
dān jiāo
  • single cross
  1. 玉米改良单交技术的研究及应用

    Study on Corn Modified Single Cross Technique and Its Application

  2. 玉米优良杂交种川农单交9号的稳定性分析

    Stability analysis of yield on the maize fine hybrid " chuan & long single cross 9 "

  3. B:可以,把报销单交给我。

    B : Yes , submit the expense report to me .

  4. C型不育细胞质对玉米单交种及再杂交当代优势的效应研究

    Studies on the C Type Sterile Cytoplasm Effects on Single Hybrid and Heterosis of the Two Single Hybrid Crossed Seeds in Maize

  5. 亲本F、G可以作为早熟性育种的单交种亲本,具有高的丰产潜力,通过选择改良作为早熟性和丰产性并重的优良单交种亲本。

    Inbred line F , G can be used as parent for early maturing , after improving , they can be very good in early maturing and high yield .

  6. 根据数量遗传学原理和杂交育种实践,并以16个小麦单交组合为材料,探讨了F2代组合和单株选择的相对重要性以及F1组合评选的可行性和适宜参数。

    Based on principle of quantitative genetics , the importance of F 2 cross selection and the possibility of F 1 cross selection were studied by using materials of 16 single crosses in wheat yield breeding .

  7. 玉米新品种“吉品7号”是以“Q9563-1”为母本、以“G9716”为父本育成的玉米单交种。

    A high starch maize hybrid " Jipin 7 " was obtained using " Q9563-1 " as female parent and " G9716 " as male parent .

  8. ~(13)C-NMR研究结果验证了动力学的基本假定的正确性,即多活性种参加的动力学模式是合理的,恒定温度下各活性种间的比例近似为(THF/nBuLi)的单交量函数。

    Detailed 13C-NMR studies reveal that the multiple reactive species anticipated Kinetic model , is reasonable . The ratio of different kinds / of reactive species could be traced approximately by a single variable function of THF / nBuLi , when the temperatuer Keeps constant .

  9. 淀粉含量高(总淀粉72.03%),是酿酒的好原料;玉米新品种“吉品7号”是以“Q9563-1”为母本、以“G9716”为父本育成的玉米单交种。

    It is the good material for liquor making because of its high starch content ( 72.03 % ) . A high starch maize hybrid " Jipin 7 " was obtained using " Q9563-1 " as female parent and " G9716 " as male parent .

  10. 玉米姊妹系、姊妹种及改良单交种的生理生化研究

    Physiological-biochemical analysis of maize sib-lines , Sib-crosses and improved single crosses

  11. 12个国内新近育成玉米单交种的引种试验分析

    Test of 12 Kinds of Introduced Maize Hybrids in China

  12. 甘蓝型油菜隐性核不育单交种与三交种的比较

    Comparison between Recessive Genetic Male Sterile Triple and Single Cross Rapeseed Hybrids

  13. 小麦单交组合早代选择的遗传基础研究

    Genetic grounds of early selection for single crosses in Wheat

  14. 鲜食糯玉米单交种津农0802选育报告

    Breeding Report of Food Waxy Corn Hybrid Variety : Jinnong No. 0802

  15. 玉米姊妹系的选育与改良单交的应用研究

    Selection Study of Corn Sister Lines and the Utilization of Modified Single Crosses

  16. 玉米姊妹交及改良单交种的性状表现及应用分析

    Character Manifestation of Corn Sister Cross and Modified Single Cross and Utilization Aanalysis

  17. 玉米改良单交种的聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分析

    Analysis of Modified Single cross of Maize with PAGE

  18. 籼稻改良单交种的选育

    Breeding of Modified Single Cross Hybrid of indica Rice

  19. 玉米单交种冀单18号及其选育

    A New Singly-hybrid Variety of Maize & Ji Dan 18 and Its Breeding

  20. 中国的杂交水稻籼稻改良单交种的选育

    Hybrid Rice in China Breeding of Modified Single Cross Hybrid of indica Rice

  21. 玉米雄性不育化不育单交种利用方式的研究

    Study on the Utilization Modes of Maize Male-sterile Single Hybrids Growing Good Corn

  22. 低磷胁迫下磷高效玉米单交种的形态生理特性

    Morphological and physiological characteristics of P-efficient maize hybrid to stress of phosphorus deficiency

  23. 我这就把货运单交到财务部去。

    I 'll run up there with it now .

  24. 主要稻米品质指标与两单交种差异不大。

    There was no significant difference on rice grain quality between TCH and CKs .

  25. 玉米种子生产技术改进的研究Ⅰ.利用姊妹系配制改良单交种的研究与实践

    Improvement in the Methods of Corn Seed Production

  26. 然后出纳员将此取款单交给银行主管人以获得批准。

    The teller then takes the withdrawal slip to a bank officer for approval .

  27. 芦笋单交组合产量的测验分析

    Analysis of Yield Test of Asparagus interlinear Hybrids

  28. 高油玉米和普通玉米单交种种子活力与种子杀菌剂处理研究

    Studies on Seed Vigour and Fungicide Treatment of High Oil and Common Maize Hybrids

  29. 优质糯玉米单交种苏玉(糯)1号的转化应用

    Transformation Application of Single Cross Species Suyu No 1 of Good Quality Glutinous Corn

  30. 早熟超高产玉米单交种&苏玉9号

    A Single - cross Hybrid Cultivar of Corn with Early Maturity and High Yields