
  1. 尽管最近已经涨了两倍,但古巴的医疗系统依赖的初级保健医师的薪水依然很低。

    The primary care doctors Cuba 's system depends on are poorly paid , even though salaries tripled recently .

  2. 现代医院的发展,从技术层面上看对医疗设备的依赖性越来越大,其固定资产的比例由原先占医院固定资产的20%~30%上升到50%~70%。

    In the lay of technology , the modern hospital depends more and more on equipments than before , and theirs proportion in fixed assets have increased from 20 % ~ 30 % to 50 % ~ 70 % .

  3. 人们对不同医院的医疗服务的需求依赖于医院提供的医疗服务质量和医疗服务价格。

    Demand for healthcare services depends on both healthcare quality and healthcare price .

  4. 随着医疗服务越来越依赖电子通信,该门户会提供越来越多的工具与服务。

    As the health service becomes more and more reliant on electronic communication , more tools and services will become available on the Portal .

  5. 就全美平均而言,西班牙裔美国人更穷、受教育程度更低,不太可能拥有医疗保险,更依赖按经济状况提供的社会补助项目。

    Compared with the national norm , Hispanic Americans are poorer , less educated , less likely to have health insurance and more dependent on means-tested social programmes .

  6. 介入导管是血流动力学监测、安全输液、静脉营养支持及血液透析等医疗方法的主要依赖途径,已成为临床医疗过程中不可或缺的医用器材。

    Interventional catheter is mainly dependent pathway of hemodynamic monitoring , safety infusion , parenteral nutrition support , hemodialysis and other medical methods , which has become an integral part of medical equipment in medical application .

  7. 由于医疗数据常常进行频繁的修改,大型医疗保健组织非常依赖于XML。

    With sizeable amounts of rapidly and frequently changing data , large healthcare organizations rely heavily on XML .