
  • 网络Half lethal concentration;TLm
  1. 半致死浓度Lc50与pH和水的硬度成反比。

    The lethal concentration is inversely proportional to pH and water hardness .

  2. 结果表明,苜蓿愈伤组织经DES处理,DES的半致死浓度为03%,愈伤组织的抗寒性增强。

    The DES concentration resulting in 50 % death was 0.3 % , and the cold resistance of alfalfa callus was increased .

  3. 结果发现沙棘籽渣黄酮类化合物对Bcap-37细胞有明显的增殖抑制作用,抑制率呈明显的剂量&效应关系,半致死浓度(IC(50))为600μg/ml。

    The results showed a dose-dependent effect of proliferation inhibition in Bcap-37 cells , IC_ ( 50 ) was 600 μ g / ml.

  4. 致病性研究表明水温20℃时,该菌对牙鲆(平均体重10g)3天的半致死浓度LD(50)为2.O×10~8CFU/mL。

    Infection test showed that 3-day LDso of the pathogen to Japanese flounder , Paralichthys olivaceus ( with mean weight : 10 g ) was 2.0 108 CFU / mL.

  5. 各提取液的半致死浓度(LC50)随着藤壶无节幼体在各提取液中的暴露时间的延长越来越低,但下降幅度存在一定差异性。

    With the prolonging of exposed time , LC50 of the extracts were getting lower and lower , but changing ranges were different .

  6. 半致死浓度(LC50)池水温度较低,一年中有半年冰封期。

    Lethal concentration ( LC50 ) The water in the lake is comparatively cold and the lake remains frozen half of the time each year .

  7. 采用标准实验方法测定了21种硝基苯类化合物对隆线蚤(Daphniacarinata)的48h半致死浓度值,结果lg(1/LC50)的范围在349~540之间;

    The half lethal concentration of 48 ? h-LC_ ( 50 ) of 21 nitrobenzenes to Daphnia carinata was determined by use of the standard test method , and the range of toxicity was from 3.49 for nitrobenzene to 5.40 for 1,4-dinitrobenzene .

  8. 为今后的生物监测提供可靠的半致死浓度的数据。

    The median lethal concentration data is reliable for future biological observation .

  9. 在鱼鳔形成期半致死浓度最高,在此时期抵抗力最高。

    While during swimming baldder formation , the semi-lethal concentration is maximum and the resistance is highest . 3 .

  10. 抗生素对栉孔扇贝面盘幼虫半致死浓度的初步试验

    Preliminary Test on the Effect of Antibiotic on the Lethal Concentration 50 % of Veliger Larva of Chlamys farreri

  11. 浓度梯度按等对数间距设置,半致死浓度采用直线内插法进行计算。

    The grades were designed by equal space between logarithm , and the median lethal concentration was computed by Linear Regression .

  12. 初步认为种子耐盐半致死浓度、种子活力指数和含氮量可以作为种子耐盐性评价和选育的生理指标。

    It is summarized that the seedling 's tolerance of half lethal salt concentration , the seed vigour index , and the seed nitrogen content could be regarded as the physiological index for assessing the level of the seed salt tolerance and whether it be selected for breeding .