
  • medical expenses;medical costs;medical bill
  1. 第二段首句对上面的数字变化进行总结,突出了discrepancy(差异)一词,一方面是高涨(soar)的医疗费用,另一方面是不能令人满意的医院设施,而后分两方面来说。

    This table illustrates clearly the discrepancy between the soaring medical expenses and the unsatisfactory hospital facilities .

  2. 文献报道美国因IBS而消耗的医疗费用,每年约需80亿美元。

    It was reported that the medical expenses for IBS were about 8 billion US dollars one year in America .

  3. 有些家庭因无力支付医疗费用而得不到医治。

    Some families go without medical treatment because of their inability to pay .

  4. 答案是,对于不断上涨的医疗费用,没人能给出简单的解决方案。

    The answer is that no one has an easy fix for rising medical costs .

  5. 美国人非常关心无节制上涨的医疗费用和医保费用。

    Americans are deeply concerned about the relentless rise in health care costs and health insurance premiums .

  6. 实际上所有的专家都认为以治疗次数而非质量和效果作为医生的回报机制的医疗费用体系是医疗费用高昂的主要原因。

    Virtually all experts agree that the fee-for-service system — doctors are rewarded for the quantity of care rather than its quality or effectiveness — is a primary reason that the cost of care is so high .

  7. 好消息是,众议院刚刚通过的一项法案和参议院财政委员会通过的一项法案将实施或测试许多改革,这些改革将有助于长期减缓医疗费用的上涨。

    The good news is that a bill just approved by the House and a bill approved by the Senate Finance Committee would implement or test many reforms that should help slow the rise in medical costs over the long term .

  8. 很明显,医疗费用支出和人们身体虚弱有很多客观原因

    Clearly , there are enormous externalities on health costs and debilitation on society .

  9. Logistic回归在住院病例医疗费用分析中的应用

    Application of Logistic regression in analysis of inpatients ' medical expenditure

  10. 比较、分析LH和OH病人的全部直接医疗费用和相关的间接费用。

    All relevant direct medical costs and indirect costs of these patients were compared and analyzed .

  11. 比较患者RFA及PEIT1、2、3、4、5年生存率和并发症,统计两组患者的医疗费用。

    The complications , cost for treatments , and survival rate of 1,2,3,4,5-year were compared .

  12. 基于DRGs的住院医疗费用分析

    The Analysis about the Expense of Inpatient Based on DRGs

  13. 任何ACES保险未包括的医疗费用一律是父母的责任。

    Any medical expenses not covered by ACES insurance are the sole responsibility of the parents .

  14. 结论LC能缩短手术时间、住院时间,降低医疗费用,加快床位周转,提高卫生资源的利用效率。

    Conclusion LC could shorten the operative time , hospitalization time , lower the medical cost , speed up the bed turnover and increase the efficiency in the use of health resource .

  15. 结论:小剂量rtPA静脉溶栓可获较高冠脉再通率,明显改善心功能,降低病死率、出血并发症及医疗费用。

    Conclusion : The treatment with transvenous low dose of rt PA may acquire the higher rate of coronary reperfusion , remarkably improve the heart function and reduce the mortality and bleeding incidence .

  16. 目的:调查住院病人药物不良事件(ADE)发生率、因ADE而造成的医疗费用、延长的住院时间及ADE的可防范率。

    Objective : To assess existence and preventability of adverse drug events ( ADEs ) and to investigate excess length of stay and extra hospital charges of the ADEs .

  17. 结论早期肠内营养支持可提高ARDS患者的免疫功能,提高总蛋白水平,降低最终病死率,缩短机械通气时间和住ICU时间,从而降低患者的医疗费用。

    Conclusions Early enternal nutrition can improve the immune function of patients with ARDS , raise total protein , decrease mortality and the time of ventilation and staying in ICU , so as to reduce the treat cost .

  18. 依据我国改革开放以来的统计数据,对经济增长、人口老龄化与我国医疗费用增长的相关性进行协整检验和Granger因果关系检验。

    Based on the statistic data of China from 1978 to 2003 , this article carried out a cointegration test and a Granger causal relation test on the correlations among economic growth , ageing population and health care expenditures .

  19. 方法:采用Zung自评抑郁量表和A型行为类型问卷对69例脑卒中患者进行评定,同时收集患者的年龄、性别、行为类型、文化程度、婚姻状况、医疗费用负担状况等资料。

    Methods : 69 patients with stroke were assessed by Zung Self-rating Depression Scale and Type A Behavior Pattern Scale . Their sex , age , behavior type , marital condition , level of education , supportor of medical expenses were collected and analysed statistically .

  20. 通过这些措施,控制医疗费用。

    Through these measures , we can contain the health expenditure .

  21. 他是否需要额外资金来帮助他支付医疗费用?

    Did he want extra money to help pay hospital bills ?

  22. 医疗费用快速上涨,其中一个重要的原因是医疗保障支付制度的不合理。

    Irrational payment system of medical insurance is a major reason .

  23. 但人们仍将面对医疗费用的巨大压力。

    But people will still face heavy pressure from healthcare costs .

  24. 内科疾病医疗费用的变异程度大于外科疾病;

    Internal medicine is higher than surgery in medical expense variation .

  25. 结果建立了10个病种的医疗费用标准。

    Results Hospitalization expense standard of 10 diseases are developed .

  26. 灰色模型法预测上海市职工年人均医疗费用

    Projecting medical expenses per capita of employee in Shanghai by Grey model

  27. 浅析医疗费用保险中的代位求偿权

    Discussion on the Right of Subrogation in Medical Expense Insurance

  28. 在全部的费用中直接医疗费用占了较大部分。

    The major cost in the treatment of epilepsy was direct cost .

  29. 病种住院日和医疗费用分析及影响因素

    Analysis of Disease Variety and Medical Expense and Affecting Factor

  30. 2007年我国呼吸系统疾病直接医疗费用分析

    Analysis on direct medical cost of respiratory diseases in China in 2007