
  1. 对期刊的科学评价,能够正确引导医院后勤管理和技术人员,以及信息人员获取所需信息。

    Evaluation journal could lead researchers and managers to get information .

  2. 适应改革开放加强医院后勤管理

    Adapting Hospital Rear-Service Work to Conditions of Reform and Opening

  3. 循证医学原理对医院后勤管理工作的指导作用

    Functions of evident based medicine theory for hospital logistic management

  4. 中国医院后勤管理工作回顾与展望&中国医院协会后勤专业委员会十年历程

    Hospital logistics management review and prospect : ten years for Logistics Committee of Chinese Hospital Association

  5. 全文对医院后勤管理存在的问题、应遵循的原则、管理的方法等问题进行了思考。

    This paper discussed the problems in the management , principles , management methods and so on .

  6. 所以医院后勤管理水平的高低,直接影响医院的医疗质量和经济效益。

    Therefore , the level of logistics management has a direct impact on medical care quality and economic benefits .

  7. 因此,如何提高医院后勤管理水平,是摆在所有医院管理者面前的一项重要课题。

    But how to make an improvement in logistics management is a key issue faced by the hospital administrators .

  8. 我国公立医院后勤管理流程再造研究再谈日本新国立剧院的舞台技术管理

    Research on Business Process Reengineering of Logistics Management in Public Hospital More on Stage Technique Management of the Japan New National Theater

  9. 文章着眼于下一步二级医院后勤管理的改革,力求从二级医院后勤改革的必要性、重点、难点和怎样进行改革等问题进行探索性的思考。

    This paper focuses on logistics reform in secondary hospitals and tries to discuss the necessity , key issues , difficult issues and how to reform .

  10. 研究者通过对比国内外医院后勤管理运营模式及发展状况,探索我国医院后勤服务社会化改革发展的趋势。

    Through comparing the management mode and progress condition of domestic and oversea hospital logistic socialization , the researchers are seeking for the reform and progress trend of domestic hospital logistic socialization .

  11. 论我国医院的后勤管理改革

    Discussion on the Reform of Hospital Supporting Service in China

  12. 医院后勤服务管理体制改革的探索与思考

    Exploration and reflection on hospital rear-service management system reform

  13. 计算机技术在医院后勤库房管理中的应用

    The Use of Computer Technic for the Manage System of Logistic Depot in Hospital

  14. 应用计算机技术自行开发了医院后勤库房管理系统。

    A manage system for logistic depot in hospital was investigated by means of computer technic .

  15. 香港公立医院的后勤管理采用中央型、集约化、专业化的模式,他们的做法很有借鉴作用。

    On the contrary , in Hong Kong hospitals it was done in a centralized , profession ways .

  16. 第二阶段各医院完成后勤管理体制、资产制度、劳动用工制度等方面的改革;

    In the second stage , each hospital should complete reform in its systems of logistics management , properties , and labor employment .

  17. 医院的后勤管理工作是医院的后勤保障和支持系统,在完成日常治疗、教学和科研活动中都具有非常重要的意义,且都占据重要的地位。

    Logistics management work also functions as the logistics supporting system and it is of great significance in medical treatment , teaching and scientific research .

  18. 医院后勤服务社会化管理现行模式的探讨

    Study on the current schema of the socialization of hospital logistic administration

  19. 医院后勤工作粗放型管理模式和封闭型福利供给模式亟待改革。改革方向是服务社会化,措施是改革用人制度,激活人才潜能;

    Traditionally the extensive management pattern and closed welfare supply pattern have existed in hospital 's rear service .

  20. 医院为适应社会主义市场经济体制,应加速医院后勤管理模式的改革。

    To fit into the socialist market economy , hospital should speed up reforming their logistic service management mode .

  21. 目的:探讨医院后勤服务社会化的模式,提高医院的后勤管理水平。

    Purpose : to explore the model for socializing logistics service in hospitals in order to improve managerial ability for logistics service in hospitals .

  22. 它为促进医院后勤的信息化进程做出了一定的贡献,为优化医院后勤管理,提高后勤工作的效益和效率,加强后勤队伍建设,以及对整个医院的发展建设具有十分重要的意义。

    It contributes a lot to the information advancement of the hospital logistics , and it plays an important role in optimizing the hospital logistics management , improving the efficiency of logistics work , strengthening the construction of the logistics team and promoting the development of the hospital .

  23. 现代医院要在激烈的医疗市场竞争中求生存、图发展,就需要非常重视医院后勤管理的发展和创新。

    Modern hospitals are seeking for survival and progress in the drastic medical market competition . Hospital should attach importance to development and innovation of hospital logistic management .

  24. 为了做到保障有力,医院后勤必须走社会化之路,可采取循序渐进,初步实现后勤半社会化,并探索医院后勤保障社会化管理的最佳模式。

    Therefore , hospital logistics must take the process of socialization . The author puts forward that hospitals can take gradual steps , reaching the semi socialized stage of logistics supply , and then explores the best mode for socialization of hospital logistics .