
  1. 谈医学工程技术人员在职培训与继续教育

    Suggestions fo incumbency training for the continue to educate medical engineers

  2. 诊断技术具有医学工程技术化的典型特征。

    Diagnostic technology possesses the typical characteristics of medical engineering technology .

  3. 加强医学工程技术队伍建设

    Reinforce the construction of the group of medical engineers and technicians

  4. 医学工程技术人员在医院的发展中该如何面对

    How should the medicine engineers and technicians face in the hospital development

  5. 医学工程技术人员在现代化医院中的作用

    The role of medical engineering technicians in the modern hospital

  6. 临床医学工程技术在现代医疗机构的应用

    Probes into Clinical Medicine Engineering in Modern Medical Organizations

  7. 浅谈医学工程技术人员在影像设备管理中的工作

    Discussion on Medical Engineering Technicians ' Work in the Management of Image Equipments

  8. 临床医学工程技术发展的趋势

    Direction of technique development of clinical engineering

  9. 当前医疗技术、手段、方法的发展和进步越来越依赖于医学工程技术的发展和进步,而质量安全又是医学工程技术应用的关键。

    The development of medical technology and method more and more relies on medical engineering technology .

  10. 积极培养医学工程技术人才

    Training medical engineering technicians

  11. 现代社会医疗水平的提高越来越依赖于医学工程技术的发展和进步,且集中体现在医疗设备广泛应用。

    The improvement of modern medical service lever depends more and more on the advanced degree of medical engineering , especially the application of medical equipment .

  12. 本文着重介绍医用除颤仪的原理、日常维护及常见故障排除,供医学工程技术人员参考。

    The essay will introduce principles and daily maintenance of medical defibrillator and elimination of usual malfunctions so that the medical engineering technicians may use it for reference .

  13. 文章通过查阅相关文献和实践,探讨临床医学工程技术在医疗仪器调试与临床应用中的价值及医疗仪器设备的技术管理与评价。

    This article , by consulting relevant literatures and practices , has probed into the value of clinical medicine engineering and the technical management and appraisal of medical instrument .

  14. 随着医疗设备的大批装备,医学工程技术人员的专业水平需要迅速提高,对工程技术人员的培训显得尤为重要。

    With the large quantity of the medical equipments , improving of the technical professional level of the med ˉ ical engineering teem is necessary and training the medical engineers and technicans is important .

  15. 本文从医疗仪器的质量控制、保期内的维修技术监督、设备维护保养及正常工作的技术支持等方面,阐述了医学工程技术人员在医院发展中的作用。

    This article expatiate the function of the medical engineering technicians in the hospital development , from several view of quality control of medical equipment , technical supervise with guarantee to keep medical equipment in good repair , maintenance and technical support .

  16. 转换工作模式提高医学工程专业技术水平

    Working mode conversion for skill improvement of technicians in medical engineering

  17. 医学工程人员技术培训班规模的探讨

    Discussion on the Scale of Technical Training Class of Medical Engineers

  18. 医院医学工程科技术管理规范专题一医疗器械采购技术管理规范探讨

    Discussion on Procurement Managerial Technique Standard of Medical Equipment

  19. 物理学的进步使医学工程新技术得到不断地发展。

    As the physics advance , the new technology of medical engineering has been developed continuously .

  20. 它融合了智能控制理论、微电子技术、计算机控制技术、机械设计与制造、生物医学工程及康复医学工程等技术。

    This project integrates intelligent control theory , microelectronic technology , computer control technology , mechanical design and manufacture technology , biomedical engineering with rehabilitation medicine engineering etc.

  21. 众所周知,线性回归模型在现代统计学中是最重要的模型之一,它的应用遍及工业、农业、经济、保险、生物、医学、工程技术和社会科学等领域。

    As we all know , linear regression model is one of the most important models in the modern statistics , which is used extensively in industry , agriculture , economy , insurance , biology , medicine , engineering technology , social science and other fields .

  22. 目的研究国内首台由卫生部口腔医学计算机应用工程技术研究中心与中国科学院自动化所共同研制开发的三维颅颌面数据激光测量与重建系统的可靠性和稳定性。

    Objective To study the stability and the reliability of the first 3D laser cranio-maxillofacial reconstruction system in China .

  23. 随着航空航天、国防、现代医学以及生物工程技术的发展,对小型化设备和微小尺寸零件的需求越来越多,并且形状精度、尺寸精度和表面质量要求极高,对现有制造技术带来严峻的挑战。

    With the development of aeronautics , national defense and modern medical biotechnology , miniaturization equipments and micro-magnitude parts with high dimensional precision are needed , high shape precision and surface quality are required , so that traditional manufacturing technology is facing severe challenges .

  24. 在医学、物理学和工程技术等方面,X射线技术得到了广泛的应用。

    X-ray technology has found wide application many fields such as medicine , physics , optics and mechnical engineering .

  25. 在物理、生物、医学、地质和工程技术领域都存在着大量的不适定问题,比如参数识别问题、非线性不适定Hammerstein积分方程以及求解第一类Fredholm积分方程等。

    There are a lot of ill-posed problems in physics , biology , medicine , geology and engineering technology . For example , parameter identification problems , nonlinear ill-posed Hammerstein integral equation , the solution for the first kind of Fredholm integral equation and so on .

  26. 随着医学影像工程和计算机技术的发展,医学成像技术已经成为现代医疗的一个重要组成部分,其应用贯穿于整个临床工作。

    With the development of medical image engineering and computer technology , medical imaging has become one of the most important parts in modern medical treatment .

  27. 超声医学是物理学、医学和电子工程技术相结合的一门新兴科学。超声诊断设备和临床超声医学发展研讨会纪要

    Ultrasonic medicine is an emerging science associated with physics , medicine and electronic engineering technology . Summary of the Workshop on New Developments in Ultrasonic Diagnostic Devices and its Clinical Applications

  28. 摘要决定医学工程科发展的首要因素是医学工程技术人员的素质。

    The quality of technicians is the dominate factor to determine the level of medical engineering section .