
  1. 两枚金牌颁给男女个人单项冠军。

    Two medals go to the winners of the male and female individual events .

  2. 两枚金牌颁给男女个人单项冠军。另两枚则授予男女混合双人赛的优胜者。

    Two medals go to the winners of the male and female individual events . The other two are awarded to mixed pairs .

  3. 女单冠军则是由中国的乒乓小将丁宁摘取。她也成为历史上第一位夺得世乒赛单项冠军的90后选手。

    The Championship in Women 's Singles was won by Ding Ning , the first player born in the1990s to win at the World Table Tennis Championships .