets ( tablets ) formula using " Chinese Pharmacopoeia " 2010 version of containing the drug use with fresh lilac , Coptis , licorice and other Chinese herbal medicines .

  27. 松辽盆地南部乾安油田青山口组发育大量含片钠铝石砂岩。

    The Qingshankou Formation in the Qian'an oil field of the south Songliao basin contains abundant dawsonite-bearing sandstone .