
  • 网络Hong Kong Cantonese
  1. 香港粤语与英语的混用现象

    On the Mixing of English in Hong Kong Cantonese

  2. 《唐字调音英语》与二十世纪初香港粤语的声调

    English Made Easy and the Tone System of Hong Kong Can tone se at the Beginning of the 20th Century

  3. 从1935年开始,香港的粤语片产量每年递增。

    Since 1935 the number of Cantonese films made in Hong Kong was increased yearly .

  4. 口语上更差,因他们大多数人在香港只讲粤语方言,甚至说话经常夹杂白话和英文单词。

    Orally it is worse , for most of them are at home only in the Cantonese dialect , and even this is often spoken in a mixture of the vernacular and English words .

  5. 随着《貂蝉》的出现,香港进人了粤语片与国语片并存的时期,国语片的产量渐多。

    A Beauty Hong Kong entered the coexistence period of Cantonese films and Chinese language films and the number of the latter was increasing

  6. 作为上海一个权势家族的后代,荣智健偶尔会尝试用香港最通行的粤语回答提问。

    The scion of a powerful Shanghai family , Mr Yung occasionally attempted to answer questions in Cantonese , the Chinese dialect most prevalent in Hong Kong .

  7. 1935主演《新挑花扇》。后移居香港,曾参加粤语片的拍摄,以后长期生活无着,曾沿街乞讨。

    In 1935 , she starred New Peach Blossom Fan , and then moved to Hongkong and acted Cantonese films . For a long time since then , she had lived a helpless life and beggared along the street .