
diàn yǐnɡ mínɡ xīnɡ
  • movie star;film star
  1. 他冒充著名电影明星来骗她。

    He deceived her by pretending to be a famous movie star .

  2. 看见电影明星本人是一件令人十分兴奋的事。

    It is quite a thrill to see a real movie star in the flesh .

  3. 电影明星的私生活总为人所津津乐道。

    The private lives of movie stars never fail to fascinate .

  4. 他和一般的电影明星迥然不同。

    He was very different from the general run of movie stars .

  5. 电影明星旅行时常喜欢隐瞒身份。

    Movie stars often prefer to travel incognito .

  6. 电影明星过去完全受制于大制片厂制度。

    Movie stars used to be slaves to the studio system .

  7. 真的,与其说他像救生员,不如说他更像电影明星。

    He 's more like a film star than a lifeguard , really

  8. 有时候他幻想自己是一个电影明星。

    Sometimes he fantasized that he was a film star .

  9. 她是他最喜欢的电影明星。

    She is his favourite movie / film star .

  10. 他的生日庆贺活动吸引了很多电影明星前来参加。

    His birthday celebrations drew many movie stars .

  11. 她请电影明星在本子上签了个名。

    She asked the movie star to sign his autograph in her notebook .

  12. 当她还是个小姑娘时,她就喜欢模仿电影明星。

    She liked to copy after movie stars when she was a little girl .

  13. 这位电影明星所到之处都有成群的人等着见她。

    Wherever the film star goes , there are crowds of people waiting to see her .

  14. 克里斯汀·切诺维思和彼得·加拉赫主演了贝蒂·康登和阿道夫·格林的音乐喜剧,该剧讲述的是一位百老汇制片人试图在一次越野火车旅行中赢得一位电影明星的爱。

    Kristin Chenoweth and Peter Gallagher star in the musical comedy by Betty Comden and Adolph Green , about a Broadway producer who tries to win a movie star 's love during a cross-country train journey .

  15. 许多电影明星都是时尚眼镜的粉丝。

    Many movie stars are fans of fashion glasses .

  16. 想象一下你是一个著名的电影明星或者一个著名的体育运动员,当你的粉丝们蜂拥而来时,你会怎么做?

    Imagine you are a famous movie star or a well-known sports player , what do you do when your fans run up to you ?

  17. 如今,这对一些人来说似乎还不太寻常,但随着越来越多的知名演员和电影明星展示自己的长耳垂,它最终也会变得更加时尚。

    Nowadays , this might still seem unusual to some , but with more and more well-known actors and film stars showing off their longer ear lobes , it will finally become more fashionable .

  18. 那位电影明星现在对无休无止的吹捧已经厌烦了。

    The film star is blase about endless flattery now .

  19. 他非常希望成为电影明星。

    He has an urge to become a film star .

  20. 比如:(苏俊说他和那个电影明星是朋友,但事实上他们并不认识。他只是问她要了一张自拍合影而已。)

    Sujun said he was friends with that film star , but they didn 't actually know each other . He just asked her for a selfie .

  21. 但是别人告诉Clifford电影明星必须得参加这些party。

    But they say movie stars have to go to parties .

  22. 他化名罗克•赫德森(RockHudson),成为家喻户晓的电影明星。

    He later found film stardom under the name of Rock Hudson .

  23. Bigwheel大人物可能是公司的主心骨,政治领袖,或者著名的电影明星。

    A big wheel may be the head of a company , a political leader , a famous movie star .

  24. 这位在《白宫风云》(TheWestWing)中扮演帅哥山姆•希伯恩(SamSeaborn)的电影明星刚刚将两名曾在他家工作的保姆告上法庭,指控她们散布“恶毒的谎言”及勒索。

    The actor , who played the gorgeous Sam Seaborn in The West Wing , has just filed lawsuits against two ex-nannies accusing them respectively of spreading " malicious lies " and of blackmail .

  25. 受害名人包括政客,英国前文化部长泰莎·乔尔TessaJowell等公共人物和女演员席安娜·米勒(SiennaMiller)等电影明星。

    The list of claimants includes film stars , like the actress Sienna Miller and public figures such as the politician and former Culture Minister Tessa Jowell .

  26. NeilEdgeller和董征在本期节目中为大家介绍2007年奥斯卡奖项得主,并让大家亲耳倾听诸位电影明星的采访录音。

    Neil Edgeller and Jean Dong find out who the winners of the2007 awards were and listen to some famous people in the world of film .

  27. 另外也因为她不是电影明星。

    Another reason is that she is not a movie star .

  28. 许多电影明星的职业生涯开始于情景喜剧。

    The careers of many movie stars began in situation comedy .

  29. 跟一些和电影明星们工作的家伙谈话。

    To talk to some guy who works with movie stars .

  30. 因为电影明星从不按菜单点菜。

    Because movie stars can never order straight from the menu .