
  1. 位于利比亚联合国的伙伴有塔赫尔·艾尔萨维及IMC国际医疗团。

    The U.N. partners in Libya are Taher Al-Zawi and the IMC , the International Medical Corps .

  2. 国际医疗团的一位营养学家在难民营中为一名三个月的婴儿称体重,检查其是否营养不良。

    A nutritionist from the International Medical Corps weighs a three-month-old baby from one of the camps to check for malnutrition .

  3. 我和我的妻子盼望着您随着中国医疗代表团来时和您见面。

    My wife and I will be looking forward to seeing you when you come with the Chinese medical delegation .

  4. 他呼吁来自教育、经贸及医疗界的代表团成员支持学生实习计划。

    He urged the delegation members who came from the academic , economic , business , and medical sectors to support the programme .