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  • 网络Hydrophobic binding;hydrophobic association
  1. 本文综述了具有两个疏水结合部位和多重识别功能的桥联环糊精仿酶研究进展。

    This paper reviews the advances in modeling enzymes by using bridged cyclodextrins which have two binding sites and multiple recognition abilities .

  2. 阴离子表面活性剂与DNA之间以静电排斥为主,也有部分疏水性结合,它使MB的氧化还原峰峰电流减小。

    The interaction between DNA and anionic surfactants is attributed to electrostatic repulsion and hydrophobic binding , which makes the peak current of MB decrease .

  3. 酪蛋白内源荧光的研究表明,SDS与酪蛋白的疏水区域结合后,阻碍了色氨酸与酪氨酸残基之间的能量传递。

    The intrinsic fluorescence results show that the addition of SDS hampers the energy transfer between Trp and Tyr residues after SDS binding to the hydrophobic domain of casein micelles .

  4. 据τR变化的趋势,推测TFP和JuA都是通过疏水作用结合到CaM上的疏水沟区,但两者的结合位点可能不同。

    It is likely that both JuA and TFP bind on CaM through hydrophobic interaction , but the binding sites and ways of binding on CaM are different .

  5. 本章工作选取邻苯二甲酸酯作为模型疏水化合物结合气质联用技术去系统评价C18功能化的Fe3O4@mSiO2微球提取疏水性分子的效率。

    Several kinds of phthalates were used as the model hydrophobic organic compounds to systematically evaluate the performance of the C18-functionalized Fe3O4 @ mSiO2microspheres in extracting hydrophobic molecules by using a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry .

  6. 疏水层析结合冷乙醇沉淀纯化人血清白蛋白

    Purification of Human Serum Albumin from Plasma with the Combination of Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography and Cold Ethanol Precipitation

  7. 综述指出,土壤中农药残留与有机质存在以下几种作用机理:共价键结合、离子键结合、电荷转移复合体、配位体交换、疏水性结合、螯合作用以及氢键和范德华力;

    The mechanisms of interaction between organic matter and pesticide residues as follows : covalent bonding , ionic bonding , charge transfer complexes , ligand exchange , sequestration , hydrophobic sorption , hydrogen bonding and Van der waals forces .

  8. 共聚物以动态猝灭的机理使BSA的内源荧光发生猝灭并伴随着复合物的形成,两者的结合作用力主要为疏水作用,结合过程是自发的和熵驱动的,能量能够从BSA转移至共聚物。

    The copolymer can quench the fluorescence intensity of BSA by a dynamic quenching mechanism with complex formation and the main binding force is hydrophobic force . The interaction is spontaneous and entropy-driven .

  9. 视黄醇结合蛋白(Retinol-BindingProteins,RBP)是一类维生素A的运载蛋白,参与血清和细胞内视黄醇/酸的转运,是疏水小分子结合蛋白家族的成员。

    Retinol-Binding Proteins are a kind of circulating carrier proteins for serum and cellular retinol and retinol acid ( VitA ), which are lipid-soluble vitamins , they are members of hydrophobic binding protein family .

  10. 方法采用离子交换、分子筛、疏水层析相结合的方法分离纯化兔骨骼肌肌钙蛋白C(sTnC).制备TnG-Sepharose4B亲和层析柱。

    Methods Rabbit skeletal muscles troponin C ( sTnC ) was purified by ion exchange , gel filtration and hydrophobic interaction chromatography to prepare ThC-Sepharose 4B affinity chromatography column .

  11. 将蛋白质表面残基的可及性和该残基的疏水特性相结合,定义了一个参数Φ,并用此方法分析了GroEL和GroES相互作用的3个氨基酸,得到了很好的结果。

    Put forward a new method to analyze the interaction propensity of proteins by introducing a parameter 0 . Using this method , we analyze the three amino acids at the interaction surface of GroEL and GroES and acquire a good result .

  12. 盐析与疏水层析相结合快速分离提纯猪胰激肽释放酶

    Rapid Purification of Kallikrein by the Combination of Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography and Salt Precipitation

  13. 水相中模板和功能单体主要以静电作用和疏水作用相结合。

    The functional monomers were showed to combine the templates mainly through electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions in the water system .

  14. 壳聚糖能与血红蛋白通过氢键、静电作用、疏水作用而结合形成壳聚糖-血红蛋白的复合物,其复合物的形成明显改变了血红蛋白所处的微环境。

    Chitosan can obviously associate with Hb to form protein-chitosan complexes using hydrogen bonding , hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions . The complexes can affect microstructural behaviors of Hb .

  15. 蛋白质的空间构型有如下特点:疏水氨基酸紧密的结合在一起。

    The characteristic in the aminophenol is be showed : the hydrophile aminophenol is be closed as soon as possible .

  16. 结果表明草甘膦和人血清白蛋白之间主要通过疏水作用力和氢键结合。

    These results indicated that glyphosate binds to HSA mainly by hydrogen bond and hydrophobic interaction can also not be excluded .