
  • 网络semisubmersible rig;semi-submersible drilling rig
  1. 随着技术的进步,半潜式钻井平台和钻井船不断更新换代,额定作业水深和钻深能力相应增大。

    Continued technological advances are pushing the rated depth of underwater operation and drilling capacity to record highs .

  2. 简要回顾了海上移动式钻井装置的发展历史,进一步阐述自升式钻井平台、半潜式钻井平台、钻井船三种移动式钻井装置的主要特征、应用现状和发展趋势。

    This paper introduces the developing progress of Mobile offshore drilling units and presents the characteristics , applications and trends of three types of mobile offshore drilling units , including jackups , semi-submersibles , drillships .