
  1. 试论国民政府基层组织&区署建制在四川的推行及其影响

    Primary Organization of National Government & The Practice of District Organizational System and its Influence in Sichuan

  2. 区署在新县制下成为县政府的附属机构,其设立是暂时和特殊的,可有可无。

    District was the secondary organ of the governments of county , and it was temporary , special and not essential .

  3. 联合国人类住区规划署(联合国人居署)-内罗毕,肯尼亚

    United Nations Human Settlements Programme ( UN-HABITAT ) - Nairobi , Kenya

  4. 联合国人类住区规划署是联合国中负责人类住区问题的机构,着力于解决中低收入人群的居住问题。

    The United Nations Human Settlements Programme is the institution which is in charge of the questions of the human settlements , it tries its best to solve the problem for the low-income people .

  5. 第五十八条香港特别行政区设立审计署,独立工作,对行政长官负责。

    Article 58 A Commission of Audit shall be established in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region . It shall function independently and be accountable to the Chief Executive .

  6. 中国香港特别行政区食物环境卫生署(Food,EnvironmentandHygieneDepartment)正在讨论将安葬费用提高逾一倍至6670港元(合860美元),以便“收回提供相关物品和服务的全部成本”。

    The Chinese territory 's Food , Environment and Hygiene Department is debating more than doubling the cost of burial to HK $ 6670 ( US $ 860 ) in order to " recover the full cost of providing the relevant goods and services . "

  7. 在西九龙区,特别是旺角区一带,渠务署正在推展一个全面计划,改善这区的雨水排放系统。

    On West Kowloon , in particular the Mong Kok area , a comprehensive programme for upgrading the drainage system is under way .