
bàn chì mù
  • Hemiptera
半翅目[bàn chì mù]
  1. 蝽科部分种类线粒体COⅡ基因分子进化与系统发育研究(半翅目:异翅亚目)

    Molecular Evolution and Phylogeny of Some Species of Pentatomidae ( Hemiptera : Heteroptera ) Inferred from CO ⅱ Gene Sequence ;

  2. 河南鸡公山地区陆生半翅目(Hemiptera)昆虫区系研究

    Studies on Terrestrial Hemiptera Insects Fauna of Jigong Mountain Range in Henan

  3. 同时,M99型引诱剂还可引诱半翅目、鳞翅目、等翅目、蜚蠊目、鞘翅目等的其它多种昆虫。

    At the same time , the attractants ( M99 type ) can lure other species insects : some of Hemiptera , Lepidoptera , Isoptera , Blattodea , Coleoptera , too .

  4. 河南省半翅目昆虫区系潜在物种数量分析

    Analysis on Potential Species Number of Heteroptera in Henan Province

  5. 半翅目盲蝽科点翅盲蝽属新种新纪录新名。

    Heteroptera Miridae Compsidolon new species new record new name .

  6. 半翅目常见食用昆虫与营养价值

    The Common Edible Insects of Hemiptera and Their Nutritive Value

  7. 海南大叶蝉亚科昆虫种类纪要(半翅目:叶蝉科)

    Notes on Hainan species of subfamily Cicadellinae ( Hemiptera : Cicadellidae )

  8. 河南省鸡公山地区半翅目昆虫区系调查

    The Hemiptera Fauna Survey of Jigong Mountain Range in Henan

  9. 结果表明,宁夏大学馆藏半翅目昆虫共有11科、44属、59种。

    There are 59 species that belong to 44 genera and 11 families .

  10. 半翅目叶蝉科殃叶蝉亚科新属新种中国。

    Hemiptera Cicadelidae Euscelinae new genus new species China .

  11. 宁夏贺兰山保护区半翅目昆虫物种多样性研究

    A Study on the Diversity of Hemipteran Insects in Helan Mountain Nature Reserve

  12. 猎蝽科一新属二新种(半翅目:异翅亚目)

    A new genus and two new species of Reduviidae ( hemiptera : heteroptera )

  13. 泡桐林内同翅目、半翅目昆虫种类及其动态研究

    A Survey of Species and Its Dynamic of Homoptera and Hemiptera in Paulownia Wood

  14. 内蒙古西部荒漠半翅目昆虫多样性及区系研究

    Studies on the diversity and fauna of Heteroptera in western desert of Inner Mongolia

  15. 中国竹类半翅目害虫

    The Hemipterous Pests Endangering Bamboo in China

  16. 六种蝽象的染色体研究(半翅目:蝽科)

    Study on the chromosomes in six species of pentatomid bugs ( Hemiptera : Pentatomidae )

  17. 福建蝽科昆虫区系分析(半翅目)

    Faunal analysis of Pentatomid insects in Fujian province , china ( hemiptera : pentatomidae )

  18. 中国蚜虫类昆虫物种多样性与分布特点(半翅目,蚜总科)

    The species diversity and geographical distribution of aphids in china ( hemiptera , aphidoidea )

  19. 各种半翅目特别是异翅亚目的昆虫。

    Any of various insects of the order Hemiptera and esp. of the suborder Heteroptera .

  20. 半翅目3科5种;

    Species of 3 families Hemiptera ;

  21. 一种半翅目长虫;通常体色鲜亮;是耕作类庄稼和一些果树的害虫。

    A true bug : usually bright-colored ; pest of cultivated crops and some fruit trees .

  22. 胸喙类是单源起源,与头喙类和部分半翅目昆虫种类形成姐妹群。

    The sternorrhyncha is monophyletic and forms a sister group to all other Homopteras and some of Hemipteras ;

  23. 归纳了直翅目、半翅目、同翅目、双翅目、鞘翅目等昆虫的发声机制共十二种。

    There are twelve kinds of sounding mechanism in Orthoptera , Hemiptera , Coleoptera , Homoptera , Diptera et al .

  24. 半翅目长虫;腿长的食肉蝽,以主要吃其它昆虫为生;少部分猎蝽吸哺乳动物的血。

    A true bug : long-legged predacious bug living mostly on other insects ; a few suck blood of mammals .

  25. 福建省蝽科一新种及一新记录(半翅目:蝽科)

    A new species and a new record of Pentatomidae from Fujian and Jiangxi provinces , china ( order hemiptera )

  26. 其中,分布于宁夏的半翅目昆虫有47种,占馆藏总数的80%。

    Among of them , 47 species distributed in Ningxia , which accounts for 80 % of the total recognized species .

  27. 半翅目天敌在田间发生较早,是大豆蚜发生初期的主要控制因素之一;

    Hemiptera natural enemies appeared relatively early in the field , and they were one of the main controlling factors at the beginning of the soybean aphid occurring .

  28. 蝽科是半翅目-异翅亚目中最常见的大科之一,全世界已知760属4100种,国内已知170多属,500余种。

    Pentatomidae is a big family of Hemiptera-Heteroptera . There are 760 genera 4100 species known in the world and about 170 genera 500 species known in China so far . All of them live on land .