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  1. 研究了窄带激励下带有时滞反馈的Duffing振子的主共振响应。

    The principal resonance response of a Duffing oscillator subject to a random narrow-band excitation with delayed feedback is investigated in this paper .

  2. 第三章研究了窄带随机噪声外激下强非线性Duffing-Rayleigh振子的主共振响应。

    Chapter three studies the prinple resonant response of a strongly nonlinear Duffing-Rayleigh oscillator to additive random narrow-band excitation .

  3. 在已有工作基础上,本文提出了自适应加权子模式主分量分析方法(Aw-SpPCA),成功地将此应用于人脸识别,并最终构建了一个基于。

    Based on the previous research work , adaptively weighted sub-pattern PCA ( Aw-SpPCA ) is proposed and successfully applied to the task of face recognition , and then a native face recognition system based on Microsoft .

  4. 自适应加权子模式主分量分析及人脸识别应用

    Adaptively Weighted Sub-pattern PCA and Its Application in Face Recognition

  5. 可以修改子设备主记录中的安装地址。

    You can change the installation location in the master record of the sub-equipment .

  6. 含二次非线性项的受迫振子在主共振曲线上表现的浑沌特性

    Chaotic Behavior of Forced Oscillator Containing a Square Nonlinear Term on Principal Resonance Curves

  7. 抚顺煤田始新统古城子组主煤层堆积动力学机制研究

    Accumulation Dynamic Mechanism of the Main Coal Seam of the Eocene Guchengzi Formation in Fushun Coalfield

  8. 本实用新型是一种瓶口启封装置,它由带偏心脚的启子,主、副转子,弹簧等组成。

    The utility model discloses a sealing and unsealing device for a bottle mouth , comprising an opener with eccentric feet , primary and secondary rotors , a spring , etc.

  9. 变电所出线应采用重合闸,依靠子站主控模块实现快速的故障隔离恢复供电等部分配网自动化功能。

    The outing lines of substations should adopt the recloser , while some distribution automation functions can be realized by the main control module of substations , including quick fault separating and power supply recovering .

  10. word无法撤消此操作,因为子文档或主控文档已锁定。

    Word cannot undo this action because a subdocument or master document is locked .

  11. 如果access发现了看似适于链接子报表和主报表的字段,向导将显示可能的链接建议列表。

    If access finds fields that appear to be suitable for linking the subreport to the main report , the wizard displays a list of possible linking suggestions .

  12. 在此基础上,计算分析了其它参数对调谐体系位移反应和底部剪力幅值的影响,包括调谐子结构与主结构质量比ρ、主结构与激励的周期比βsE、结构阻尼等参数的影响。

    On bases of these , influence of other parameters on drift or base shear amplitude is analyzed , including mass ratio ρ, period ratio of main structure to excitation β _sE and damping ratio .

  13. 子列表和主软件包清单都是通过按回车键离开。

    Both the sublists and the main package list are left by pressing return .

  14. 各子系统由主控机和4个智能A/D模块构成。

    Every control subsystem is composed of 4 pieces of intelligent A / D module .

  15. 一端子连到主终端,另一端子连接和线圈搭铁。

    One end is connected to the primary terminal and the other to the coil tower .

  16. 最终坐标是约束模态坐标加每个约束子结构的主模态坐标。

    The coordinates in final synthesis are constraint modal coordinates plus normal modal coordinates of all constrained substructures .

  17. 系统由静止式进相器控制子系统和主控子系统组成,使用无线通信模块实现静止式进相器和主控机的通信。

    It consisted of SPG subsystem and control subsystem , between which a wireless module is used to communicate .

  18. 本系统采用了髙通公司高集成度的RFT3100/IFR3000收发芯片为射频子系统的主芯片。

    The highly integrated RFT3100 / IFR3000 transceiver of QUALCOMM Corporation is used to realize the main chip of RF subsystem .

  19. 它同样也与圣门第子(祈主喜之)的可信的做法相抵触。

    It also contradicts the authentic acting of the Prophet 's Companions ( may Allah be pleased with them all ) .

  20. 每个子系统分主数据库、临时数据库和网上申报数据库3个层次。

    Each subsystem can be divided into the main database , a temporary database and a database enabling application through the net .

  21. 延长油矿管理局在蟠龙、子长等主生产区经常遇到严重漏失井,直接影响了钻井速度。

    In Yanchang oilfield , serious lost circulation often occur during drilling in Panlong and Zichang areas , directly affect drilling rate .

  22. 所有门户都为黑暗之子敞开,主必须为祂自己开出一条路,否则祂只能露宿街头。

    All doors are open enough to the prince of darkness , but Jesus must clear a way for himself or lodge in the streets .

  23. 主(干)交换机汇集网络上所有子网的主,从交换机,并在堆栈服务菜单中显示交换机清单。

    The Master switch polls the network for all slave and Masterswitches in the subnet and displays a list of the switches in theStacking Services menu .

  24. 例如,相同项目的下一个版本与之前的项目有很多相同的特征,或者子项目与主项目有很多相同的特征。

    For example , the next version of the same project will have characteristics similar to its predecessor , or sub-projects will share the characteristics of the parent project .

  25. 建立了3自由度运动、视频图象及音频同步再现子系统。主控计算机发送信号给伺服控制器控制运动模拟器的运动来完成运动的再现,同时图形计算机控制播放软件实现视频及音频的再现。

    Host computer sends signals to the servo controller to control the motion of 3 DOF motion simulator to realize the recurrence of the motion , figure computer control player to realize video and audio recurrence at the same time .

  26. 以上查询包含一个相关子查询,因为主查询和子查询依靠于同一个表,即employees表。

    The query above contains a correlated subquery , since the main query and the subquery are relaying on the same table , the employees table .

  27. 上海SN公司是一家美国独资企业的子公司,其主营业务为珩磨机床的制造和销售。

    The company of Shanghai SN is an American owned company subsidiary . The main business is honing machine tool manufacture and sale .

  28. 其中工艺自控子系统为自控主系统,采用了集散型计算机控制系统(DCS),具有流量、温度、界面、压力等的测量和调节,顺序逻辑控制,电机启停控制功能。

    It applies colletive and distributive type computer control system ( DCS ) . The system has metering and adjusting for flow , temperature , interfaces and pressure etc , sequence logic control and motor start-stop control functions .

  29. 安装了VMControl子代理的NIM主服务器作为映像存储库,能够存储、捕捉和部署映像。

    The NIM master server armed with VMControl sub-agent becomes an image repository , which is able to store , capture , and deploy images .

  30. 采用Benders分解法可以将这个高维度、非线性、混合整数随机规划问题分解为主问题和子问题求解:主问题是一个多目标整数规划问题,而子问题则是一个非线性随机问题。

    The Benders decomposition method can divide this large scale , non-linear , mixed-integer stochastic programming problem into two problems : a deterministic multi-objective integer programming master problem and a stochastic , non-linear operation sub-problem .