
  • 网络negligence;careless negligence;careless and inadvertent negligence
  1. 未尽到通常人应有的注意义务,就应当认定共饮人主观上存有疏忽大意的过失。

    If failing to assume the duty of care by ordinary people , the co-drinkers shall be held for the careless and inadvertent negligence in the subjective aspect .

  2. 如何理解疏忽大意的过失中的应当预见

    How to Comprehend " Should Foresee " of Negligence Faulty

  3. 滥用职权罪与玩忽职守罪的区别主要在主观方面,滥用职权由间接故意和过失构成,且滥用职权的过失只限于过于自信的过失,玩忽职守罪只能由过失构成且仅限于疏忽大意的过失。

    The difference between the crime of power abuse and negligent crime is mainly at subjective aspects .

  4. 假想义务冲突包括两种情况,其主观方面可以为疏忽大意的过失或者无罪过。

    Imaginary conflict of duties includes two situations . Its subjective mental attitude could be careless negligence or non-negligence .

  5. 从罪过方面笔者认为本罪的罪过形式只能是过失,这种过失既包括疏忽大意的过失,也包括过于自信的过失。

    I believe that the form of this crime can only be the fault , but also the fault of over-confidence .

  6. 在疏忽大意的过失犯罪中,也存在犯罪动机,这是一种无意识动机。

    In careless negligence crime , there also existing a criminal motive . This is one kind of " unconscious motive " .

  7. 假想防卫只能构成疏忽大意的过失或者意外事件或者一般违法行为,而不可能构成故意犯罪。

    Imaginary defense can only form careless and inadvertent fault or accidental event or general illegal activities in imagination , cannot form the intentional crime .

  8. 防卫过当的罪过形式不仅包括间接故意、过于自信的过失和疏忽大意的过失,也不能排除直接故意。

    Forms of sin not only include indirect intention , fault resulted from overconfidence and fault caused by negligence , but also direct intention as well .

  9. 其主观方面既可以是故意,包括直接故意和间接故意,又可以是过失,包括疏忽大意的过失和过于自信的过失;

    Its mens rea may be both guilty intention , containing both direct intention and indirect intention , and guilty fault , containing both negligent fault and reckless fault .

  10. 疏忽大意的过失成立的前提是行为人“应当预见”自己的行为可能发生危害社会的结果,而“应当预见”包含行为人的预见义务、预见能力、可预见性和危害社会的法定的结果。

    The premise that negligence faulty establishes is that a behavior person should to foresee own behavior that may result in the social endangers . What should foresee include behavior the duty to foresee , the ability to foresee etc.