
  • 网络Apartment;flat;Unit
  1. 顶楼用作单元住宅或艺术家工作室的这种楼层。

    Such a floor converted into an apartment or artist 's studio .

  2. 单元住宅供暖系统设计

    Design of Unit Apartment Heating System

  3. 狭窄的住处;努力在又窄又高的单元住宅里带大孩子。

    Cramped quarters ; trying to bring children up in cramped high-rise apartments .

  4. 单元住宅中营造别墅的氛围

    Constructing Villa 's Atmosphere in Residential Dwelling Unit

  5. 这些单元住宅价格合理。

    The apartments are reasonably priced .

  6. 这些单元住宅最初将不做装修,每位住户将能够根据个人品味和需求,自己设计室内空间,包括增设放映室、私人泳池和健身房等。

    The units will be delivered empty and each owner will have the space renovated to suit their own tastes and needs , choosing from options that include screening rooms , private pools and gyms .

  7. 对北京西城区2个住宅小区12个单元住宅的建筑卫生主要因素(座落环境、房间分布、照明、通风、微小气候、室内空气品质、人均使用面积和卫生设施的配置等)进行调查。

    A survey on the essential factors of building hygiene of 12 apartment houses in the Western District of Beijing was presented . The site environment layout of rooms , illumination , ventilation , microclimate , indoor air quality , floor area per person , necessary equipped facilities etc.

  8. 福克斯?泊恩特(FoxPoint)是位于纽约市南布朗克斯区(该市最穷的区之一)的一幢崭新的包含47套单元的住宅楼。

    Fox Point is a spanking new47-unit residential building in the South Bronx , one of the city 's poorest pockets .

  9. 本文提出了CAAD的际准单元组合住宅设计法和一种求住宅外轮廊线的算法,介绍了作者在微机上开发的多层住宅计算机辅助设计系统&MHD(Multi-storeyHousingDesignsystem)。

    This paper proposes a standard unit assembly housing design method and an algorithm for calculating housing specifications outlines . It also describes the computer-aided Multi-storey Housing Design system ( MHD ) developed on microcomputer .

  10. 北京市西城区单元楼住宅卫生学评价

    Hygienic appraisal on apartment houses in the western district of Beijing

  11. 普通单元式住宅的室内热环境及能耗研究

    The Study of Energy Consumption and Thermal Envionment in Residential Building

  12. 高层单元式住宅公共部位平面布置分析

    Analysis on Public Area Plan of Unit Highrise Building

  13. 单元式住宅户内入口空间的设计

    Design on interior entrance spaces of urban housing units

  14. 对单元式住宅电力进线设置漏电保护的探讨

    On the Residual Current Protection of Total In-wiring in a Unit-divided Residential Building

  15. 多层单元式住宅的公共空间与环境设计探讨

    Analysis on the Design for the Public Space and Environment of Multi-storey Housing

  16. 在第四章中,文章重点介绍了单元式住宅的功能空间的组成以及其功能分区,提出了功能空间分区的基本原则。

    The basic principles of the distribution of the unit function space were stated .

  17. 从现代单元式住宅反观中国传统住宅,两种住宅和两种生活有很大的不同。

    There are differences between the modern public housing unit and traditional Chinese house .

  18. 关于单元式住宅设计中的几个问题

    Problems on apartment design

  19. 以单元式住宅火灾为例,讨论了火灾模型在火灾安全分析中对几种情况下的火灾的应用。

    The paper discusses the application of fire model in the fire safety analysis under several different fire situations .

  20. 对于一般6层单元式住宅与6层以下公共建筑未封闭阳台阳台门的热负荷计算进行了分析比较,提出了接近实际状态的计算方法。

    This paper makes analysis and comparison of heating load calculations of unclosed balcony 's door of a common six-storey apartment and sub - six-storey building .

  21. 然而随着我国社会的发展而日益暴露的一些矛盾问题,显示了对单元式住宅楼的公共交往空间进行设计研究的现实意义。

    With the development of society this problem is more and more outstanding , then the importance of research on public contact space of apartment building comes out .

  22. 最后本文通过对设计方法的分析研究,总结了单元式住宅户型设计在当代出现的新设计概念,提出了设计理念,不仅指导设计方法,同时也对单元式住宅户型设计的发展指引了方向。

    At last , the paper sum up contemporary conceptions and bring forward an idea of flat design , Which would guide the development and method of flat design .

  23. 通过对单元式住宅的楼梯、室内外空间、环境、入户方式等多方面的创新,实现在相对低造价的单元住宅中营造出别墅居住的氛围。

    With the creation way in design of stairs , indoor and outdoor space , environment , entrance and so on , we can construct a kind of villa 's atmosphere in the low-cost residential dwelling unit .

  24. 从建筑设计角度研究改善铁路沿线住宅居住条件的方法,主要研究不同类型住宅的房间布局、外维护结构、格栅的做法。房间布局形式分通廊式住宅和单元式住宅。

    In view of architectural design , it mainly studies the improvements of conditions of residential houses along the railway lines , mainly including the room layout of different residential houses and the work methods of external protection structure and grills .

  25. 根据对消防规范的理解,结合工程实际,简述了双出口消火栓的设置问题,探讨了单元式住宅消火栓设置的新方式,并介绍了如何合理确定消火栓的保护半径。

    According to the building fire_resistance code , this paper introduced the installation of two_outage fire plug , the new way to arrange fire plug in flat and how to rationally define the protecting radius of fire plug in the practical project .

  26. 浅谈住宅小区地下车库的人性化设计商品住宅户型单元与商品住宅性能&以西安地区为例

    Discussion on the humanism design of underground garage in residential quarters

  27. 这六个单元的小住宅就是最好的答案。

    These six sleeping units are our answer to this .

  28. 单元式高层住宅楼梯间设计探讨

    Exploration of the design of staircases for high-rise apartments

  29. 交往的发展&单元式集合住宅入户过渡空间的探讨

    Development of Communication & Research on the Entrance Transition Space in Congregate Apartment

  30. 单元式高层住宅消防疏散问题的探讨

    Discussion on evacuation in unit residence of tall building